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Chapter 209 The Movie Emperor's Kiss

Lu Yijin helped the mirror frame, and looked at the person who came, with a gentle smile: "Mr. Zhou, after watching for a week, have you decided to cooperate with me?"

The man called Mr. Zhou was a little embarrassed: "Patriarch Lu is joking, I am indeed out on business these days, please come in."

How did he know that Mrs. Lu was so courageous that he dared to intercept Hu Qi's cooperation with Anton Group, and he didn't expect that Mrs. Qi would not pursue it.

It seems that this Lu Yijin really has some skills.

Lu Yijin didn't pierce his thoughts, and nodded with a light smile: "Mr. Zhou please first."

Qi Yijing is old-fashioned and arrogant, although he has thunderous means, but the principle will not allow him to do things that embarrass his competitors.

He is very arrogant.

Besides, this time it was Qi's mistake.

Qi Yijing will not embarrass the Lu family anymore.

Mr. Zhou smiled "haha" and led Lu Yijin the way. When Lu Yijin stepped on the steps in the garden, he accidentally caught sight of a figure from the corner of his eye.

He looked sideways.

It was a well-dressed man carrying a girl into the villa. The woman couldn't see her face clearly, only one white arm resting in the air.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lu Yijin felt that the glimpse just now looked familiar.

"Patriarch Lu?" Mr. Zhou turned around in doubt.

Lu Yijin came back to his senses, Wen Ru smiled: "Well, Mr. Zhou please."


Yu Yege threw Ning Li into the soft sofa. It was obviously a gesture of no mercy, but he made it very pleasing to the eye and full of evil charm.

Ning Tang sank into the sofa, her face flushed.

"Brother Ye, here is only your towel, what should I do?" The gecko poked its head out of the bathroom.

Yu Yege hesitated for a while: "Can I use a tissue?"

"Forget it, just use my towel."

Yu Yege took off his hat, threw the sunglasses and mask on the ground casually, revealing a face that was several degrees paler than the one next to him, stretched his fingers into the forehead and grabbed the broken hair, and smoothed it.

Ning Chen should really be thankful that he doesn't have a cleanliness obsession.

Gecko wrung out the towel and handed it to Yu Yege: "Come on, my wife doesn't allow me to approach women."

"Afraid of becoming like this? Really good." Yu Yege was very disgusted, and took the towel to stick it on Ning Chen's forehead.

In just a few minutes, Ning Tan sweated a lot again, and fine beads of sweat hung densely on his forehead.

Yu Yege frowned, grabbed the tissue on the cabinet and wiped off her sweat: "This is stronger than anything I've ever seen. Will there be any side effects?"

He stuck the towel up and tried to wake her up: "Ning Chan, Ning Chan!"

"Huh?" Ning Tan unconsciously whispered.

Yu Yege's heart trembled, she really had the potential to be a female fairy.

The cry gave him goosebumps.

"I don't know, I haven't seen this method for a long time." The gecko said seriously, "Brother Ye, you should contact her family first."

Yu Yege took out Ning Chan's cell phone, but luckily the cell phone didn't escape...but he couldn't open it.

He didn't know the password, and he didn't have a face or fingerprint to unlock it.

"What should we do?" Gecko suggested, "How about we contact Ning Wei?"

Yu Yege lazily got up from the ground and sat on the opposite sofa, grabbed an apple and threw it to the gecko in a handsome posture: "Can you come up with any more stupid ideas? Ning Wei probably caused her success, wait for the pigeon to come ...Go, wash me an apple."

Depressed, the gecko took the apple and went to the kitchen, muttering, "When did you become so kind?"

Yu Yege propped up his arms and rested his chin to stare at the flushed Ning Chan, a faint light flashed across his diamond-like eyes, and the corners of his lips curled lazily.

He would be so kind, naturally because Ning Tong is closely related to his business empire.

Besides, he was also quite curious about her.

In the past two years, he has often seen her and Ning Wei on the trending searches... Well, especially once they suppressed his trending searches.

After a few contacts, Yu Yege discovered that Ning Li was not stupid. Since he was not stupid, why was Ning Wei able to manipulate her to such an extent?What's the secret?

He is most curious about secrets.

"Jingle Bell."

The doorbell rang.


Yu Yege searched for the remote control for a long time but couldn't find it, so he could only get up and open the door.

As soon as he walked away, Ning Tong's phone started to vibrate crazily.

Unfortunately no one found out.

"Did it work?" Bai Zhi was in a hurry, anxious and annoyed.

Something happened to Ning Tan under his nose.

"If you get through, there will be no answer." Ye Tao was so anxious that he gritted his teeth, "Call again, if it doesn't work, I have to tell the second master!"



The phone vibrated crazily.

Ning Tan, who was in a chaotic state of mind, reached out to touch the phone, and barely touched the phone, relying on muscle memory to answer the call.

"Ma'am?!" Ye Tao was excited, "You finally answered the phone, where are you?!"

Ye Tao... Ning Tan vaguely recognized who the voice was: "I, I am..."

"Miss Ning?"

When the gecko came out after cutting the apples, he found Ning Tong sitting up, as if he was still answering the phone, and was shocked: "Miss Ning, I'm here!"

He took the phone and glanced at the note first: The old man's lackey.

What is this called?

The gecko was stunned for a second: "Hello, who are you?"

"I'm Ning Tan's elder brother." The wife's real identity could not be revealed, Ye Tao asked calmly, "Where is she?"

The gecko suddenly realized that this old man was Ning Chen's father.

Ning Tan and Ning Wei have a brother?

How to feel very messy.

The gecko had a weird expression, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Because my boss has a special status, I can't tell you the address. In this way, we can send Miss Ning to the gate of the International Trade Building in an hour, is that okay?"

Ye Tao keenly grasped the word "boss", his heart sank, and he nodded in agreement: "Okay, sorry to trouble you, see you in an hour."

The phone hangs up.

Ye Tao met Bai Zhi's anxious face and shook his head seriously: "He doesn't want to tell me his identity, so I can only call the second master."

They have no choice.

Ning Tan's mind was buzzing, and she couldn't hear anything, but she vaguely knew something bad was going to happen, so she reached out to the gecko: "Hand...the phone..."

Gecko gave her the phone.

Ning Tan tried his best to support his thoughts, turned on Qi Yijing's phone, and pointed with trembling fingers.

The gecko tilted his head and watched, old man?

"You said you called me over in such a hurry, I'm on a date."

Yu Yege walked in side by side with a handsome guy with misty blue hair. The handsome guy was wearing exaggerated earrings and carrying a medicine box in his hand. He was very dissatisfied: "You don't know how superb that brother is, you pay me for it!" .”

"Show me the person first." Yu Yege pointed to the sofa, only to realize that Ning Li had sat up.

Dove's eyes flashed with amazement: "It's beautiful!"

"Your chick?"

The mobile phone was connected after beeping four or five times, and a deep and mellow male voice sounded from the other end, accompanied by the sound of water: "Hello."

The pigeon froze for a moment, this voice...exquisite! !

Ning Li said in a daze, "Pick, come... come pick me up."

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