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Chapter 221 The Future Heir

Ning Tong subconsciously dragged the person closest to her to the ground.

Yu Yege and the pigeon reacted quickly, rolling over behind the obstacle with their heads in their arms, while Young Master Lu and the others squatted down quickly.

The rest of the people were stunned for a few seconds, gun, gunshot?Did they run into a mugger?After realizing it, he yelled and fled around.


"Run, help!"

The venue instantly became a mess.

Regardless of their appearance, the beauties knelt down and shivered.

"Do not hit me."

Yu Yege breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Ning Chen was fine, and looked towards the source of the gunshots - the person who fired the gun was standing in the middle of the entrance, wearing tolerance sportswear, with a black tattoo on the back of his hand holding the gun.

It's just that the gun seems a little strange, still smoking?

"It's an air gun."

Young Master Lu and the others have already stood up cursing and swearing, and the boys and buddies in the audience also gathered around angrily: "Dare to play me, who gave you the courage, I don't teach you how to be a man today, my surname is not Lu!"

Thinking of being scared by the air gun, Young Master Lu felt ashamed, and with the accumulated anger just now, he was already on the verge of erupting.

He must vent his anger today!

When the manager heard the gunshots and the guards rushed over, the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and he couldn't help being surprised: "Master Zhou?"

"Why are you here today?"

"Come help Uncle Tang with something." Baili Zhou handed the air gun to the guard, "I didn't expect to see a scuffle."

The manager was embarrassed: "I will prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future."


Young Master Lu and the others rushed to the front, heard their conversation, and looked at Baili Zhou with disdain: "You are the adopted son? A mere adopted son dares to scare me. Why, do you really think that the Tang family will marry Tang Tang to you?" ?Stop daydreaming!"

The guards quickly stepped forward to protect Baili Monday.

Baili glanced at him on Monday, neither angry nor embarrassed, but looked in the direction of the girl lying down.

Ning Tan propped himself up and sat up, rubbing his wrists with his head bowed.

"Master Lu, be careful!" The manager's heart trembled.

Although Young Master Zhou is an adopted son, who knows that the chairman intends to train him as his future son-in-law.

Taking a step back, even if Tang Tang doesn't marry Young Master Zhou Yi in the future, the Baili Zhou Yi will still be valued by the Tang family a little bit, not those small fish and small shrimps outside who can be insulted by anyone.

"It's wrong for you to fight at the racing track, Young Master Lu, why don't you invite a few of you back today to see a doctor, and come back next time?"

Baili walked towards Ning Chen on Monday.

Young Master Lu and his party couldn't believe it, because Baili Monday actually drove them away? !

If it weren't for the Tang family, Baili Monday would be nothing!

The manager is smiling and firm.

"Zhiyong, let's go." Someone whispered, "After all, he is the adopted son of the Tang family, and there is nothing we can do about it on his territory."

The situation is better than people.

"Yeah, let's go first."

"Okay, you're doing well!" Young Master Lu blushed, gritted his teeth since when had he been humiliated like this since his uncle came back, "Let's go? Baili Monday, and that woman, listen carefully, today's matter Lu Zhiyong Remember! Don’t fall into my hands in the future!”

"I won't come to this broken racing track anymore, let's go!"

Lu Zhiyong threw away his membership card and left angrily.

"Manager." The waiter was a little worried, "Will this offend the Lu family?"

Disdain flashed across the manager's face: "Do you think that Lu Yijin would come to make an enemy of our Tang family for him? How could it be possible, just a nephew, and two generations later, if you usually give him some face, you will really be yourself. characters."

Besides, they are justified in this matter.

Which wealthy family with real talent and background would cultivate such a child.

This is crap.

Still triumphant.

"Ning Chan." Baili Yiyi bent down, put his hands on his knees, and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

Ning Tan was a bit astonished and surprised, and smiled slightly: "It's okay."

"But I was taken aback."

"I think it's too messy." Baili explained on Monday, and asked again, "Are you here to play? All the good cars are on the second floor. I'll ask the manager to take you there."

Ning Tan hesitated for a second, then nodded: "Then I will trouble you."

If he showed too much resistance, he might become suspicious.

Baili smiled on Monday: "You're welcome."

He greeted the manager: "This is my friend and Tang Tang's, please take her to the second floor."

"Okay." The manager nodded repeatedly.

"Get up first, I'll pull you up." Baili Zhou pulled Ning Tong up.

When the hand touched it, Ning Chan's heart trembled.

It was as if a numb feeling shocked her.

She is strong and calm.

"Thank you."

Baili put his hands back into the pockets of his tracksuit on Monday, and smiled heartily: "Why are you being polite to me?"

"By the way, what about your friend?"

Ning Tan pointed to the three movie kings who had stood up behind the obstacle.

The gecko was wounded, and the pigeon and the handsome man squatted on the ground to clean his wound.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts, take it easy..."

"The stones will be infected if you don't pick them out."

Yu Yege flicked his clothes casually, the shirt was wrinkled due to exercise, the cross at the neckline was dangling, full of ruffian charm, he was picking off his iron ring, when Baili Zhou looked at him, index finger and middle finger Put them together on the forehead, and made a salute gesture lazily.

"Hello, Master."

"Hello." Baili Zhou was puzzled, "Isn't this Yu Yege?"

"It's him." The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched.

This coquettish fox is showing off all the time.

They were all beaten and played handsome.

"Thank you this time, otherwise I don't know what the consequences will be." Ning Tan was about to take the opportunity to separate the relationship and tease, "I have saved you before, so I will be clean, and there is no need to catch fish for me."

"I'll grab one for you if I have a chance." Baili Zhou couldn't help laughing, "Okay, I'll go first, see you next time!"


Ning Tan watched him leave, the smile on his face faded.

She looked down at her palms.

Doubt and vigilance flashed across his eyes, is it a symbol?

"Miss Ning." The manager smiled, "I'll take you to choose a car, actor Yu can also come with me."

Uncharacteristically, Yu Yege lazily refused: "I won't go."

In Ning Tong's surprised eyes, he hooked his lips and smiled evilly: "It's not like you can owe everything."

"Do you think it's cool for me to say that?"


The more I get in touch with her, the more I feel that Yu Ye is coquettish, the kind from the inside out.

Ning Tan chose a collection with a blank face——the car on the second floor is no less than Qi Yijing's private garage. Of course, there is a reason for this, after all, the Tang family makes cars.

Ning Li tried the test car, and nodded to Yu Yege after feeling that it was smooth: "I'll start wearing a protective gear."

Suddenly she wondered why Yege was the only one left: "Where are the pigeons and geckos?"

"The pigeon sent the gecko to the hospital."

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