Ning Tan has a strange expression, has he become smarter or has he quarreled with Ning Wei?

"I don't know." Ning Tan spread his hands, "You know the relationship between me and her very well. If you ask me about this kind of thing, why not ask me what the final exam questions are? I might know a little bit."

"It's okay, I'll go."

"Wait!" Yao Qian was anxious and blocked her way.

Ning Tan folded his arms and looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

Whether it is or not is important to her, isn't she and Ning Wei are close friends.

Yao Qian said in a low voice: "It is precisely because I know that I am here to ask you. I don't want to be taken for a fool."

She got close to Ning Wei because Ning Wei was kind and different from the rich ladies in the circle.

The reality told her that Ning Wei's kindness might just be a show!

She is even more hypocritical than those rich ladies who are understated and exaggerated.

No, she must know the truth, for sure.

"I really don't know." Ning Tan sighed helplessly, "Look at the way Ning Wei guards against me, do I seem to be someone who can know such a secret?"

Yao Qian was silent. With Weiwei's attitude towards Ning Chan, she might think of Ning Chan when asking for money, and she definitely has no part in the secret.

"I'll ask her myself!" Yao Qian gritted her teeth.

She absolutely needs to know the truth.

Ning Tan shrugged, it's none of her business, she can do whatever she likes.

Traffic lights change from red to green.

Ning Tan tilted his head and shouted to Yao Qian who had walked a meter away: "Hey! Be careful! Watch out for recording pens and cameras."

Think of it as her repaying Yao Qian's kindness last time.

As for the others... I'm sorry, before Yao Qian made trouble every now and then, she is not someone who can lose her memory in a short time and pretend it never happened.

Yao Qian turned around in astonishment, only seeing the bustling crowd.

"Recorder?" She pursed her lips, and instead of calling Ning Wei, she said to her driver, "Go, go to the production team of "Wei Wei."


Chi's Building

会议 室

Ye Tao looked at the phone that was hastily hung up in shock.

"what's up?"

There was an indifferent voice from above, and at the same time, the man glanced at the person in charge of the project who was explaining, his eyes were terribly cold and ruthless: "pass, next."

The person in charge wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, and he only spoke a third of the way.

Another executive stood up bravely.

Ye Tao pressed the Bluetooth button, walked to Qi Yijing, bent down and said in a low voice, "Madam asked if you want to have dinner with her tonight."

"She invited me to dinner?" Qi Yijing murmured.


Erye, do you have a hearing problem? Just have a meal!eat!indivual!meal!

And don't mention how casual and perfunctory Madam's tone was just now.

Thinking that the second master was like a resentful species in the morning, with the words "Don't get close to strangers" written all over his face, he better stop telling the truth.

"...Yes, madam invites you to dinner."

Qi Yijing's dissatisfaction caused by the plan just now disappeared in an instant, and he was in a happy mood. Although his exquisite and handsome deep face remained proud and cold, the smile in his eyes could hardly be hidden, and his thin lips quietly raised.

Looking at the supervisor, I think it is quite pleasing to the eye.

Um...give him another 5 minutes.

Ning Tan invited him to dinner... Second Master Qi seemed to be staring at the supervisor, but in fact he was quietly distracted, tapping the folder with his fair fingers, slowly and melodiously.

This kind of matter should actually be brought up by him, never thought that Ning Tan would take the initiative.

According to the rules of love and getting along seen today.

Should he prepare a present for her?

The supervisor was already uneasy because someone broke his halberd in front of him, but the president stared at him the whole time, making him even more uneasy, and his voice was trembling: "The factory only needs Bai..."

The president frowned slightly, and the supervisor frowned in shock.

Qi Yijing realized later that all his money was in Ning Chen's hands, and when he heard the supervisor's mistake, he frowned even more, his eyes were as cold and cold as ice skates.

The supervisor shuddered.

"Cough cough." Ye Tao covered his mouth and coughed dryly, "Continue talking."

The supervisor nodded quickly and continued talking about the plan.

"Enough." Qi Yijing interrupted in a cold voice, threw the document to Ye Tao, squinted his eyes and examined it for a week, aggressively, "I'll give you another week, if you can't come up with a satisfactory solution, all of you will consciously go to the branch office!"

Everyone trembled.


"Understood the president."

Ye Tao opened the door, and Qi Yijing left with ruthless steps.

"Ye Zhu, please help us." Everyone was as miserable as Huang Lian, "We were prepared, but who knew that Anton Group would betray us and implicate us."

They don't even have enough to pack for a week.

Ye Tao smiled slightly: "What about the second plan? The president reminded you before that you should stay behind in everything. Have any of you listened to it? The president will give you a week because you are in a good mood today, so you can secretly have fun." .”

I didn't even bother to prepare for the second plan for a quarter, so I had the nerve to ask him to forgive me.

Ha ha!

The crowd was speechless.

They, don't they think that nothing will happen... nothing happened before!

The group looked at each other in blank dismay, what should they do now?

"Hehe." Laughter sounded, Qi Mingjin walked in with a calculating look on his face, "I have a client who can help you."

Several people were vigilant, but Qi Zong and the president had not dealt with it all the time.

They don't want to stand in line.

Qi Ming would like to sneer: "No matter what, he and I are brothers. When did you see that I endangered the company? Don't forget, Yijing has always only focused on results, and he always said what he said."

"Do you want to go to the branch office?"

The mood of several people suddenly became complicated. You looked at me and saw you hesitated.


in the office

"Ye Tao." Qi Yijing pondered for a quarter of an hour but didn't think of the result. He slightly frowned and dialed the phone in the special assistance room. His low magnetic voice was full of seriousness, "What kind of gift do you think Ning Chen would like?"

Ye Tao was so busy: "Girls like skirts, or cakes."

"No matter how bad it is, it's flowers, bags, diamonds and so on."


Second Master Qi frowned, Yinlou safe has collected a lot of diamonds, beautiful is beautiful, but they were all worn by others.

Skirt... Ning Tang wearing a beautiful skirt appeared in his mind ostentatiously passing through the market, Qi Yijing's face darkened, and he passed directly.

no!That can only be worn for him to see.

"No other options?" He asked in a low voice.

The corner of Ye Tao's mouth twitched: "...Second Master, I have been single for as many years as I am, you ask me this?"

"Trash!" Second Master Qi sneered, "If you can't find a girlfriend again, you can go to the ground by yourself."

Ye Tao burst into tears: "???"

No, second master, if you show your affection, you will show your affection. Why do you want to attack personally?

Who did he provoke.

How about not having a girlfriend?He still eats three meals a day... woof woof!

Annoyance flashed in Qi Yijing's eyes, he hated friends when they were needed... He used to think he didn't need friends, but now he's fine.

The second master, whose IQ was over the top, was silent for 5 minutes, and finally chose the oldest method - Baidu.

Then he looked at the first answer on the list and fell silent for a long time.

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