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Chapter 232 Help me buy a set of underwear

Tang Tang roared ferociously, she took back what she said before, this is not a disgusting bad woman, but a depraved bad woman.

Not fit to lift shoes for a princess.

She will not just watch Ye Tao fall into the clutches of the devil.

"Anyway, with me here, you don't want to get close to Ye Tao." Tang Tang took Ye Tao's hand, "Let's go."

Ye Tao remained motionless.

Tang Tang looked back worried.

He can't really be confused, can he?

"I can't go." Ye Tao finally had a chance to speak, "It's not us who should go, but her."

"Where are your shoes?"

Tang Tang's eyes lit up, that's right, Lin Xiya's contract was terminated.

It was she who should leave the set.

As for the shoes... Tang Tang realized that he was eager to come out and explain that he didn't wear any shoes. He blushed with embarrassment and ran to the dressing room.

Lin Xiya's face changed slightly, she didn't expect that Ye Tao would not be moved by her at all.

For a while, she was jealous and resentful towards Tang Tang.

"Go away." Manager Su coughed twice, "The compensation has been paid to your account, and you will no longer be part of our company."

"Manager, are you really turning your back on people like this?" Lin Xiya asked.

The manager is also helpless, he can't help it.

Who told you to bully the wrong person?


Lin Xiya looked at Ye Tao with tears in her eyes. Ye Tao's face was filled with disgust, it was as swollen as a pig's head, and it was still powdery. It was really ugly.

"You don't have to go." Ye Tao smiled slightly, "I will let my lawyer come over and talk to you about your crime of wounding."

Lin Xiya's face changed drastically, she was so ruthless that she wanted to call a lawyer.

This is really the most ruthless man she has ever seen!

If Ye Tao knew what she was thinking, he would probably reply to her, that is because you have too little experience.

Qi Yijing, the president of Qi's, understand?

The most commendable thing about kicking people with one leg is that men and women are treated equally.

Compared with the coldness of the second master, he is simply not too gentle.

Tang Tang stayed in the dressing room for 10 minutes before coming out, one was because of embarrassment, and the other was because she was so ugly—dirty and smelly.

It's really rude to face others in this state.

Tang Tang hastily wiped his face with a paper towel, sprayed some perfume to deodorize, and walked out of the dressing room after tidying up so that no one could be seen anymore. He didn't see Lin Xiya: "Is she gone?"

"Let's go." Ye Tao handed her a thermos, "There is brown sugar water in it, it will be better after drinking it."

"Is this your thermos?" Tang Tang asked.

Ye Tao nodded, otherwise?Temporary buy?This was what Xiao Chen gave him just yesterday, saying it was a gift for moving to a new house.

Speaking of which, he has to go to congratulate Xiao Chen tonight.

"Don't worry, it's new, never used."

Tang Tang's ears were hot, and his heart was beating wildly while holding the thermos.

She didn't believe it didn't work.

But he is really considerate, much better than his boss.

"Thank you."

"The driver will pick me up, you go to work." Tang Tang said, "Because of me, you must have delayed work, and if you don't go, you will be put on little shoes."

driver?Didn't you say you should travel low-key?

If Tang Tang's appearance is seen by the Tang family... Ye Tao sighed, forget it, he has asked for leave anyway, he is a good man and will do his best.

"I'll take you home," he said.

"I asked for leave today."

Tang Tang was taken aback, he offered to send her off?Holding the thermos and nodded, a little cautious: "Then I will trouble you."

As the car drove on the road, Ye Tao pretended to have no intention of asking, "Would you like to take a shower at my house first?"

Tang Tang's eyes widened.

What, what? !

She stammered all over: "I think this is too fast."

"Quick?" Ye Tao didn't understand, "You like this dirty clothes very much?"

Tang Tang realized that he had misunderstood, and his face flushed red.

God, it turned out that he thought she was too dirty, and it was just a friendly invitation.

It's not the prince vs. princess she thought... Bah, bah, bah...

She was indeed dirty.

"Then I'll trouble you." Tang Tang wished he could lower his head into his knees.

Too shameful!

When I arrived at Ye Tao's house, there were very few things in Ye Tao's house except furniture, and it looked as if no one lived there.

He lived in Yinlou with the second master most of the time and rarely went home.

"The shower room is on the second floor." He pointed, "There is everything in it, all clean, and the nanny changes every day, so you don't have to worry about anything."

Ye Tao knew that Tang Tang had princess disease, so he took care of it in advance.

"Of course, you can take a rest first."

"No, no, I'm going to take a shower first." Tang Tang waved his hands, almost rushing into the bathroom with fleeing steps, taking off his dirty clothes and washing them.

Dirty is second, the most important thing is embarrassment and embarrassment.

You Qi was seen by Ye Tao.

Tang Tang covered his face in embarrassment.

Ye Tao didn't know what she was thinking, ordered takeaway for two, and was about to choose a gift for Xiao Chen when he suddenly thought of something...

Tang Tang didn't seem to change his clothes?

Ye Tao had a big head and was so busy thinking about Xiao Chen that he even forgot about it.


The carriage was opened, and Ye Tao took out two beautifully packaged bags from the inside, which the second master asked him to buy for his wife before, let's borrow it first.

It's precious... Ye Tao's flesh hurts.

"Button." He knocked on the bathroom door.

Tang Tang's heart hung high in an instant: "You, what do you want to do?"

"...I'll bring you clothes, and I'll leave them at the door."

With the sound of footsteps, Tang Tang quietly stretched out an arm to bring in the bag, and shook off the clothes. It was a very beautiful dress, and it was custom-made.

It should be Ning Chen's.

But only dresses, no underwear.

Tang Tang was stupid again.

What is she going to do?

It's too impolite to ask someone to buy this kind of thing for her, especially if it's a man... But she left her mobile phone outside just now, otherwise she can buy it by herself.


After struggling for 10 minutes, when goosebumps started to appear on his skin due to the cold air, Tang Tang knelt down and covered his face, annoyed and embarrassed.

Footsteps sounded.

"Miss Tang, are you there?"

Tang Tang was suddenly nervous.

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Seeing that she was not coming down for a long time, Ye Tao was afraid that she would suffer from hypoglycemia again, so he came up to take a look.

"It's okay." He reminded, "It's not good for your health to take a bath for too long. You can come down to eat."

Tang Tang didn't want to go down, there was nothing he could do.

Right now, Ye Tao was about to leave again, and she finally got anxious, holding back her shame and shouting: "Wait!"

"You, can you do me a favor?"

Ye Tao walked back: "Say it."

"I, I don't have underwear, can you help me go to the department store to buy a set?" There was a very small crying sound.

Tang Tang was made to cry by himself, shy and embarrassed.


Ye Tao really wanted to slap himself, how could he forget such an important thing.

So it's not that I can't come out, it's that I can't come out.

Ye Tao tried his best to ease the embarrassment, but there was still an even more embarrassing question waiting for him: "I made a sudden move, I will go now, but... what is your size?"

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