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Chapter 225 I Only Have You in My Heart

She can't act rashly.

Ning Tan lowered his eyes and slowly clenched his palms into fists.

Then wait and see what happens, if the enemy doesn't move, she won't move.

But hands still need to be washed, give yourself a psychological comfort... Ning Li turned on the faucet, squeezed out the disinfectant, and rinsed the palms carefully.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone vibrated on the sink.

Ning Tang took a glance, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Dare to call?

Swipe to answer.

"You finally answered the phone. How dare you do such a thing to Mr. Lin? Do you know what my situation is now because of you?" Ning Wei's gentle voice changed into a sharp and piercing voice, "Didn't you say you were with me? Is Qi Yijing divorced? Why does Ye Tao still protect you?!"

Ning Li sneered, since she found out that she and Qi Yijing were divorced, Ning Wei's selfish and vicious true face was gradually exposed, and she didn't even try to hide it.

Giving her to others in exchange for benefits, he can speak out confidently.

"No matter what, I have had friendship with him before. Isn't it normal for him to help me?" Ning Tong sneered, "If Qi Yijing and I hadn't divorced, do you think you would have a chance to succeed?"

Ning Wei was silent.

Qi Yijing assigned bodyguards to Ning Zhen, who accompanied him all the time.

She naturally knew this, it was just unwillingness and jealousy.

Even though they are divorced, Ning Li can still enjoy such preferential treatment, but what about her?There is no chance at all from the beginning to the end, why? !

"It's you, just ask for money, I'll try my best to raise it for you. But now you actually want to destroy me?" Ning Tong suddenly laughed, with madness and coldness in his laughter.

"The rabbit kicks the eagle even when it is anxious, Ning Wei, I have endured you for two years. If you force me again, we will die together!"

For some reason, Ning Wei inexplicably felt that Ning Chan could really do such a thing.

Although Ning Tong has been bullied these past few years, it is because Ning Tong feels that he owes her and her grandfather is missing... If she is pushed into a hurry, she may not know what she will do.

Ning Wei screamed: "You threatened me? You owe me this! If it weren't for you, would I have ended up in this situation? I just want you to try everything I have experienced!"

"Don't you want clues about grandpa?"

"Heh." Ning Tong sneered, "Do you really know where Grandpa is going?"

Ning Wei's heart tightened: "What do you mean? Do you think I'm lying to you? Ning Li, you better understand that you have no other choice!"

"Forget about this time, I won't forgive you easily next time."


Ning Tang stared at the mirror, lowered her head and continued washing her hands.

Before she had no other choice, now it is different.

Just like divorce, she used to have only one way to get divorced, but now she can leave Los Angeles without getting divorced, because Qi Yijing began to trust her.

It's like she can refuse to go out with bodyguards.

It's just that it's a bit despicable... Boredom surged up in my heart, and Ning looked at herself in the mirror and felt powerless.

In a way, she really had no choice.



Ning Tong dried her hands and checked the message. It was Bai Zixing who sent her the message - they will arrive in Guancheng in five hours.

After replying the message, Ning Tan lay down on the bed and buried herself with a pillow.

After sorting out her emotions, Ning Tan decided to do something big - coax her cheap husband.

No matter what happens tomorrow, life is always going to be lived today.

Before going out, Ning Tan suddenly came back, took several photos with one hand, printed them out, wrote a few words on the back, and stuffed them into the closet, quilt and other corners.

Bai Zixing: Shall I teach you some tricks?

"Tch, I still use this?" Ning Li was full of confidence, put on a bright lipstick for herself, and ran to the guest room to find out yesterday's lace suspender underwear, "I will never fail when I go out!"

"Uncle Butler, where's Qi Yijing?" She asked.

The butler said helplessly, "Second Master didn't come back."

Add a sentence: "I didn't eat lunch."


Ning Tang rubbed his nose guiltily, are you so angry?

"I'll go find him."

The fact is that the Yin Building is too big and there are few servants, Ning Chan is not familiar with the place, so he didn't even see a ghost after searching for half an hour.

Ma Dan, playing hide and seek with her.

She decided to use the oldest way of human beings - calling affectionately.

The specific method is to put your hand to your mouth, open your throat, and then look up to the sky and "嗤"~

Click, no.

This is it.

"Pray for the scenery!"

"Where are you? My foot still hurts."

"Pray for the scenery."



"Cheap husband?"


The address was changed four or five times, and the echo echoed in the Yin Tower, but unfortunately there was no response at all.

Ning Tong shouted until his throat was dry.

God, she suspected that Qi Yijing wasn't in Yinlou.

Looking for some water to drink first, Ning Tong dragged his exhausted body and mind to drink water, and there happened to be a servant taking care of him next to him, so he said hello politely first: "Hi Ma'am."


"Ma'am, are you looking for the second master? Why don't you call?"


Ning Tan's expression cracked inch by inch, unexpectedly forgetting such an important method.

So what was she shouting for a long time just now?

The ancients did not deceive me with sincerity, but fools will make mistakes if they worry about everything.

"I've called, but he won't answer." Ning Tang made up nonsense without blushing, "I'll call again."

The servant was puzzled, Er Ye would still do such a naive thing as not answering the phone?

"You are busy with your work, I will call."

Ning Tan walked to the pavilion talking to himself, scolded himself for being stupid, and took out his mobile phone to call Qi Yijing.



At 20 seconds, the call is connected.

Before Ning Tan opened his mouth, Qi Yijing's cold questioning voice sounded: "Have you finished your reflection?"


"Hmm." She said awkwardly, "I know I was wrong, where are you?"

"We haven't seen each other for [-] seconds, I miss you so much."


The second master Qi was obviously speechless, but he was also pleased, and sneered: "If you get into a car accident, you won't have to see each other for the rest of your life."

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, a stingy and vengeful man.

"Where are you?" She said coquettishly.

"I'm not in Yinlou."


"...Then when will you come back? Have you eaten yet? You can't look at other girls, or I will get angry." Continue acting like a baby.

"Heh." Second Master Qi mocked, "Double standards?"


Shocked by capitalization, praying that the old man actually knows the word double standard!

When did he surf the Internet behind her back.

Ning Tan complained in his heart whether you are allergic to acting like a baby, ah, isn't it uncomfortable not to be picky, and softened his voice: "But my heart is with you."

"I only like you alone."

There was silence.

There was a long silence, as if thinking about countermeasures.

After nearly 3 minutes of silence, a deep voice sounded slowly: "Ning Chan, remember what you said."

Tired of waiting, Ning Tan, who caught the flying butterfly, yawned sweetly, "I will remember it forever."

"Waiting for you to eat tonight!"

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