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Chapter 208 The first woman with a villa

The bracelet inlaid with stones fell on the head, and it hurt even through the hat.

"Hiss." Yu Yege's evil and unruly handsome face distorted for an instant, like the slender fingers coming out of a cartoon, took off his hat and rubbed his head, while looking up at the height.

Who would dare to smash him?

A familiar little face rosy in white flashed past the window, with panic and pleading for help in his eyes.

Ning Chen?

Yu Yege was taken aback for a moment, looked at the location of the room, put on the hat, and walked quickly back from the original path, from the registration station all the way to the operating room.

Someone was arguing with the nurse halfway through.

"I said I don't get infusions! I take medicine... I have money!"

"What am I doing here without money?"

The nurse called the security guard directly: "It's him, pretend to be sick when he's not sick, drive him out."

Bai Zhi: "???"

Don't you want to send money these days?

Just as he was about to defend himself, he suddenly saw a figure walking towards the ward. The man twisted the doorknob, as if he had gone to the wrong room. He hesitated for a few seconds, looked at the door and walked away.

Bai Zhi suddenly felt something was wrong, why hasn't Ning Tan come out yet?

The security guards supported him from left to right.

"Let me go!" Bai Zhi was furious, "Do you know who I am? Dare to do something to me, believe it or not, I will make your hospital disappear on the spot tomorrow?"

It's a pity that he used to be a dandy, and after so many years of wandering, he just didn't develop the aura of a high-ranking person.

Plus he was wearing cheap clothes.

The nurse and the security guard rolled their eyes together.

"Drag him out."

"Let go, let go!"

Bai Zhi was kicked out abruptly, and the security guard waved: "Go, go."


Bai Zhi was angry, and was slapped on the shoulder just as he was about to continue to step forward.

Looking back, it was Ye Tao.

Ye Tao hurried over the moment he received the news—at Ning Chan's speed as a monster, he didn't even dare to take a rest.

"Where's Madam? Why is her phone turned off?"

Bai Zhi was anxious: "Ning Tan is inside, they kicked me out!"

"Let's go." Ye Tao led Bai Zhi in aggressively.

The security guard hesitated for a while, but did not dare to stop Ye Tao.

This man is no better than the shabby household just now, and his clothes are not something they can afford.

Bai Zhi: "..."

Inexplicably feel a little sad.

The two rushed into the corridor, and Bai Zhi pointed to the room Ning Tong entered: "This is it!"

"Why are you in again?" The nurse trotted over.

Ye Tao smiled with dignity in his smile: "Ma'am, please open this door."

The nurse dodged her eyes: "I, I don't have a key."

"Then I'm welcome."

What do you mean?

The nurse looked up in confusion, only to hear a loud noise.


Ye Tao kicked hard on the door, and the door that had been customized for thousands of dollars was bent in half.

Bai Zhi was shocked: "???"

Are you people in Qishi so violent?

"What are you looking at?" Ye Tao said, "Hurry up and help, if something happens to Madam, it will kick us both!"

Add a sentence: "You still have to get kicked twice."


Shocked, Bai Zhi took a few steps back to start a running run, jumped up half of his body and kicked the door amidst the screams of the nurse.


The door was finally kicked open a crack.

There is a seam that is easy to fix, Ye Tao reached in and unscrewed the door.

After seeing the situation inside, Ye Tao and Bai Zhi were stunned at the same time.

A fat man was lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious, with blood dripping from his forehead.

The chair tipped over to the side.

Where is the lady? !

The room was connected to another ward, and the door was wide open. Ye Tao quickly walked out along the road after regaining consciousness... The door of the other room was opened opposite, in a remote corner.

"What's going on?" Bai Zhixin thumped.

Ye Tao turned back sharply: "Should I ask you this?"

The two looked at each other, looked at each other for a minute, and then rushed out at the same time.

Find someone! !

One calls and the other calls.

At the same time, the security guards rushed up to surround them, and the nurse screamed: "Call the police, call the police!"


Ning Tan was held hands and ran wildly on the road, his mind was in chaos, he only felt his face was red and hot, not only that, but also panicked.

She couldn't see who was pulling her.

I just remember that Mr. Lin wanted to catch her, she struggled hard, and then a chair fell on Mr. Lin's head, and a pair of eyes as bright as diamonds came into view.

...It's Yu Yege.

He seems to have said something else.

"Yes, I'll be waiting for you at Tianfu intersection, you must be quick!" Yu Yege hung up Gecko's phone, turned around and asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

"I..." Ning Tong felt that her voice was so delicate that she could squeeze out water. The worst part was that she was a little out of breath, and pain appeared in her eyes, "No, I, I... feel uncomfortable..."

She wanted to tell Yu Yege to go to Qi Yijing's private hospital, but she couldn't breathe.

The words are also intermittent.

"What did you say? Damn it!" Yu Yege listened intently and still couldn't listen, but her scorching breath spewed out her face, which was both fragrant and seductive, and her sinister face under the mask darkened.

"How dare you use this kind of thing on you, this group of disgusting things!"

The red Maserati drove to the intersection.

There were many people waiting for the bus on the side of the road, and they turned their heads frequently when they saw this.

Why does this car look familiar... It looks like the one that actor Yu Yege often posted about?

"What are you driving this car for? Are you afraid that I won't attract enough attention?" Yu Yege pulled Ning Tong into the car, and as soon as he touched her, he found that she was limp, like water. Lowering the hat, he whispered, "Go!"

Gecko drove away quickly, feeling wronged.

Didn't Brother Ye say to arrive at the fastest speed.

And who knew that Yu Yege and Ning Chen were together.

"Where are you going?" Gecko looked back at Ning Tan, who was blushing, "Miss Ning is in a bit of a bad state, isn't it?"

"Yes." Yu Yege nodded irritably, "Someone recognized me just now. If I go to the hotel, I will definitely be followed and photographed. Go back to the villa."

The gecko was shocked.

Back to the villa? !

"Ye Ge, you never bring a woman back to the villa to spend the night!" He was surprised.

Yu Yege: "Then go to your house."

"Let's go to the villa." The gecko smiled mischievously, "I have a tigress at home. Miss Ning is so beautiful, I dare not take it home."

Yu Yege turned his head to look at Ning Yi, pinched the bridge of his nose with the index finger and middle finger wearing the iron ring, his eyes flashed with sorrow... Finally he called his friend: "Come to my house, bring your thing."

Maserati stopped at the hidden villa area.

"Yege, do you still hug Miss Ning?" Gekko asked.

When Ning Tan noticed getting out of the car, he unfastened his seat belt and tried to get out of the car staggeringly. As soon as his feet touched the ground, his feet went limp, and he knelt forward.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yu Yege grabbed her waist, and suddenly a strange feeling emerged... Is her waist so thin?

not far away

"Patriarch, we're here." The driver opened the door for Lu Yijin.

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