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Chapter 231 Ye Tao, You Can't Like That Bad Woman

Two hours later, Ye Tao rushed to the set. In order to let Tang Tang quit as soon as possible, the manager arranged a costume drama with the most difficult environment.

Or the kind of investment that is particularly small.

The manager thought that Ye Tao would ask someone to come over to deal with it. After all, Ye Tao was the special assistant of the president of the headquarters, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he took care of everything.

Unexpectedly, he actually came here in person.

"Where's the person?" Ye Tao was furious.

The manager is more and more convinced that the relationship between Ye Tao and Tang Tang is not easy, and it is likely to be a girlfriend, no, it is possible for a fiancee!

Otherwise, don't come to the set if you know how to work.

You must know that special assistants cannot ask for leave casually.

"In the dressing room." The manager hurriedly said, "I wasn't there when the dispute happened, and the director also went up to stop it, but he didn't."

The main reason is that I didn't expect that a girl as delicate as Tang Tang would actually stand up for an actor who had just met for an hour.

In addition, after performing a night show last night, I fainted.

"The doctor saw it and said it was a little hypoglycemia and fatigue."

Tang Tang was wearing a dirty beggar's outfit and her hair was messed up, but even this couldn't hide her nobility and beautiful features.

She was pale.

Like a poor princess abused by a witch.

"Where is the person who pushed her?" Ye Tao was furious, "Fire me!"

"That's a little popular star who belongs to our company. Besides, she didn't intend to. If she terminates the contract unilaterally, we have to pay a termination fee." The manager tried to intercede.

"I said expulsion!" Ye Tao laughed angrily, "I'll give you how much!"

If you dare to make the Miss Tang family like this, it will be considered good if you don't block her.

Besides, no intention?Ye Tao didn't know what kind of person the other party was, but he knew Tang Tang. She was stupid, but she would not argue with others for no reason.

The other party must have done something she couldn't stand.

There is definitely a problem with character!

"But..." The manager wanted to plead again.

"But what?" Ye Tao turned his anger into a smile, and smiled slightly, "Could it be that you ate her rice?"

"...Of course not, the termination fee is 3000 million."

"Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Lin Xiya has been rumored to have an affair with Yu Ye Gechao recently, the popularity is extremely high, and her net worth has also increased.

Besides, they don't really care about it.

Even if it is the contract signed before, the compensation will be tripled.


Ye Tao took a deep breath and said in an unquestionable tone: "Don't think about it, fire her!"

The manager gave him a complicated look, but he didn't expect this special assistant of the smiling tiger to be a lover, spending 3000 million on beauties without blinking an eye.

Lin Xiya was also unlucky.

It's not easy to push anyone. Push this person with a backer.

As soon as the manager left, Ye Tao immediately called Qi Yijing: "Second Master, can you lend me 3000 million?"

"Your company lost money?" Low Ci's voice was clearly in a good mood.

"No, isn't this a quarterly settlement? It's not easy to calculate from the company." Ye Tao sighed, "I didn't expect any accidents, second master, because I work overtime almost every day, please help me. "

"If you don't want to work overtime, you can resign."

As soon as the indifferent voice fell, a text message reminded the bank card that 3000 million had been credited.

Ye Tao was extremely moved.

He knew that the second master would help him.


"You lent me 3000 million, I will never resign in my life!" He swore moved.

Ye Tao got up to look for the manager, but he didn't notice that the clay figurine behind him had woken up. He stared blankly at his back with disbelief.

Him, is he borrowing money for her and Qi Yijing?

Just because of 3000 million, he did not hesitate to be Qi Yijing's cow or horse for the rest of his life?

Touched and angry came to my heart at the same time.

It seems that this person is not so bad... Qi Yijing is too impersonal!How can you be so ruthless to your assistant.

It's a loan and not a gift, it's too shameless to reciprocate favors.

Lin Xiya rushed in regardless of the assistant's stop, and screamed: "Tang Tang, I just pushed you and you will ruin my future, you are too much!"

"That was the rich man you climbed up to just now, wasn't it?" Lin Xiya said grimly, "I won't make it easy for you, just wait and see how I snatch him over!"

Tang Tang hated her very much, and bullied the extras because of his achievements.

Now he is threatening to rob Ye Tao.

How can there be such a bad woman, who is as disgusting as Yang Qin.

"He has no money." Tang Tang said, "You can't take it away from him."

"Really?" Lin Xiya snarled at each other, put down her harsh words and stepped on her high heels and left, "You can keep a man just because of your shriveled figure? Let's see!"

Before leaving, she suddenly raised her hand and slapped herself twice.

His face was flushed red.

Tang Tang looked dumbfounded. Could it be that her figure is so swollen?

Ye Tao talked casually with the manager and came back, seeing a woman with heavy make-up and gorgeous flowers, wondering: "Do you still have a brothel in this drama?"

Didn't you tell him it was a costume idol drama?

The corner of the manager's mouth twitched: "She is Lin Xiya, the heroine."

The one who had a conflict with Tang Tang?

He came out of the dressing room...Ye Tao's expression changed instantly, and he quickened his pace.

Don't make it worse for him.

"Manager Su!" Lin Xiya ran over crying, crying until Lihua rained, "You asked me to apologize to Tang Tang, but she beat me instead. Look how she beat my face."

She cried like she was going to faint.

Deliberately leaning on Ye Tao, Ye Tao's face was extremely ugly, and he was about to let her get out of the way.

"You're lying!" Tang Tang ran out after hearing the voice, very angry, "I didn't hit you at all, you did it yourself."

Seeing that she was still leaning on Ye Tao, Tang Tang's eyes widened.

This disgusting bad woman.

Tang Tang rushed forward and pushed her away: "Stay away from Ye Tao!"

Ye Tao looked at Tang Tang who was standing in front of him in surprise and opened his arms like a calf, feeling somewhat astonished and strange.

With a glance, she found that she ran out barefoot.

No shoes on.

"Am I stupid and beat myself up?" Lin Xiya was distraught, "I'm an actor, I will ruin my face? Tang Tang, I also went from being an actor to where I am today, can you You can't stop doing this to me."

Speaking of which, Lin Xiya began to cry again, crying so distressingly.

Everyone on the set looked over.

It is really impractical for an actor to ruin his own face.

Tang Tang blushed with anger: "You did it yourself!"

"Tang Tang." Ye Tao called her seriously.

"Don't you believe me?" Tang Tang looked up angrily, eyes full of grievances, "Do you think I will beat her? Or do you really like her?"

"She doesn't look good at all, it's all made up!"

Ye Tao: "..."

Can you give him a chance to speak?

Seeing something happening, Lin Xiya choked up and complained: "Tang Tang, how can you attack me personally? I don't know this gentleman, we are innocent."

"you shut up."

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