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Chapter 233 Special Hobbies

"Yes, I will move to a new house with him tonight, and we will get married by the end of the year when we save up more money." In the brand-name store, the clerk in uniform was brimming with happiness.

"Congratulations, you are so happy." Colleagues envied.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"I didn't expect that, he said that his boss took good care of him." Xiao Chen's girlfriend smiled shyly, and saw a familiar figure.

That's not the boyfriend's special assistant boss, he's going to... a women's underwear store?

Three minutes later, Ye Tao hurried away with two big bags.

Didn't you say Ye Tezhu is single?This was obviously bought for his girlfriend, so she hurried to the bathroom and called Xiao Chen to tell him, "Did you invite Ye Te to help your girlfriend? He takes care of you so well, we must be considerate."

"Where did Ye Zhu get his girlfriend from?"

Ye Zhu has been single for many years, but he does have female friends, let alone a girlfriend.

"I saw him enter the lingerie store just now, and he came out in a few minutes. Obviously, he knows the size of the other party." Xiao Chen's girlfriend hates iron, "Doesn't the partner know the size? You men are just careless!"

"Remember to invite, then I'll go back to work."

Xiao Chen, who was reprimanded inexplicably, touched his head and looked towards the special assistance room suspiciously.

So Ye Zhu asked for leave be with his girlfriend?

Hidden enough.

But Ye Zhu is as busy as a spinning top every day, so the girlfriend he is talking about is probably an online dating bar.

"Xiao Chen, go to the twelfth floor and get the documents from last week, and where did you put the approval slip signed by the previous president?"

"It seems to be at Ye Zhu's place."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, so what should we do?If you miss today, there is no way to get reimbursed.

"Who will go to the president to reopen one?"

The secretaries shook their heads unanimously, no, no, no, no, if such a low-level mistake makes the president pay the bill, he will be scolded to death directly.

"Then we can only share the money together."

The crowd was silent.

These two choices are so difficult that they don't want to choose what to do.

Is there no third day road?

Xiao Chen came up with the documents and saw their bitter faces, asked after a while and said, "I have a solution!"

Yesterday my wife came to pick up the second master from get off work, and I will definitely come today.

Madame opened her mouth, not to mention a mere approval note, pouring tea on the CEO's face would be a minor problem.

"What way?" Everyone asked in unison.

Xiao Chen said mysteriously: "This is a secret. Anyway, I will help you get the approval slip before get off work today."

Why are you so mysterious.

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll go meet up with the Tang family."

It's really tiring without Special Assistant Ye, they all sighed.

In the reception room, Baili Zhou had a glass of boiling water in front of him, and a stack of thick documents beside him.

The secretary opened the door and came in, smiling: "Mr. Baili has been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, where's Mr. Qi?" Baili Zhou smiled so much that his white teeth were showing.

"The president is a bit busy. Sir, you came suddenly and we have no arrangements. If you need to make an appointment to see the president, do you want me to make an appointment for you?"

That's it... Baili Zhou Yi showed a thoughtful look, and got up regretfully: "It's also a sudden whim to meet the legendary President Qi. Since he is busy, don't bother me. This is Tang's document, so I will leave first."

The secretary saw off with a smile.

After leaving the Qishi Building, Baili looked at the building with his hands in his pockets on Monday, suspicion flashed in his eyes.

not him?

He clearly felt a breath on Ning Tong, but there was nothing on the secretary.

Baili thought for a moment and left on Monday.

He'll have to check it out.

"Engagement?" Ning Tong was so startled by Qirou's provocative text that he almost spit out milk tea, "Don't Xiangyang know that things have turned around?"

She actually lost a lifetime of happiness to get engaged to Qi Rou.

Ning Tan hurriedly called Mrs. Xiang, and the answer he got was worrying: "Xiao Yang didn't come back last night, and I don't know what happened to him, Xiao Tan, do you think he can't think about it?"

Xiang Yang really couldn't think about it, especially.

And does he think it's useful to hide it from his parents? Since Qirou wants to be engaged to him, she will definitely ask people to invite Aunt Xiang and the others.

"Senior brother is not that fragile." Ning Tan reassured, "Call him again."

She called Xiang's father again and told the truth: "Uncle, Xiangyang is going to be engaged to Qirou."

"It's Xiao Chen, thank you so much, with this money I can... what? Get engaged?!"

Vicissitudes' voice was raised in volume, his breathing was disordered, he was angry and guilty.

"Being engaged to Qirou for money is not only irresponsible to myself but also to Qirou. I, Xiang's family, have not been so miserable yet! Thank you Xiaoqian, I will go find him right away."


Xiang Yang made this choice and Ning Chen could understand it, after all, no one else would be able to watch the family go bankrupt.

It's like being tricked by your uncle.

The authorities are fascinated.

No one is qualified to judge others from the perspective of God.

"Ma'am, where are we going?" the driver asked after seeing her finished calling.

Ning Tan: "Of course it's to pick up my second master from get off work."

By the way, tell him about Qi Rou, and I don't know if Qi Rou has asked Qi Yijing... Well, she shouldn't dare to refuse.


Inexplicably felt a sense of malice.

On the way, Ning Jing bought two small watermelons, the kind that are squeezed and inserted with straws.

One for her and one for Qi Yijing.

So sweet!

After issuing the military order, Xiao Chen went downstairs and waited. Don't ask him why he knew Ning Yi's whereabouts so well. He wouldn't say that he bought his wife's schedule for 100 yuan to please the president and relieve Ye Zhu's worries. .

"Ma'am." He got into the car knowingly, without attracting anyone's attention, "Can you please do me a favor?"

"The approval slip for our reimbursement was taken away by Ye Zhu. If you miss it today, you can only share the expenses. Can you ask the president to write us a new one?"

Ning Tan took a sip of watermelon juice, what a big deal.

"to make."

Xiao Chen took out the prepared mask, sunglasses and hat.

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, he was really well prepared.

"No need." She had a quicker and more effective method. Ning Li was about to dial Qi Yijing's number when he glanced at the watermelon from the corner of his eye.

It won't taste good after a long time.

After thinking for a second, she took what was in Xiao Chen's hand.

"I'll carry it." Xiao Chen took the watermelon very sensible.

There are people coming and going in the company, and Ning Tong's package is so tight that it makes people wonder, which star is this?

"She has a cold." Xiao Chen explained.

The elevator went up all the way, and Xiao Chen wisely changed the elevator to a dedicated mode.

This is Ye Zhu's card.

Ning Li admired him more and more.

"Ding dong, the 29th floor is here."

Qi Mingjin stood outside with a man with a small belly. The man had a sharp face and a small belly. The two laughed.

Xiao Chen frowned, praying that the shareholder also has a card that can stop the elevator.

"When nephew Xiaofeng gets married, don't forget to invite me."


"By the way, your younger brother is not married yet. He is 30 years old and still not married. I heard that he has rejected many women. Does he have any special hobbies?"

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