give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 210 Over there is my girlfriend

"You must introduce me to this man!" Pigeon poked Yu Yege's arm excitedly.

Yu Yege stared at Ning Chan, the expression in his lazy eyes was somewhat unpredictable.


"Did you hear me talking to you?"

Qi Yijing first heard Ning Tan's soft and charming voice, which was extremely abnormal, and then heard a male voice, the movement of wrapping himself in a bathrobe froze, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.


He asked in a deep voice, "Where are you?"

"I, I'm..." Ning Tan's mind got stuck, "Yu, Yu..."

Seeing that her name was about to be revealed, Yu Yege took the phone from Ning Tong, and lazily said, "Hi sir, Ning Tong is here with me, she will be fine. As for who I am, I'm sorry, sorry I have nothing to say."

After speaking, he pointed his finger.


Qi Yijing's handsome face turned cold, he tore off his bathrobe, picked up his shirt and suit and put them on, with fast speed and extremely elegant movements, while turning on the computer, his deep eyes were filled with frost.

Wearing a tie with one hand, looking for coordinates on the keyboard with the other.

If you don't look carefully, you will think he is playing the piano.

"Why are you hanging up the phone?" Pigeon questioned Yu Yege bitterly, "Can't you just let me hear his voice again?! This subwoofer... must be very capable. Quickly, give me the phone."

Yu Yege folded his arms, stroked his chin, his handsome face flickered with thought.

He said angrily: "Take her to see a doctor first! This is her mobile phone. If she is not awake, don't ask for the number."

Pigeon reluctantly opened the medicine box, and there were more than a dozen injections of different colors in it.

He sized Ning Tong up and smacked his lips: "Tsk tsk, who did this cruel thing? As long as you didn't find me, she is hopeless."

"You did the research again?" Yu Yege leaned on the sofa.

Pigeon shrugged.

It's not like he would do such a thing, but he is willing to try.

Ge Ge took out two acupuncture preparations and grabbed Ning Chen's arm for injection.

Although Ning Tan was not clear-headed, the fear of pain was engraved in his bones, and he wanted to struggle subconsciously.

"Beauty, who were you that man just now?" Pigeon asked suddenly.

Ning Tan thought with blurred eyes: "He, he is me...hehe...he likes me! Ah!"

Taking advantage of her attention being diverted, the pigeon quickly injected her.

As soon as I said the embarrassing phrase that he likes me, it was covered by crying.

Ning Li looked at him with teary eyes, her cheeks were flushed, her voice was soft and soft, and she complained aggrievedly: "You, you are a villain!"

"As long as I like women, you can't run away." Pigeon sighed, glanced at Yu Yege who was eating an apple, and had an evil thought.

Since it's not a couple, it's okay for him to compete.

"Brother Wild."

Yu Yege threw the apple into his mouth in a cool gesture: "Okay?"

Pigeon pointed at Ning Tan: "She is crying, you can coax her by yourself."

Yu Yege frowned, crying after getting an injection.As soon as he walked in, Ning Li looked at him with tears in his eyes, the blur in his eyes hadn't dissipated, it was very seductive.

Yu Yege lost his mind for a moment.

Pigeon's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and suddenly he pushed his head down!

He directly kissed that delicate red lips.

Yu Yege's bright pupils shrank, even if they moved away at the fastest speed, his heart still trembled unavoidably.


The pigeon perfectly captured the moment, and smiled extraordinarily meanly: "This is your revenge for interrupting my date. I will wash it out and give it to you."

Yu Yege tried to grab the phone.

Suddenly something flashed in front of my eyes.


A crisp slap sounded.

Everyone was stunned, the pigeon that was about to run away stopped in shock and turned around, and the gecko dropped its jaw in shock.

Him, what did they see?

On Yu Yege's face, which has been regarded as a face for centuries, there was a bright red palm print. He didn't seem to expect this to happen, and stared blankly at the ground.

Ning Tang stood staggeringly, her red cheeks were full of anger: "Liu, rascal!"

As she spoke, she reached out to wipe her mouth fiercely, and the tears in her eyes became thicker and thicker.

It's over, she's not clean anymore.

Qi Yijing will be angry.

"I was beaten?" Yu Yege regained consciousness, pointing at his face, "Did I get beaten just now?"

Pigeon and gecko nodded silently.

Still being beaten by a woman.

"You hit me?" Yu Yege laughed back in anger, his voice trembling with anger, "I kindly saved you, but you hit me?!"

"Still wiping your mouth?" Yu Yege was provoked, "It's me who should do it!"

He is the god!Ning Li is at best an ordinary girl with a little prettiness.

Yu Yege frantically grabbed the facial tissue to wipe his mouth.

Ning Tan was dumbfounded, why does this person eat facial tissues?

"Brother Ye, don't get excited." Gecko hurried forward to persuade, "Miss Ning is not sober yet, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

"I can't care about her slapping me anymore? It will definitely make headlines if it's published outside." Yu Yege pushed him away irritably, and strode towards the pigeon, "It's all because of you!"

Ge Zi felt guilty, he never expected that Ning Li would be immune to Yu Yege.

"I'm helping you too." He asked resolutely while running, "She slapped you, do you think she's special? Do you want to date her?"

"You think I'm as sick as I am?!"

Ning Tong stared blankly at the two chasing after each other, and looked around in confusion.

Where are the restrooms?She is going to wash her mouth.

The gecko persuaded Yu Yege and the pigeons, but they didn't realize that Ning Li was groping out of the gate. After the pigeons learned the lesson, the two of them supported their knees and gasped for breath.

Yu Yege casually looked at the sofa, it was empty.

"Where's Ning Chan?"

The three of them were dumbfounded at the same time.

The wind was strong at night, and Ning Tan was blown awake a lot, and with the effect of the medicine, his consciousness gradually returned.

"Where is this?" She rubbed her forehead and looked around in confusion.

She remembered that Yu Yege saved her...and then?Why is she on the road alone?

"Patriarch Lu won't stay for a cup of tea?" Mr. Zhou asked with a smile.

Lu Yijin glanced at the girl next to him, and smiled faintly: "It's late at night, I should go back. Mr. Zhou, see you at the press conference."

"That Jiaojiao, you go see Patriarch Lu off."

The girl rejoiced: "I know Dad!"

Zhou Jiaojiao sent Lu Yijin out, and under her father's encouraging eyes, Qiqi Aiai said: "Brother Lu, can I call you that? Do you have a girlfriend?"

This was just a polite remark, she had already found out that Lu Yijin was single.

Lu Yijin smiled faintly: "No, but I have a girl I like."

"Could it be that you lied to me to reject me?" Zhou Jiaojiao was aggrieved and acted like a baby, "I don't believe it, you have to leave me a call."

The smile on Lu Yijin's face faded, she pinched the bridge of her nose and was about to speak, when she caught sight of a familiar figure from the corner of her eye, the lens reflected the glimmer of light passing through her eyes, and smiled gently: "I didn't lie to you, she and I are the same Get up, and look, there she is."

"Xiao Chang!"

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