Ning Tan had a strange expression: "Are you all right?"

"No, I'm green here." Yu Yege pointed to his chest and raised his eyebrows, "But it's not important, you have to make a trip every time you come."


A guy who wants to race and die.

Ning Tang put on the protective gear and sat in the driver's seat, but Yu Yege didn't wear anything - how could he look handsome and chic?

"How?" she asked.

It was nine o'clock, and she had to rush home for dinner.

"Five laps in the infield and then go to Kunlun, how about seeing who comes back first?" Yu Yege lazily started the sports car.

Ning Li calculated the distance, the track goes directly to Kunlun, and he should be able to return in two hours.

She nodded: "OK!"

The waiter suddenly ran over: "A few people want to join your game, can you?"

Ning Tan looked puzzled, and there were several cars slowly approaching on the track next to it. The people sitting inside were all from the audience seats just now, and there was a girl among them, whose face could not be seen clearly.

She was not in the mood to compete with these people.

"Okay." Yu Yege agreed, "Since there are so many people, there must be some bets, right? Otherwise, it would be boring."

Ning Tan: "..."

Get into the eyes of money.

"Okay!" The son-in-law who was driving a Rolls-Royce agreed, "I'll offer 100 million! No.1!"

The owner of the track next door said: "I also pay 100 million!"

"I will add 50 million."


Adding up the zeros and zeros, there is actually a small 500 million.

I have to say that these people are really rich.

Moreover, the race track does not take any money from such players.

No wonder it's called a dude's paradise.

Yu Yege was standing next to Ning Tong, with one hand carelessly resting on the car window, winking at her: "I'm going to settle the money."

Ning Tan silently put on the black mask and glasses... Keep a low profile, if Qi Yijing finds out, she will die.

"Ready!" The referee raised the red flag and waved it down with the whistle.



When the whistle sounded, the yellow sports car slid out first, as fast as lightning.

Immediately after were the rest, one followed closely by the other.

Yu Yege, who threatened to take the first place, actually fell to No.6, while Ning Chen was fifth.

"Why don't you chase after?" He spoke leisurely.

Ning Tan has no expression on her face, do you think she is stupid?Shoot the first bird, and someone will definitely be knocked out later.

The road is so long, it is good to overtake in the last two laps.

Sure enough, halfway through the run, the car was hit and flew.

It was the one who threatened to increase the money first.


The racing car spun four or five times at high speed on the spot before flying out. The front of the highly defensive sports car collapsed, smoke came out from the body, and the people inside were dizzy from being shaken.


"Second brother, you are fucking me!"

"Hahaha!" The owner of the yellow sports car laughed loudly, "It's because your skills are inferior to others, go away, woohoo!"

Ning Tong silently pulled the mask under her eyes.

Sure enough, it was violent.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Sports cars flashed like thunder, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

The big screen in the racetrack is showing the race situation.

"Another one is eliminated." Someone muttered, "I will change the tires and refuel soon. This is the most critical step."

Unlike professional races that have teams, the people at the car change point are all racetrack employees, and they are all equally professional, but there is definitely an advantage for those who go first.

The transfer point is [-] kilometers away from Kunlun Mountain.

There are old factories all around.


"Mr. Qi, as long as this area is turned into a business district, at least this number will be enough." The 27-year-old young businessman compared a six-character, very excited, "This is just a conservative estimate, please believe me, Mr. If you are willing to invest, I will not let you down!"

"If you don't believe me, you can go to the tower and have a look."

He pointed to several towers near the factory site, which had previously been used to oversee fires.

Qi Yijing was dressed in formal attire, and the suit was arranged without any wrinkles. The exquisite facial features formed a handsome face, and the smooth lines outlined the tough side face and jaw. His expression was indifferent and his eyes were cold.

He didn't work on Saturdays and Sundays.

But today he couldn't read the book, he felt bored.

In addition, the ambition and long-sightedness shown by Ma Chao are very suitable for him-he is a good young man.

"Well." He said lightly, "You only have one hour, arrange it carefully."

Ma Chao is excited, one hour is enough!

It is true that he persisted in sending emails to Qi Yijing!

"Second Master, I won't go up, I'll make a phone call." Ye Tao cast a envious glance at Ma Chao with dark circles under his eyes.

The young man thought he moved the second master with sincerity?It's so naive, it's just that the second master randomly picked up an email out of boredom.

It just so happens that Ma Chao is also a good player.

To sum it up - the life of young people is really good.

He can't do it anymore, he has been plagued by bad luck recently... Obviously Xiao Chen was asked to go to the Tang family to inquire yesterday, but the Tang family actually sent someone to bring him a message.

"Miss is not very experienced in the world, please Ye Tezhu take good care of miss."

Don't step out of the ivory tower if you are innocent!

Why touch his porcelain, he is as busy as a spinning top all day.

Too bad.

It's a pity that he gave Tang Tang a cake back then, his kindness was not rewarded!

Qi Yijing followed Ma Chao up the tower. After all, Ma Chao was so excited that he could not be too calm. He pointed to the factory area and gave an introduction...Qi Yijing frowned slightly, and glanced down casually, seeing several sports cars scrambling past in the distance.

"You didn't say there is a track here." He said in a deep voice.

And from the perspective of Peugeot, it is still the track of the Tang family.

It cannot be dismantled with money.

Qi Yijing looked down at the track coldly, and a black sports car came into his eyes - all the cars were bright colors, but this one was black.

Sports cars stopped to refuel and change tires one after another. The figure getting out of the black car was a woman whose face could not be seen clearly with a mask on.

A very flamboyant man next to her said something to her, and she seemed to turn her head impatiently and said something.

That suit and those eyes...

wait...huh? !

"It won't affect it." Ma Chao quickly explained, "I have already contacted the Tang family in advance, and they also intend to demolish and rebuild the track, and choose a new place, I hope you don't have to worry..."

Qi Yijing suddenly exuded an extremely terrifying cold aura!

He stared straight at the track with a livid face, as if he had changed in an instant, from a calm and noble flower of the high mountains to a cold and heartless person.

Ma Chao's words stuck in his throat.

"Qi, Mr. Qi?" He bite the bullet and said, "You..."

Qi Yijing suddenly went downstairs, sneered again and again: "Okay, very good!"

Dare to play such a dangerous sport as racing.

Still carrying him on his back!

Ma Chao was dumbfounded, no, is there something he is dissatisfied with?You can say if you are not satisfied.

He hurriedly chased after him: "Mr. Qi!"

"Are you finished? I said I don't want that money. I'm here to race with you."

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