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Chapter 207 Hitting the Film King

An electric motorcycle leisurely passed them.

Ning Tan's face darkened: "Bai Zhi, do you dare to drive more slowly?"

"Why are you working so hard to disfigure Ning Wei?" Bai Zhi stepped on the gas pedal reluctantly, "I'll be the villain. She's not pleasing to her."

That is to say, he has been running around looking for someone these years. If he were to change him back then, he would definitely not be used to Ning Wei.


Wancheng playboy Bai Shao teaches you how to behave!

"How about I use some tricks?" Bai Zhi's eyes darkened, "You have Qi Yijing as your backer, and I'm going back to Bai's house now, so we'll take her directly to the scrap yard for interrogation. If you don't believe her, don't tell me!"

Ning Tan: "..."

She threw the bag in her hand directly on Bai Zhi's head.

Bai Zhi cried out in pain: "Aww!"

"what are you doing?"

"Let you interrogate, let you interrogate, how about being your own big brother?" Ning Li said angrily, "You still encourage me, listen to me, now is a society ruled by law, do you understand the rule of law society?!"

"Don't fix me those things that are missing, and don't tell Qi Yijing, understand?"

Still use some tricks, day by day, I really think I am tired of working.

Bai Zhi was aggrieved: "You deserve to be manipulated by Ning Wei!"

Do you think Qi Yijing is a simple president? Just look at the scene he saw last time, Qi Yijing is definitely not a good man.

He is so skilled in beating people, yet his strikes are ruthless and dark.

Can't figure out what's going on behind the scenes.

Ning Tan, a fool, thinks that Qi Yijing is a simple gentleman.

If it weren't for the fear that Qi Yijing would settle accounts later, Bai Zhi would definitely tell the story and demolish Ning Chan.

"You want to take care of it?" Ning Tong rolled his eyes, "Drive your car well."

Words that are light and light never need weight, but if you really want to implement them, you will be put on many shackles.

As long as an apple has a little black spot, it will be defined as a bad apple.

Ning Tan never thought of using illegal means to achieve her goal. If she did that, what would be the difference from Ning Wei and others?

Besides, Qi Yijing... Ning Tan's eyes flickered slightly, she still lacked confidence.


Bai Zhi knew about this private hospital. Everyone from celebrity actors to rich people and small bosses would come to this hospital, so the secrecy was good.

There was indeed a nanny car parked in the garage.

The agent was walking up and down anxiously at the door.

"I'll accompany you in," Bai Zhi said.

Ning Tan let out a "hmm", looked around, and walked in with her bag.

Seeing her, the agent breathed a sigh of relief: "You're finally here, Wei...she's this?"

She looked at Bai Zhi and frowned slightly.

"I am her friend."

"You can't go in." The manager refused directly, and said in an orderly tone, "Ning Chan, you and I will go."

Bai Zhi was so angry that he tugged at his sleeves, alas, he has such a violent temper.

Ning Tong looked at the manager calmly.

"What are you looking at me for? Hurry up and go with me!"

"You wait for me outside." Ning Tan told Bai Zhi, followed up with the manager, turned around and winked at Bai Zhi quietly, and pointed inside.

Bai Zhi understood in seconds.


He walked into the hospital after the distance between the two parties, and went directly to register. He looked in the direction of Ning Tong, and watched Ning Tong being taken to the door of a ward next to the operating room.

"Sir, what are you looking at, sir?" The nurse waved the file in front of Bai Zhi's eyes.

"It's nothing."

"May I ask what's wrong with you?"

Bai Zhi replied casually, and when he looked again, there were no figures of Ning Chan and his manager at the door of the ward, and the door was closed.

People should have gone in.

"Sir, I will take you to the doctor."

"I don't want to go, you let him come over... see what I do, go and let him come over."

Ning Tong followed the manager into the ward, never expecting that there was another room connected to the ward, the door of the room was half-closed, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

She stopped at the door and didn't want to go in: "Don't you want to sign? No one can see you here, just sign here."

"The consent form is inside."

"You can take it out." Ning Chan said lightly.

The manager was anxious, gritted his teeth and said, "Then you wait, I'll get it."

The agent opened the door and walked into the ward. The ward was very high-end, with not only a bed but also a sofa. Lin Tielong sat on the sofa and sipped red wine, his face full of obsession.

He took a deep breath: "It's really fragrant."

"Boss Lin, people are outside." The manager smiled flatteringly, "I'll go out later and lock the door from the outside. Do you want the money?"

Lin Tielong greasy put a card on his fingertips and handed it to her: "You don't need to lock it, my people have already done it, go out."

The manager smiled even brighter: "In the future, please support Weiwei more."

"Go ahead." Lin Tielong was a little impatient.

Don't bother him with admiring the beauties.

There is a large-screen TV hanging directly in front of it, which shows every move of Ning Chan in the next room.

She waited for a long time but did not wait for the agent, she frowned slightly and wanted to go out.

"Beauty frowns, it's all coquettish." Lin Tielong shook his head, appreciatively, "I'm going to open the, how could I let you run away? Let me see that there are still a few minutes left."

Ning Tan knew he was coming when he couldn't open the door.

She took out her mobile phone, but there was no signal at all-there was a signal blocker in this room.

"Ning Wei!" Ning Tan asked coldly, "What do you want to do?"

She slammed on the door: "Bai Zhi!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bai Zhi, are you there?!"

What answered her was a faint scent.


Ning Tan inhaled, and subconsciously searched for the source—it came from the vase next to the instrument, not ordinary perfume.

She quickly covered her mouth and nose.

Still, my head was a little dizzy.


Ning Li forcibly calmed down, tried to stand firm so that no one would notice anything strange, and looked around anxiously.

This room is very strange, it seems that it is specially used for something. As a ward, it doesn't even have a window, only a high window on the right wall.

Ning Tan made a decision in an instant, pulled up two chairs and climbed up, and when he reached the iron railing of the window, he was already dizzy.

Bastard, shit!

"Come here, come here..." Ning Tong called out for help, but found that his voice was as small as a cat's, and could not attract the attention of others at all.

A voice sounded from below.

"Beauty, are you calling me?"

Ning Tong looked down and saw a man with a big belly folded his arms, and Se Mimi's eyes looked from top to bottom, as if he was admiring her self-help.

"You, who are you?" Ning Tan was startled, and calmly tore off the bracelet, cursing Bai Zhi in his heart.

What about people?It's too unreliable!

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Mr. Lin. Have you forgotten what we've met?" Lin Tielong walked to her side, ready to start, "Your sister Ning Wei sold you to me. If you want to blame, you can blame her."

Ning Dan felt cold.

Ning Wei.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man in a black hat walking by in his pocket.

"Impossible, it's impossible for her to treat me like this!" Ning Tan turned pale and kept shaking his head excitedly, but actually took advantage of this gap to slam his bracelet out of the window!

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