"No." Bai Zixing stuffed the garlic shrimp into his mouth, suspicious in his clear eyes.

"What's wrong?" Bai Zhi asked.

"The waiter just looked at Qi Yijing in the wrong way!" Bai Zixing clapped his hands, "I have to go and see."

Bai Zhi didn't eat anymore, and hurried to catch up.

Ye Tao, who peeled the shrimp, hesitated, so many people have gone, so he doesn't have to go, right?

In fact, compared to the second master, that woman's safety is more worth worrying about, really.

Just as Bai Zixing walked to the toilet, he saw the intern rush towards Qi Yijing.

She knows it! !

Bai Zixing was so angry that he stopped when he was about to speak out.

She wanted to see what Qi Yijing would do.

The place where Qi Yijing was standing was a blind spot, he couldn't avoid it, his face was slightly cold, and he made a decision instantly, and raised his slender legs in an astonishing ninety-degree arc.

The soles of the shoes directly touched the intern's face with light makeup.


Bai Zixing: "???"

Bai Zhi: "Hiss!"

The intern reacted quickly, with tears in his eyes, pretending to be slippery on the soles of his feet, and insisted on throwing himself on Qi Yijing.

Let's see how he hides this time.

Qi Yijing's face was covered with a thin layer of ice, and his eyes were dangerous.

If you dare to touch him, you will die.

Bai Zixing rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward, grabbed the intern and threw him to the ground.


When the intern saw someone coming, his face paled instantly.

Qi Yijing, who was about to let Ye Tao take the agreement, glanced at the Bai family, patted the dust on his body, and frowned when he smelled the low-quality perfume in the air.

"Dare to do something to my woman's man, you're so brave!" Bai Zixing sneered, seeing the intern want to retort, "Shut up! I've been in bars for four or five years, I've seen people like you a lot. I've seen people who want to climb high branches, but I've never seen you so disgusting, and when you see a man with a wife, you still go up to him!"

"What are you staring at, put away your dirty thoughts!"

"Who is your supervisor? You don't want this job!"

The intern turned pale, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, trying to hug her leg and beg for mercy.

Bai Zixing retreated quickly.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" The intern kowtowed on the spot, crying loudly, "I'm obsessed with ghosts, I don't dare to do it anymore, please give me a chance. My brother is still waiting for the operation fee to save his life, I must not Expelled, please save him."

Bai Zixing was disgusted: "Why did you go so early?"

She could pretend she didn't see anything about other people's affairs, but the intern's idea was Qi Yijing's.

For this reason, Ning Chen also poured a pot of cucumbers.

Never let it go!

Bai Zixing looked at Bai Zhi: "Uncle, please take her out, don't let Xiao Chen see her, she is very soft-hearted towards those in need."

"What did you call me?!" Bai Zhi was so excited that he couldn't speak fluently, "Okay, uncle will take her to deal with now!"

Seeing the imminent disaster, the intern kneeled and crawled towards Qi Yijing.

"Sir, please help me!"

"Sir, I can give you anything!"


The intern almost caught Qi Yijing's trousers, but was brutally dragged away by Bai Zhi.

Qi Yijing watched the whole process coldly, except for the cold disgust on his handsome face, there was no emotion at all.

The sound of washing hands sounded.

Ning Tan came out and looked at Bai Zixing suspiciously: "Why are you here, Taotao?"

"Go to the bathroom."

Almost the moment she came out, the coldness on Qi Yijing's body disappeared, and he lowered his head to stare at her, his low magnetic voice was somewhat soft: "Have you washed it?"

Bai Tao was dumbfounded, did she change the core?

"It's been washed clean." Ning Tan curled her red lips around Qi Yijing's neck, tiptoed lightly, and deliberately exhaled at his Adam's apple, "Second Master wants... what should I do~"

In an instant, Qi Yijing's whole body was stiff from bottom to top, like a puppet, as if only his eyes could move, staring at the goblin clinging to his body, breathing more and more heavily, his eyes were filled with turbulent emotions, sparks flickered in between, The icy voice gritted his teeth: "Ning! Long!"

Ning Tan tilted his head: "Huh?"

Knowingly, she asked, "Second Master, why are your palms sweating?"


The corners of Qi Yijing's eyes gradually turned red, and he stared at her intently. The tense veins on his forehead were a bit frightening. The hyun in his mind changed from thick to thin, and the hyun named reason was about to break.

I really want to teach her a lesson!

A smirk flashed across Ning Tong's eyes, and he suddenly turned around and pulled Bai Zixing away.

The second master Qi, who was about to bow his head and kiss Fangze, froze.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally decided to find Ye Tao, who met a pair of red eyes, and blurted out: "Damn!"

"Second Master, I'm a man!"

Qi Yijing had blue veins popping out of his forehead, even if he was a woman, he wouldn't be so hungry.



Bai Zixing, who witnessed the whole process, was stunned: "!!!"

Sister, you are so brave!

"I always thought that I have a way of dealing with men, but I didn't expect you to be the one who hides the truth." Bai Zixing exclaimed, "Aren't you afraid that he will become a beast?"

"How is it possible." Ning Tan sneered, "He doesn't even want to kiss in front of outsiders."

That's why she dared to be so brash, okay?

Who told him to tease her on purpose just now.

What is this trick called?This trick is called precision!

"You have nothing to fear." Bai Zixing muttered to himself, "When Qi Yijing spoils others someday, you don't have to cry to death."

Qi Yijing never returned to the private room.

Even with his toes, he knew what he was doing.

Bai Zixing looked at Qi Yijing with ambiguous eyes, while Ye Tao complained bitterly.

Only Bai Zhi was kept in the dark.

"Where's Mr. Qi?"

"Oh, he's going back first." Ning Li lied confidently and clapped his hands, "After eating, I'm going back to school too."

"Madam, I'll see you off." Ye Tao stood up.

"Stop!" Ning Tan smiled, "I don't believe you, Bai Zhi, send me off."

Just kidding, it would be fine if Ye Tao took her back to Huijingxuan.

Qi Yijing could really eat her up.

Ye Tao: "..."

You, the instigator, have the nerve to be afraid?

Before getting into the car, Ning Tan asked, "Why didn't Xiaojing come?"

"She said she doesn't like Qi Yijing." Bai Zixing whispered.

Ning Tan didn't think much about it, after all, Qi Yijing had a cold face every day, and Xiaojing had autism, so it's normal to be afraid.

Bai Zhi sent Ning Tan to Lanhua University, and Bai Zixing also went there.

She owes several days of class.

"Uncle can ask for leave for you, what books to read, our Bai family can afford you." Bai Zhi's playboy fell ill again, "This book is not for people to read!"

"I love design, I don't feel like..."

The phone vibrated, and Ning Tan stepped aside: "Hello."

"Weiwei was beaten by Lin Heya's fans, and now she needs surgery urgently! Your father and I are both working out of town, Ning Tong, go to the hospital to sign!" Zhao Guihua urged in an anxious voice.

"Quick! Don't let Weiwei disfigure her face!"

"Understood." Ning Tong hung up the phone and searched out the entertainment trending searches.

The latest one is indeed that Ning Wei was besieged by Lin Xiya's fans.

Ning Yi frowned, and called Bai Zhi to go to the private hospital that Zhao Guifen mentioned. On the way, he did not forget to send Ye Tao a message: I didn't call you in half an hour, so I came here to save Bai Zhi and me.

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