give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 220 Mutual Fight

The owner of the Bugatti won. He got out of the car with a touch of familiar blue, avoided the exclamation and crowd of beauties, and walked to the other side - there was a handsome guy over there.

"Congratulations brother!" The handsome guy stood up and congratulated him.

Ge Ge led the handsome guy to the garage, and just now he found that Ning Tong had arrived.

Ning Tan, who was choosing a car, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Wo, nest grass? !

two men? !

"Hi, beauty Ning Chan." Pigeon winked, "Aren't you surprised, you can't accept it?"

Ning Tan swallowed: "...that's not true."

She has a blessing attitude towards all relationships.

It's just that she's never seen anything so blatant.

Yu Yege glanced lazily at the pigeon, but when he saw the man in his arms, he felt a little disgusted.

Can your eyesight be better?

"Have you picked out the car yet?" Pigeon asked, "Shall I take you to the second floor?"

"No." Ning Tong shook his head.

In fact, it’s not impossible to drive it, but if there is a better choice, she still wants to check it out.

"He can't go to the second floor." Yu Yege pointed it out mercilessly, and stretched his waist, "There is a private car there, and there is no owner to lend it out, and you can't drive it even if you go in."

"Bragging to liven up the atmosphere." Pigeon said.

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, bragging was still so righteous.

I am deeply impressed.

She said, "I want the Rolls Royce inside."

"Good eyesight!" Pigeon cheered, and called the waiter, "Waiter, bring out that Phantom."

The waiter nodded: "Please wait a moment."

He had just taken a few steps when another waiter hurried past him and took the key to unlock the Bugatti's tire lock.

Turning around and apologizing hypocritically: "I'm sorry, Master Lu wants this car."

Pigeon's complexion is not very good-looking, it's obvious.

"We came first." The waiter was not to be outdone.

"I unlocked it first." The waiter on the opposite side glanced at Yu Yege and the three of them, with contempt flashing in his eyes, "You guys choose again, there are still more cars."

Celebrities may be very popular outside, but they are not worth mentioning at all in the racing field full of rich second generations.

Yu Yege propped up his upper body, narrowing his eyes lazily.

look down on him?

He remembered.

"Forget it, I'll pick again." Ning Tong came here only to complete the task, and casually pointed to the dark black Bugatti next to him, "Then I want this."

"Sorry, we want this too." The waiter serving Young Master Lu smiled, "Young Master Lu has a few companions."

Ning Tan frowned slightly, then pointed to another sports car.

Sure enough, the waiter said again: "I want that Young Master Lu too."

Ning Tang's face turned cold.

Is this on purpose?

"You Young Master Lu are an octopus?" Yu Ye laughed, and he was not at all timid when he scolded people in a lazy tone, "Do you want to hire all the cars in the parking lot?"

"Where are you, Young Master Lu?" Pigeon was very upset.

The waiter smiled but said: "To tell you the truth, Mr. Lu wants to ask you to leave here because you make him feel very uncomfortable."

"You can't rent a car if you leave it alone."

The pigeon's face was slightly cold, aimed at him?He looked around for a week, and found a few rich kids gathered together in the auditorium, hugging left and right, watching their good show.

The rich young master in the middle is disgusted.

Dead gay, dirty his eyes.

Pigeon sneered, walked to the center of the venue with her boyfriend in her arms, and kissed him directly: "Come on, give my brother a kiss."

Not only kissing, but also working on a larger scale.

Ning Tong's eyes widened.


Yu Yege jumped out of the car, straightened his clothes, took out a few iron rings and put them on all ten fingers.

"Why are you wearing so many?" Ning Li was puzzled.

Yu Yege tilted his head and smirked: "Because there's going to be a fight."



There was the sound of wine bottles being smashed.

Young Master Lu and his party couldn't take it anymore, they yelled and threw the wine bottle at the pigeons, and at the same time jumped off the auditorium to do something: "Damn homosexuals, I'm disgusting!"

"I'll give you a chance not to get out, but continue to disgust us."

"Brothers, hit him!"

Ning Tan was shocked, and hit someone just because he didn't like it?What kind of perspective is this.

Is no one in charge?

Ning Tan looked around, and found that the waiters were standing in their respective positions without any intention of stepping forward to help, and there were still many wealthy children gloating in other people's misfortunes in the auditorium, applauding for fear of chaos.

Yu Yege rolled up his sleeves and lazily said, "Don't worry, they won't beat women."

After speaking, he rushed up with the gecko.


Do you want to be so proficient.

And is it too hard for you to wear a ring?

As soon as the pigeon let her boyfriend go, the two sides immediately started a scuffle, and the field was chaotic.

"Ge Laozi actually wears a ring, beat him up!"

Young Master Lu was directly scratched on the face, with a grim expression.

"No." Ning Tan asked the waiter, "Don't you bother? Call the police!"

If you keep fighting like this, something will happen.

The waiter smiled wryly: "It's useless to call the police. These are rich and powerful sons. We have people fighting here in three or two days. I'm used to it."

After all, it’s okay to help anyone.


Is this an underground racetrack or a boxing arena.

There were a lot of people on Young Master Lu's side, and those beauties even rushed up to join the melee in order to express their opinion, tearing the pigeon's earrings and hair.

Yu Yege and the others were suddenly at a disadvantage.

Ning Chen gritted his teeth, looked around to find the maintenance box, picked up two iron rods and rushed up to the waiter's shocked eyes.

"Bang!" The iron rod hit the guardrail with a loud sound.

"Stop me all!"

Everyone was shocked by the sound and stopped, all looking at her.

Ning Tan swung the stick to the ground and put one on his shoulder: "Whoever does it again, don't blame me for giving him a stick!"


This stick is fatal.

Where did the crazy woman come from?

Yu Yege looked at her appreciatively, yes, well done.

Young Master Lu and the others were intimidated. Fighting is a fight, and it's not fun to be beaten and maimed.

Ning Tan breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed an iron rod at them: "You guys! Apologize to him!"

"A woman who meddles in other people's business." Young Master Lu gritted his teeth and roared angrily, and took a mouthful of saliva, "Impossible!"

He whispered to the women around him: "Whoever solves this woman, I will give her 50."

Ning Tang sneered, she didn't cry when she saw the coffin, right?

She was about to threaten again, when the beauties brought by the son and buddy suddenly rushed towards her, like crazy, they were not afraid of her iron rod at all.

"What are you doing? Don't come here!"

It was impossible for Ning Tan to actually hit someone.

"It turned out to be an empty shell." Young Master Lu was relieved, and sneered, "Brothers, beat this thing up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was punched.

Yu Yege curled his lips into a smile: "Oh, I'm sorry."


Ning Tan was surrounded by a group of women. Not only was the iron rod taken away, but they were also planning to beat her.

Something is wrong!

"Bang!" The gunshot rang out.

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