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Chapter 203 Lin Biao's Abacus


Ning Tang rubbed her nose, touched her forehead to make sure she was not sick, and muttered, "Who's talking about me?"

At the same time, he knocked on the Porsche window.


The doors are unlocked.

After Ning Tan sat in, he faced a smile that was as bright as a chrysanthemum in full bloom, and a furry toy hit his face: "Hi ma'am!"

Ning Tan who almost ate his mouth: "..."

"Thank you." She took the toy and thanked her with difficulty, "Why are you?"

"This is a gift from me for buying a house. I chose it specially for you, Madam. This is the only one of the big-name dolls! They are just ordinary gifts." Xiao Chen smiled very sincerely, and did not forget to answer Ning Chen's question, "I'm on the way, just Volunteer to pick you up."

Ning Chen actually thinks that, except for cosmetics, there is no difference between big brands and small brands, they are all dolls...

"Congratulations." Ning Tan subconsciously touched his phone, "Let me send you a red envelope."

"No, the president has already given it!" Xiao Chen quickly refused.

If it weren't for the president's repeated rewards, how could he buy a house.

Ning Li was taken aback, Qi Yijing is so humane?

It's not that Qi Yijing is not a human being, it's because of Qi Yijing's ruthless temperament that he even gives gifts to employees?

It's almost like science fiction.

"Then I wish you a happy life in your new house, good luck and good luck in everything."

"Ma'am, where are we going?"

"Go to Lanyage."

In order to accompany his father, Bai Zixing hadn't been to Lanyage yet.

Ning Tan called Bai Zhi, but Bai Zhi was dealing with the affairs of the Bai family and said that he would apply to freeze all the property of the Bai family.

The waiter came out to greet him: "Hello, ma'am, how many people?"

"There is an appointment." Ning Tan glanced at the phone, "Qinglian Private Room."

"this way please."

"Ma'am, shall I go first?" Xiao Chen asked.

Ning Tan waved: "Be careful on the road."

The waiter took Ning Chan to Qinglian's elegant room, which was decorated in an antique style. There was an exquisite rockery behind the screen. The water flowed and flowed, and the white mist rose, just like a palace.

"Ma'am, please call me if you need me."

"it is good."

The waiter withdrew, and Ning Tong fiddled with the white mist caused by the dry ice, swiping his phone to reply to Bai Zhi's message.

"Bang Dang!" came the sound of plates falling to the ground and breaking.

Leng Buding was frightened, his hands trembled, and the phone rolled down into the rockery.

"Crap!" Ning Tan hurriedly picked up the phone.

It's a pity that it was too late, and the phone was soaked.

Ning Tan immediately looked for tissues, but the table was empty, so he had to run out to find the waiter.

There was one person standing at the door, and the other was whispering a lesson to the standing person.

"Let you be careful, let you be careful! Do you know how much this dish costs? You can't afford half a month's salary!"

"I'm sorry, sister Jiao, I didn't mean it, I really..."

"It's not too late to clean up!"

"Sister Jiao, please don't make me pay for it, okay?" The intern cried with tears in his eyes, "My brother's surgery fee is counted on me, and I also worked too many jobs and didn't sleep well. I promise there will be no next time." Please, please, I beg you."

Sister Jiao is impatient, if she doesn't pay, will she pay?Who has no family.

"Go and talk to the manager yourself."

"Take care of him, he has been trying to rule me, but I dare not." The intern cried even more sadly.

"Ahem." Ning Tan coughed dryly twice, "Excuse me, that, can you help me find a facial tissue?"

Sister Jiao immediately raised a decent smile: "Please wait a moment."

Stare at the intern from the corner of the eye when leaving, hurry up and clean it up!

The intern broke down emotionally and squatted on the ground crying uncontrollably.

Crying and clearing the dishes.

Ning Tan sighed silently: "Don't cry, this dish will be credited to my account."

The intern looked up at her in disbelief.

"Don't do it again next time."

When Sister Jiao came over, she saw the intern kept bowing and thanking Ning Tong: "Thank you, thank you!"

"Ma'am, here are the tissues you asked for."

"Hello!" A man staggered out from the private room next door, as if he was drunk, "Where's the waiter? Waiter! Where's my wine?"

Ning glanced at her, her footsteps looked messy but actually she was steady, pretending to be drunk.

"Here we come." Sister Jiao replied with a smile.

The man with a big belly looked over following the voice, and saw a beautiful figure who turned and left, with a small melon-shaped face, skin like snow, black eyes and red lips, a high and straight nose bridge, even from the side face, one could see the waves in the eyes, with a long face No worse than those stars.

The can't be seen in loose clothes, so it must be not bad.

In addition to being beautiful, there is also some familiarity.

"Mr. Lin, this is your wine." Sister Jiao presented a bottle of red wine.

The man took out his mobile phone and flipped through it, showing a determined smile.

It was her.

"It's really a coincidence." He swallowed, "Go, give this bottle of wine to the young lady just now, just say I'm expressing my heart."

Sister Jiao is in a dilemma, this... This is against the rules.

Lin Biao said impatiently: "We know each other, if you are told to go, go!"

"Okay, let me try it for you."

Lin Biao pretended to be drunk and prepared to go back to the private room, but the people inside ran out blushing, patted him on the shoulder and laughed and said good brother.

"No, no, no, no."

"Boss Lin, we, we will see you tomorrow!"

Lin Biao nodded drunkenly: "Gao, boss Gao, go slowly!"

After sending off his partner, Lin Biao immediately put away his drunken appearance and walked towards Qinglian's room with his head held high.

Through the screen, Ning Li could be seen sitting lazily, and her bulging figure immediately appeared.

Lin Biao stared seductively.

good stuff!good!

"Give it to me?" Ning Tan pointed at himself, puzzled, "I don't know Dr. Lin, he recognized the wrong person, you can take it away."

Sister Jiao nodded, and when she went out, she saw Lin Biao, who was about to speak.

"I got the wrong person." Lin Biao said, "Leave this bottle of wine for me, I'm leaving first."

He had to suppress the fire.

There are rules in Lanyage Court, you are not allowed to do any nasty things in it, that's why everyone can feel at ease here to discuss business and affairs... Someone broke the rules before and got a hand broken, Lin Biao dare not come here no matter how lustful he is attack.

There will be opportunities later.

Lin Biao made a phone call as soon as he got out of Lanyage: "Hey, I have inspected the person you mentioned. She is a pretty beauty. Send her to my villa tonight."

"What about the money?"

"500 million!"


After hanging up the phone, Lin Biao's eyes flickered with vicious calculations. After training this kind of top quality, he took it out to entertain guests, and he didn't know how much benefit it would bring him.

"Go, go back to the villa."

The intern who lowered his head the whole time raised his head in horror, his face extremely pale.

The one just now, that was...

No, she wants to tell this guest not to go.

Just as the intern was about to get up, Ye Tao came in, stood at the door and called, "Ma'am, ma'am?"


The intern froze in place, so the girl just now was different from her, she was a wealthy wife.

She is also rich!

"What's wrong?" Ning Tong walked out.

The intern quickly lowered his head.

Ye Tao had a strange expression: "Madam, why don't you go out for a while, the second master refuses to come in."

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