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Chapter 230 Tang Tang fainted

With Qirou's ability and rights, it is impossible for the Xiang family to be on the verge of bankruptcy in a short period of time.

She didn't have that scheming alone.

", what are you talking about? Of course I did it myself." Qirou's eyes dodged, "Aren't you going to let me do it myself if you don't help me?"

"Anyway, Xiangyang has already agreed to be engaged to me. If you are my own brother, don't ask any more questions."

Pray for soft resentment.

It's fine if you don't help her to intercede with the second uncle. If you make things difficult for her in this matter, don't blame her for disregarding the brother-sister relationship and turning against him.

"Hehe." Qifeng sneered darkly, and didn't buy it at all, "You think I want to take care of your mess? Xiaorou, my brother warned you not to contact the Chick family. If you ruin my big business, then... "

He didn't say anything about the consequences, but just stared at her with extremely gloomy eyes.

This time he won't meet her, and if there is a next time...Qi Feng's mouth curled up cruelly, and he turned and left under Qi Rou's eyes that pretended to be calm.

Qi Rou was so angry that she swept everything on the dressing table to the ground.

Xiang Yang's good mood for agreeing to get engaged is gone.

"Ah!!" She screamed and vented, "How can I have such a brother!"

He didn't know how to think about her at all, if he couldn't compete for the second uncle, he couldn't see her happiness.

She just had an unintentional talk with Sister Anna before, and why couldn't she find them?He obviously wanted to use the Chick family himself, and she was not allowed to use it.

Qi Rou was so angry that her eyes were red, but she still didn't dare to resist.

In fact, in comparison, she was even more afraid of her elder brother than her second uncle, who was cruel and hypocritical, with no bottom line at all.


Second Lord Qi waited all night but did not wait for Ning Tan to come to intercede, his brows became tighter and tighter, this is not her style.

Glancing at his faceless wife lying on the dining table, he dialed Ye Tao's phone number: "Check the situation of Xiang's family."

But Ye Tao called back in 5 minutes.

"The Xiang family hasn't gone bankrupt yet. It's probably only been two days. Second master, don't worry."


"Get out." Qi Yijing said a word indifferently.

He looked at the yawning Ning Tan, doubts flashed in his eyes.

She really doesn't care about Xiangyang anymore?

"Can I not go to school?" Ning Li said with dark circles under his eyes, "I still want to sleep."

She had a nightmare last night, dreaming that Qi Yijing turned over as a serf and sang, and suppressed her severely, not to mention, he directly pinched her afterwards.

All kinds of provocative routines are as proficient as eating.

She knelt directly.

It can be said that Ning Chen is not well.

Although it was just a dream, this experience was really bad.

After all, this is the only thing she is better than Qi Yijing, if all of these fail, then she will fail completely.

"No." Qi Yijing ruthlessly refused, his face softened a little, "You can sleep in the car for a while."


How to sleep in such a narrow car.

It's still upside down, where is the bed comfortable.

Ning Tan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Then you take me to school and let me catch up on you."

"Otherwise I won't go."

Let's see how she breaks back [-]%.

Qi Yijing sighed helplessly, and his low voice was tinged with a smile: "Okay."

After eating breakfast and getting into the car, Qi Yijing sat on the far left with her long legs, and adjusted her posture so that she could lean in his arms.

A smirk flashed in Ning Tong's eyes, and he put his head on his lap as a pillow.

He said confidently: "Your chest is too hard, it's a bitch."

"Okay, I'm going to bed."

Qi Yijing's cool and thin handsome face was a bit astonished, looking at the little head leaning between his legs, the black hair was messy and scattered on his body, inexplicably harmonious.

Someone who seemed to be obediently closing his eyes turned over in a minute or two.

Consciously or unintentionally, he rubbed his ironed suit trousers into creases everywhere.

Qi Yijing's breathing gradually became unsteady, her thin lips slightly raised, and she pressed her down without distraction, her deep voice was helpless and displeased: "Don't make trouble."

make trouble?

She didn't.

Ning Tong pretended not to hear, turned over pretending to sleep, her face pressed against his chest, and her tender arms were placed on his thin and powerful waist like a pillow.

The tall body froze suddenly.

It's like turning into wood in an instant.

As she wished, she heard the unbalanced breathing above her head, which was a little rough.

Ning Tan was ecstatic in his heart, hahahaha, fight her!

Don't dare to move, right?

His ears must be red now!

"Hmm." She pretended to be confused, and took the opportunity to touch his waist, unable to articulate, "What are you talking about?"

Why is this coat so thick?

Can't touch anything... Poor review!

With her small movements, Qi Yijing, who had just relaxed his body, froze again, not knowing how to react, and his breathing became more and more disturbed.

The arc of Qi Yijing's mouth became deeper and deeper, and the smile in his cold eyes became stronger and stronger, but the words he spit out were warnings from gritted teeth, and they were not so loud, as if they were afraid of waking her up: "Ning Chen! "

"Don't move!"

No deterrent.

Ning Li pouted and continued to pretend not to hear.

Little did they know that someone's smile could hardly be hidden, and the white fingers resting on the unlock key jumped and fell down one after another, showing the owner's happy mood.

When getting out of the car, Ning Li saw someone's livid face as soon as he opened his eyes.

It seems that he is trying to endure something.

"Mr. Qi." Ning Tan cheerfully leaned over to give him a sweet kiss, "Go to work well, see you tonight~"

Qi Yijing's face softened slightly, but he was obviously not that satisfied.

Watching his wife walk into the campus through the privacy-proof car window, the displeasure on Second Master Qi's face dissipated instantly, his thin lips curled slightly, and a smile appeared in his cold eyes.

Hmm... this trick can be used up to three times.

The second master Qi didn't feel guilty about calculating his wife, and lightly ordered: "Go to the company."

The driver who witnessed the whole process stepped on the accelerator silently.

The president's tricks are really deep.

Poor lady.

The time was pushed back to four and 10 minutes ago.

The corner of Ye Tao's mouth twitched when he was inexplicably scolded. Doesn't the CEO want Xiang's family to go bankrupt?Then it's better to help the Xiang family and improve his status in Madam's heart.

It just doesn't help.

I really don't understand what the second master wants.

The mind is really unpredictable.

"It's a good thing that I took the opportunity to get married, otherwise, with the personality of the second master, I will never catch up with my wife." Ye Tao complained.

The call rings.

It's a string of unfamiliar numbers.

Ye Tao smiled and thanked the waiter who brought the soy milk: "Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Ye Zhu is me." The voice on the other end was anxious, "The Tang Tang you asked us to take care of, had a conflict with someone, fainted, fainted, you come here."

"What?" Ye Tao's face changed suddenly, he picked up the soy milk and drank it in a few gulps, picked up his briefcase and walked towards the car, asking as he walked, "How is the situation now, I will be there soon, you can tell me the reason in detail Say……"

Grandma's, that's Miss Tang.

How to get dizzy.

The manager looked at Tang Tang lying on the makeup chair, and sighed sadly.

I hope Ye Zhu doesn't blame him for not doing things well.

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