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Chapter 205 Sir Please Help Me

Ning Tan was silent for a few seconds, it shouldn't be... right?

Seeing that she was wavering, Bai Zixing nudged her and urged her, "Why don't you ask me later?"

"What are you asking?" Ning Tong rolled his eyes, "It's not for you, I don't care how it came about, as long as I'm happy, don't bully Qi Yijing!"


Bai Zixing looked at her sadly, it's only been a few days to protect her like this.

Didn't she just give a little advice?

"You used to despise him so much."

"Then I didn't know he was so handsome." Ning Tan said confidently, "Otherwise, I would feel less disgusted."

"Scum girl." Bai Zixing despised deeply.

"Can you be a scumbag?" Ning Tan sneered, "That's right, let's get down to business."

She lowered her voice: "On Saturday, I'm going to do something that Qi Yijing won't know about. I told him that I'll go to Guancheng with you, and don't go out of my way."

Bai Zixing hesitated. If it was an ordinary partner, she would definitely help Ning Li as a cover without saying a word.

But this person is Qi Yijing... the kind who might die if he plays a cover.

She has just returned to Bai's house, is she going to bring disaster to the family?

"Don't worry, you'll be fine with me here." Ning Tan accused, "If you don't do anything under cover, the relationship has faded like this?"

"I do what I do, but you have to take it easy."


"What are you whispering about?" Bai Zhi caught up.

"Discuss what to order." Ning Tan was puzzled, "Where is my second master?"

Bai Zixing vomited silently.


Qi Yijing was not a short distance away from them, Ning Chuanpidianpidian ran back and hugged his arm, almost hanging half of him on him like a baby.

"Stand still." Qi Yijing straightened her up with a blank expression.

Ning Tan quit, and limply entangled her again.

She doesn't.

Qi Yijing frowned slightly, but in fact, pampering and helplessness flashed in her eyes, and her arms were wrapped around her waist to prevent her from falling down later.

"What do you want to eat later?"

"You can."

Interns pick up the last scraps.

Hearing the voice, she raised her head and saw that the guest who helped her was hugging a handsome handsome guy with an extremely extraordinary temperament. The handsome guy was obviously impatient, and she was still chattering non-stop.

This, this is her husband?

The intern stared blankly, and accidentally slipped his hand on the broken plate.

Blood gushed out immediately.

She cried out in pain: "Ah."

Qi also heard about the reputation.

Ning Chen knew how serious Qi Yijing's obsession with cleanliness was, so he covered his eyes and said, "Don't look!"

She looked down and frowned slightly.

Haven't cleaned it up for so long?

The intern was embarrassed by her reproachful eyes: "I, I haven't been here for long."

The warmth covered the eyelids, and Ning Tan's slightly displeased face could be vaguely seen through the cracks of his fingers. Second Lord Qi was stunned for a moment, and then his thin lips curled slightly.

This is what it feels like to be protected?

not bad.

"You don't need to explain to me." Ning Tong reminded, "But if you don't finish tidying up, you may be asked for trouble."

She pulled Qi Yijing into the room, and after making sure she was away from the leftovers, she let go of her hand covering her eyes, and explained: "It was dirty there just now."

The hand just took it away and was held by a big hand, wrapping it tightly.

Qi Yijing looked down at her, his deep eyes were rare and soft, and his voice was magnetic and mellow: "I know."

The pleasant voice poured out slowly, extremely serious.

"I love so much."

Ning Tan's face was inexplicably hot, and he withdrew his hand uncomfortably.

"Just know."

If you like it, you like it, say what you it uncomfortable if you don't say it for a day?

Across the screen, I met two faces who were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, with ambiguous eyes.

Baitao opened her mouth silently: I like it very much~

Ning Tan: "..."

Madan, you shouldn't be eating this meal!

Qi Yijing looked at Ning Tan's slightly angry back, stared at his hand, and his expression gradually became meaningful.

Not to mention, how could she be addicted.

"Waiter! It's time to serve!" Bai Zhi shouted.

The intern came in with a cart, and every dish in it cost thousands of dollars, and one meal was her two months' wages... She couldn't help looking at the man exuding dignity, and the man just now because she moved slowly. Just warn her woman.

After serving the food and going out, the intern pushed the cart back.

The new interns are talking about the guests.

"The woman in Qinglian Yajian, do you think it's San?"

"Everyone is wearing famous brands, but she is wearing the street stalls alone. I think it is very likely that she just hooked up with that gentleman."

"As far as that gentleman's conditions are concerned, I'm willing to pay anything upside down."

"You can leave."


The intern grasped the cart involuntarily, his brother's surgery fee, the man's handsome face and his noble temperament flashed through his mind, and his heart inevitably beat wildly.

She's good looking, why not give it a go?

Anyway, that woman is not a good guy!

"Uncle will peel the prawns for you." Bai Zhi was so industrious that he wished he could use one day to make up for the debt he owed over the past ten years.

"I'll do it myself." Bai Zixing wanted to refuse.

Bai Zhi quit: "In the future, if you find a boyfriend, it won't be your uncle's turn."

Boyfriend wants to peel shrimp?

Qi Yijing raised his eyes, his eyes were attracted.

After studying silently for a while, he put two shrimps into the bowl, and when he was about to start, his hands froze——Qi Erye had never peeled shrimps by himself, and the sauce covered his whole body made his eyebrows twitch.

"You want to eat shrimp?" Ning Tan put down his chopsticks and brought over his bowl, "I'll peel it for you, I'm amazing!"

Pray that the second master hesitated to speak.

No, he wanted to strip her.

Ning Li peeled off one of them, and proudly handed it to Qi Yijing's mouth: "Hurry up? I'm a craftsman, come on, open your mouth."

Qi Yijing couldn't save face: "Put it in a bowl."

"Okay." Ning Tong threw the shrimp into the bowl.

The interns came in again to serve the food, and seeing Ning Li struggling to peel shrimps for Qi Yijing, it was even more certain that Ning Chen's identity was not right——for real couples, how could a woman peel shrimps for a man?

She put the cold cucumber with sauce in front of Ning Chen.

Hand trembled.

"Look at me peeling a flower." Ning Li was showing off the shrimp flower he had placed, and his chest was caught off guard.

Ok? !

Qi Yijing's face, which was supposed to be gentle, turned ugly in an instant, and his cold and dangerous eyes fell on the intern.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The intern trembled, "I didn't mean it, I'll take you to change clothes."

"Forget it." Ning Tan wiped his chest with a piece of paper, "Do you have spare clothes?"

"Some here."

Qi Yijing was no longer in the mood to eat, so he coldly got up and followed.

Ning Tan and the interns were astonished.

"What are you doing here?" She couldn't laugh or cry.

Qi Yijing said coldly: "Should I not follow you?"

"...It should be."

The intern took a spare set of clothes for Ning Chan, intentionally not using the staff toilet, and asked her to go to the women's toilet.

Qi Yijing had no choice but to stand at the door and wait.

The intern raised his head secretly, wiped his hair behind his ears and exposed his earlobes, his heart was beating wildly...there were only the two of them at the door, this was a good opportunity!

"Sir." She called out softly, bowed 180 degrees to Qi Yijing with tears in her eyes, "It's all my fault, I'll give it to you..."

The heel of her shoe broke suddenly, and she rushed towards Qi Yijing.

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