After hanging up the phone, Ning Chong rushed back to the master bedroom with joy, opened the window and left a lip print on the front collar of a row of white shirts.

Apply red lipstick to add a pop of color to your shirt.

"You can't put on lipstick for nothing." Ning Tan admired her masterpiece and was very satisfied.

That night, Qi Yijing brought Ye Tao back from the outside, his face looked much better, and he glanced at his flattering little wife who came up to help him hold his coat, and the last anger in his heart dissipated.

Shen Sheng warned: "You are not allowed to play such a dangerous sport in the future, do you understand?"

"I know." Ning Tan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "This time is an exception. To show my sincerity, these are for you."

She presented several bank cards that had been treasured for several days.

To tell the truth, I still feel reluctant.

Qi Yijing was surprised, his eyes darkened immediately, he seemed to be thinking about something, and said indifferently: "I want to take it back after giving it, but it's not that simple."

She hadn't intended to.

"As long as you don't get angry, you can talk about anything." Ning Tong flattered her like a dog.

Qi Yijing frowned slightly.

It always felt like she took the opportunity to give these back to him.

It is indeed time to teach her a lesson. Second Master Qi took the bank card, glanced at her, and frowned: "Don't laugh."

Smile really.

Ning Tan: "..."

This is a standard smile, I really want to punch him.

"Let's eat, let's eat." She smiled and hugged his arm, coquettishly, "You can kiss me after eating~"

Ye Tao shuddered.

Ma'am, can you stop pretending like this, it's really scary.

Pay attention to these bystanders, okay?

Qi Yijing was silent for a few seconds, staring at her face, without saying anything, walked towards the restaurant calmly, but the pace was obviously faster.

Ye Tao: "..."

Second Master, don't you think Madam is hypocritical? !

"Ye Zhu, you will do the same when you meet a girl you like in the future." The housekeeper smiled kindly, "In the eyes of those who love each other, the other party has no shortcomings."

Ye Tao smiled slightly, just talking about a relationship, not talking about losing his mind and vision.

He would never like this kind of deliberate coquettishness!

absolute! !

"Dating a relationship is time-consuming and troublesome. I will find a suitable marriage partner and get married directly." Ye Tao refused and walked to the restaurant.

The housekeeper smiled and sighed, "It's still too young."

"How about going back to Huijingxuan tonight?" Ning Tan asked.

Qi Yijing bowed his head: "Not used to it?"

"A little bit, it's too big here." Ning Tong nodded, "It's too spacious. Of course, the most important thing is that I don't want to sleep in the guest room, maybe I'm a bit reluctant to sleep in the bed."

Don't want to sleep in a guest room?A faint light flashed across Qi Yijing's eyes, was she hinting at him?

Second Master Qi said lightly: "Then sleep in the master bedroom."

"Really?" Ning Tan's eyes lit up, "Can I sleep in the master bedroom?"

She likes the smell in it.

The corners of Master Qi's mouth curled slightly, and he nodded reservedly: "Well, of course."

"Then where do you sleep?" Ning Tan asked again.

Second Master Qi: "..."

Ye Tao tried his best to hold back his laughter beside him.

I can't do it... Hahaha, this is the first time I saw the second master in such distress, this class is worth it!

Qi Yijing's face turned blue, and he glanced at him coldly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Ye Tao quickly controlled the raised shoulders.

"Are you used to sleeping in the guest room?" Ning Tang was a little worried.

Can such a delicate person like Qi Yijing sleep in the guest room?

Qi Yijing was in a terrible mood, she even considered that he didn't like sleeping in the guest room, so why couldn't she think about them sleeping in the master bedroom together?

They are a legal couple.

As long as the second master Qi is thick-skinned, he can directly raise it, but in terms of feelings, the second master Qi has never been able to deal with it and is reserved and arrogant.

"I'm used to sleeping." He said, "Don't worry about me."

"Qi Yijing, you are so kind!" Ning Tan cheered and kissed him on the cheek, then ran towards the master bedroom.

Qi Yijing was full of helplessness.


Thinking of something, Qi Yijing asked leisurely: "Ye Tao, how old are you this year, do you have a girlfriend?"

Special Assistant Ye who had just been stuffed with dog food and punished: "..."

It doesn't matter if the special assistant doesn't do it!

"Do you know what it's like to kiss?" Qi Yijing was aggressive.

Ye Tao: "..."

He just couldn't help smiling.

Xiuxiuxiu, Xiuenai must die quickly.

Ye Tao thought evilly, and silently carried the computer to the guest room: "I'm going to work."

Qi Yijing's thin lips curled up, feeling extremely good.

"Qi Yijing." Ning Tong ran out, "I don't know how to use the machine inside."

Of course, if he can sleep in the house, the mood will be even better.

"I'll teach you."


Ning Tan managed to occupy the master bedroom. I have to say that Yinlou's master bedroom is much more comfortable than Huijingxuan. It is so addictive that he is reluctant to leave for several days.

She bit her pen and listened to the lecture, but her mind wandered far away.

Recess is everyone's gossip time.

"How are you and your boyfriend doing lately?" The girls in front chatted and teased in low voices while packing up their books.

"How far has it progressed? Is there..."

Subsequent content is suppressed.

The girl blushed: "How could it be so fast! Stop talking."

"Really? Then why didn't you go back to the dormitory last night?"

"I, I... It's just a small date, oh, you guys are so annoying, I want to know how to talk about it myself."


Ning Tan was in a daze, as if she and Qi Yijing had never dated before, they went shopping hand in hand, watched movies with milk tea in their hands, and then went to the amusement park.

This is a must for couples.

Well they are husband and wife not lovers.

Ning Li was annoyed.

As if to divert attention, the girl turned around and asked, "Ning Chu, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Ah?" Ning Tang was confused, and shook his head truthfully, "No."

She only has a husband.

"No." The girl regretted, "Then what kind of boy do you like?"

Suyou tugged at her clothes.

& n. Ning Tong murmured, "I like to let me sleep in the master bedroom and sleep in the guest room by myself." "

"Pfft!" Several people burst into laughter.

Where in the world would there be such a man.

If there is, then maybe not.

She seriously reminded: "If that person likes you and lets you sleep in the master bedroom, he's either gay, or he can't."

Ning Tan: "..."

OK!Qi Yijing will definitely do it!Special line!

Although she hadn't experienced it, she had a few times... Ahem, Ning Tan quickly drove the yellow waste out of her mind and patted her cheek.

Bah, what do you think about every day.

calm down.

Students holding books by the window walked by, discussing while walking.

"Have you heard, it seems that something happened at Senior Brother Xiangyang's house."

"I heard that it seems to have offended a big shot."

"The version I heard is that Brother Xiangyang's father lost money in business and all the assets of the family were mortgaged. Didn't you find that he hasn't come to school for a few days?"

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