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Chapter 227 Are You Bad?

Something happened to Xiangyang's family?

Isn't their family running very well all the time? How could they lose money to bankruptcy?

Ning Tan couldn't help being a little worried, put the pen in the book and closed it, and took out his mobile phone to check the latest movements of Xiang's Group.

I was stunned at this sight.

Xiang's Group was exposed to food safety issues. The video was the evidence, and the stock dropped to freezing point within three days. Not only that, the project that invested a lot of money lost money, and the capital chain was broken.

This series seems to be premeditated.

Ning Li frowned slightly, someone dug a hole.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Ning Tan called Qi Yijing: "Senior Brother Xiangyang has an accident at home, do you know?"

"I don't know." Low Ci's voice was cold, he was not interested in that pretty boy, and Ning Tan's concern for him made him very uncomfortable, so what happened, he had long thought that pretty boy was not capable.

The next moment, Second Master Qi's face darkened.

"You suspect it's me?"

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, what and what.

Although Qi Yijing really doesn't like Senior Brother Xiangyang, and his eyes are higher than the top, but his character and bottom line are still there.

He wouldn't do such mean and boring things.

"I want to ask you if you know what's going on." She was speechless, "And, come with me to Xiangyang's house to see at night."

"I don't know." Qi Yijing's expression softened a little, and he said coldly, "I won't go."

Other people's business has nothing to do with him, let alone the business of his rival.

He is not that carefree.

"If you don't go, I will, anyway, I have already greeted you."

"Senior Brother Xiangyang used to take good care of me. He helped me several times when I was bombarded by the Internet. I can't just break up with him just because of some of your speculations." Ning Tan explained seriously.

She was already estranged from Xiang Yang, she couldn't pretend she didn't know about this kind of thing.

The tip of the pen sank heavily, poking a little crease on the paper, and the French window reflected the man's handsome side face, with a deep expression, staring at the contract and fell silent.

When she was being bullied, he was not by her side.

Heart and mouth with mixed feelings, regret and jealousy.

His cool eyes flashed, he signed his name in a smooth manner, and said in a deep voice, "I'll wait for you in the car."

He won't show up.

"it is good."

Ning Tong made this call to report to him.

Lest he be suspicious again.

Qi Yijing pressed the calling number of the special assistance room, and said indifferently: "Check to see if the matter of Xiangyang's family has anything to do with Qifeng."


Ye Tao looked at the tall documents in front of him and sighed deeply.

He had heard about the Xiang family, and paid a little attention to it because of his wife. It was obvious that he was being plotted... This unscrupulous style is very similar to the young master.

The young miss was grounded for half a month, making noise and crying in the old house every day. This is very likely what the young master did to force Xiang Yang to submit.

I can only say that I hope it's not the young master.

Otherwise, the second master is really a headache.

Ye Tao, who got a response in the afternoon, finally breathed a sigh of relief, that's great, it's not the young master or the uncle.

"The Xiang family might have messed with someone else." Xiao Chen sighed, and slapped his head when he remembered something, "By the way, Ye Zhu, here is a message for you, from the entertainment department."

He forwarded the message to Ye Tao.

Tang Tang's affairs have been arranged properly, and he will go to the audition this afternoon.

It was said that the audition was actually a trick, Ye Tao ordered special care, and the president of the branch company was reporting the results to him.

"That little girl is very talented in singing and dancing dramas. She introduced herself and said that she will come again in the next few days. I will pay her the salary as usual."


Ye Tao rubbed his forehead in pain, and specially arranged Tang Tang's dirty trick of rolling cement ditch, but he didn't repel her.

Not only did he not repel, but he became more and more courageous.

He replied: "Next, I will arrange for her the most tiring and cheapest set-up."

"Let her see those starlets fight openly and secretly, corrupt and dark, in short, I must press her mind back!"

He doesn't believe it anymore.

Xiao Chen listened very worriedly: "Ye Zhu, will she retaliate afterwards? That's the eldest lady of the Tang family."

That's a ruthless person who dares to rush to the CEO's office to scold the CEO...

"No." Ye Tao was sure, "She would never do such a thing."

Xiao Chen complained that he could bully others because of their kindness and innocence, which is really black-hearted.

"Then should we help Xiang Jia?"

Ye Tao smiled: "Are you out of your mind? What does the Xiang family have to do with us?"

If there is one, there is only one—the weakest love rival.

It would be nice if their rivals were in distress if they didn't make trouble, and even helped Xiang's family, but they were still heartless when they were full.

"Go to work."


Xiao Chen opened the door and went out while turning his head and said: "By the way, my girlfriend and I will move to a new house the day after tomorrow. We invite everyone to dinner. Ye Zhu, you must come."

" depends."

Because Qi Yijing was going to go, Ning Tong first went downstairs to wait for him in the Qishi Building, chatting with the bodyguard and driver with milk tea in his hand.

"That cake shop just now was too bad, wasn't it?"

"By the way, don't tell Qi Yijing that we ate skewers."

So as not to teach her a lesson later.

"Yes, not as good as mine." The bodyguard nodded in agreement.

Ning Tan was surprised: "You can also make cakes?"

"When I was a child, my family opened a cake shop."

"Amazing, you really amaze me."

The bodyguard is modest: "There are too many skills to overwhelm you..."

"The second master is out!"

Ning looked out of the window, Qi Yijing came out with a sealed document in the crowd at get off work, his noble temperament and cold and arrogant face were particularly conspicuous, Ye Tao and Xiao Chen walked side by side behind.

A girl dressed in a ladylike style is looking forward to it on the side of the road.

"My girlfriend is here to pick me up from get off work." With a happy smile on Xiao Chen's face, he waved to his girlfriend and then looked at Ye Tao, "Ye Zhu, I'll leave first, Houtian, you must come tonight."

Xiao Chen trotted to his girlfriend, and the two embraced sweetly and left arm in arm.

Ning Tan secretly rolled down the car window a little, and rolled his eyes with a smile.


Just as Qi Yijing sat up, a cup of half-drunk milk tea was handed to his mouth, Ning Tong tilted his head and looked at him: "It's very sweet."

The indifference on Qi Yijing's face dissipated, his facial features seemed to have softened, and doting flashed in his eyes, and he bowed his head and took a sip.

The milk tea is indeed very sweet, sweet.

"Yeah." He whispered, "very sweet."

Ye Tao stood by the side of the road and looked over there and this way: "..."

Suddenly I felt abandoned by the whole world.

Be sober, everyone, it's summer, not spring!

"Let's go, go to Xiang's house." Smiling, Ning Li rubbed against Qi Yijing's side, clinging tightly, just like a haunting cat.

A smile flashed across Qi Yijing's eyes, and he stuck his upper body to the seat, making room for her to lean more comfortably in his arms.

He handed her the file.

Ning Tan was puzzled: "What is this?"

"I wrote it."

What did you write?Why not make it clear?

Ning Li tore open the document with half doubt and half curiosity, and prayed that the second master blocked the rearview mirror so that the driver would not see it.

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