Mrs. Xiang didn't expect that she would turn back, and she forgot to wipe away her tears when she heard this, and she lost her voice: "One billion?!"

"Where did you get the billion? It's our family's business. Don't be stupid, Xiao Chen. Hurry up and return the money to them."

Ning Tan's heart was warm, and Aunt Xiang was as gentle as ever.

Always think of her.

"Auntie, don't get excited." She comforted, "The one billion yuan was lent to me by Taotao. Taotao is actually the daughter of the Bai family in Guancheng. She came to Los Angeles for various reasons. She just came home recently."

"If you don't believe me, you can call her and ask."

Excitedly, Mrs. Xiang froze.

She knew that the Bai family in Guancheng was a big family, and it was a pity when she heard her husband say that the eldest son of the Bai family was lost... Bai Tao was that child?

"I just said that Baitao doesn't look like Zhou Hua at all." Mrs. Xiang murmured, and then wept with joy, "That's great, that's great."

Their family was saved.

With that billion, other people will be willing to lend them money too.

The most important thing is that they can use this one billion to start some projects, recover briefly, and don't have to go bankrupt.

Mrs. Xiang almost fainted from excitement.

"Auntie!" Ning Tan quickly supported her, "Call uncle first, the Bai family said that the money has been transferred to your account, call uncle and Xiangyang to go home."

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Xiang was so happy that her hands were shaking, she choked up, "Xiao Dan, you are really our family's benefactor."

The friendship between the Xiang family and Baitao is not deep, if not for Qi Yijing's guarantee, the Bai family would not have lent such a large amount of money to the Xiang family who was on the verge of bankruptcy.

This is very clear to Mrs. Xiang.

It is not difficult to add icing on the cake, but the difficult thing is to give charcoal in a timely manner.

"We must be grateful for getting through this difficult time!"

"Auntie, you took good care of me when I was young." Ning Tan smiled slightly, "You even held a parent-teacher meeting for me. Only when Taotao is willing to help you can I borrow money. You go in first, and I'm going home too."

"You must call me if anything happens."

"Good boy, be careful on the road."

In the car

Qi Yijing waited calmly, with Ning Chen's temperament, he would definitely not stand by and watch, even though he was unhappy, he could not stand by and watch.

He just felt that Xiang Yang was stupid, extremely stupid.

Three or four days had passed since the Xiang family had an accident, yet Xiang Yang didn't even come to ask him for help.

Think this is arrogant?Wrong, obviously there is a feasible method but dragging the whole company to be buried with his arrogance is nothing but self-impressed to save face.

I can't even figure out what the overall situation is.

Not even praying for the wind.


Ning Tong opened the car door and sat up, sighed: "The Xiang family was tricked by someone, and they got 50 billion."

Pretty much what he expected.

Qi Yijing nodded: "En."

"Pray for the scenery." Ning Tan hesitated to speak.

"Go back to Yinlou." Qi Yijing ordered the driver lightly, looked sideways at her, and took the time to calm down, "What's wrong?"

50 billion, that's not just kissing.

"You..." Ning Tan bit her lip, and under Qi Yijing's seemingly calm but expectant eyes, said seriously, "You should also be careful, don't be fooled."

"Uncle Xiang was tricked by someone taking advantage of his arrogance."

Although she knew that Qi Yijing was very smart, she couldn't help but worry.

I'm afraid he won't listen.

Qi Yijing's face turned dark, don't compare him with Xiang's family, he is a success.

"No more?" he asked.

Ning Tan was puzzled: "Yes, what else do you want to hear?"

Second Master Qi: "..."

His mood was extremely complicated, and he didn't know whether to be happy that she didn't help his rival, or disappointed that his plan had failed.

After a few seconds of silence, Second Master Qi said truthfully, "I thought you would intercede for him."

"Won't you be unhappy then?" Ning Chen asked.

Qi Yijing: "..."

He gave Ning Tang a meaningful look, and for a moment didn't know how to answer.

Helpless, very helpless.

After hesitating for a long time, Second Master Qi still didn't sit still, and said calmly and indifferently: "Actually, I can..."

"It's here!" Ning Tong cheered and pushed open the car door, "I'm starving to death."

Turning back to him, he said, "Don't forget my schoolbag!"

The corner of Qi Yijing's mouth twitched, feeling powerless in his heart, he rubbed his eyebrows, sighed silently, picked up his rebellious wife's schoolbag and got out of the car.

Ning Tan didn't receive a call from Xiang Yang all night.

Qijia old house

Xiang Yang was no longer the clean sunshine of the past, exuding a sense of depression all over his body, staring numbly and angrily at the front door.

Despicable prayer family!

"Master Xiang, are you here to find Missy?" The housekeeper looked at him with pity.

Xiang Yang's hands hanging on both sides slowly clenched into fists: "Yes."

"Please come in."

He really wanted to turn around and leave, but he couldn't. His father's running figure and his mother's haggardness visible to the naked eye made him bow his head no matter how unwilling he was.

Do the most disgusting thing ever.

Buhe Qi Yijing bowed his head, which was his last pride.

Xiang Yang was brought in, Qi's family had just had dinner, Qi Mingjin saw the flash of disdain in his eyes, got up and waved away.

Qirou was stunned for a second and ran over happily: "Xiangyang!"

"Did you come to find me?"

"Come to my room and talk?"

Xiangyang clenched his fists and followed behind Qirou.

As soon as the door was closed, Qirou's smile was extremely bright, there was a gentle lady pretending to be a lady, and there was also arrogance that couldn't be hidden: "Brother, are you here to ask me for help? You know my heart, get engaged to me. "

Xiang Yang stagnates, getting engaged?

"I'll give you 50 billion after the engagement." Qi Ju said, "No one in Los Angeles, except our Qi family, will give you such a large amount of money."

Anger and unwillingness surged in Xiangyang's chest, he took a deep breath, nodded slowly, extremely numb.

"it is good."


When Xiang Yang left Qi's family, he was devastated.

Tomorrow night he will be engaged to Qi Rou, and Xiao Tan will definitely be there...he will never have another chance.

Why?Obviously he just wants to look at her from a distance, but he can't.

Xiang Yang hugged his head in pain.

Not far away, Qi Feng frowned and asked the secretary: "Why is he here?"

"It should be to ask the eldest lady for help."

"What can I do for her?"

"The Xiang family has been tricked and is about to go bankrupt."

Qi Feng has been busy finalizing the contract these days, and greeting Bai Zixing, and has no time to care about the grounded Qi Rou.

Who would have thought that she would do such a stupid thing behind his back!

Qifeng walked into the old house with a gloomy face: "Qirou, what do you want to do? Didn't I say that you are the eldest lady of the Qi family, you should have arrogance and dignity, don't be willing to be low for a man who doesn't love you!"

Qi Rou was taken aback by him, and she was strong and calm: "Brother, you scared me...Emotions need to be cultivated, as long as I get engaged to him, there will be a long time to come, we will get engaged tomorrow night, brother you Won't you bless me?"

It is because she is Miss Qijia that she does not allow what she wants to be taken away!

"Idiot!" Qi Feng's face became more and more gloomy, cursing unceremoniously, suddenly thought of something, and anger flashed in his eyes, "Who did this for you? Tell me!"

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