The doctor watched them and passed the report.

"See for yourself."

Bai Zhi snatched it, because he couldn't turn it out because he was anxious. Seeing that he was about to crumple and destroy the paper, Ning Li hurriedly grabbed the corner of the paper and opened it gently.

Validator: Father, Bai Rui

Daughter: Baitao

As a result...the two glanced down at the same time.

It is supported that the individuals belonging to the specimens a0001 and a0002 are in line with biological relationship.

conform to……

Bai Zhi's whole body lost strength in an instant, and the next moment he grabbed Ning Chan excitedly, and clicked the report: "Yes! Ning Chan, did you see it! Yes!"

"She is my niece, and Taotao is Bai Zixing!"

"I finally found her!"

Ning Li also heaved a sigh of relief, although her worries were not as strong as Bai Zhi's, she was afraid that Ye Baitao would be devastated because of this.

Taotao looks carefree, but in fact she has always been inferior and fragile in terms of family affection.

"Congratulations." Ning Tong smiled sincerely, "Hurry up and find Taotao, she should be outside, either under the big tree or squatting behind the flowerbed."

"Okay!" Bai Zhi ran excitedly, ran two steps and came back to give Ning Li a big hug, "Xiao Chen, thank you!"

Ning Li glanced at the monitor.

Bai Zhi ran over excitedly, and was so happy that he turned around.

Ning Tong shrugged and followed.

When I went out, I saw Bai Zhi holding Baitao and crying bitterly: "It's uncle's fault. Not only did he lose you when he was a child, but he didn't find you when he was so close to you. It's all uncle's fault. Uncle will definitely make up for you in the future, you Forgive uncle..."

"Uncle is a bastard!"

Weeping and cursing, those who didn't know thought it was him who was missing.

Baitao wept silently.

She didn't expect God to treat her so kindly, and even gave it to her new family when she accepted her fate.

"Cough." Ning Tan covered his mouth and cleared his cough, "Although I don't want to disturb the atmosphere of your acquaintance, do you want to go in and see Bai Rui?"

"That's right." Bai Zhi said, "Forget the important things, Xiao Xing, take you to see your father...your dear father!"

Baitao wiped away her tears, looked at Ning Chan with red eyes, choked up and said, "Xiao Chan, thank you."

If it weren't for you, I would have been kept in the dark for the rest of my life.

Use me as a lifetime tool for those who use me.

"We are sisters, so thank you." Ning Tan put some lipstick on her and nodded with satisfaction, "It's so beautiful, go and see your father."

"I still have class in the afternoon and leave first."

Bai Zhi walked to the hospital entrance and shouted back, "I'll treat you to dinner tonight!"

Without looking back, Ning Tang stretched out her hand for an OK gesture.

When the uncle and nephew came to the ward, perhaps because of their timidity due to the proximity to the country, Baitao shrank before entering the ward.

She had seen Bai Rui from a distance, and knew that he missed his daughter and became sick because he couldn't bear the blow.

Bai Zhi turned around: "What's the matter, Xiao Xing?"

"I..." Baitao blamed herself, "I don't know how to face him."

"It's me who really can't face him." Bai Zhi smiled wryly, and pulled her in, "He misses you very much, really misses you, you mind if I call you that?"

Baitao stood in front of the bed, looking at the old man on the bed who was living on a ventilator, his eyes became more and more red.

He has gray hair and is obviously only in his 40s.

And wrinkles...

The tears that had just stopped were about to burst, Baitao sniffed: "I don't mind."

"Your original name was Bai Zixing. Back then, my elder brother gave me this name, saying that he wanted to help me to be more serious." Bai Zhi was uneasy, "Of course, if you don't want to change your name back, it's up to you."

Bai Zixing... What a nice name, unlike her current name, it seems that she is destined to run away.

"Change it." She whispered, "I don't like this name."

Suddenly she turned her head and asked: "You...can you let me be alone with him for a while?"

She still couldn't say the words "uncle" and "father". Bai Zhi felt lost for a while, but then felt that it was reasonable, and it would take time to accept drastic changes.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

Bai Zhi left with his front foot, and there was a broken and low cry in the room with his back foot.


"Lan Ya Ge?" Ning Tan secretly glanced at the message, and was reminded by his classmates to look up at the blackboard, but his thoughts were lost.

Should she ask Qi Yijing to go with her?

It stands to reason to shout.

But Qi Yijing took over half of the Bai family's property...

Let's shout, it would be best if he is not free... Ning Tong thought wickedly.

"Jingle Bell."

"Students dismiss get out of class."

Ning Tan packed up the books, and there was an exclamation beside him.

"My God, look quickly, it turns out that the one who fell in love with Yu Yege is not Ning Wei, but Lin Xiya!"

Lincia?Ning Tan was taken aback, who?

"Those things turned out to be Lin Xiya's... No wonder, they have been having a good time recently. No, what does Brother Ye like about Lin Xiya?"

"It's not as good as Ning Wei."

"that is!"

After all, the manager didn't make Ning Wei the original character. After all, Yu Yege is a time bomb, if he doesn't cooperate, it will be ruined.

She seduces a little, making fans feel that Ning Wei is being used.

A large number of people flocked to Lin Xiya's comment area to criticize and criticize.

"I just said that Weiwei has been filming on the set, how could there be scandals."

"Lin Xiya, you are so shameless! Maybe it's a conspiracy to get close to Ning Wei."

"Wow, do you think the Reuters photo of the crew of "Wei Wei" is very impressive, it is the villain."

You big female monkey: Go back upstairs, you are so handsome!And it looks familiar!


Ning Tan flipped through the comment section, and probably understood what was going on.

Ning Wei found a scapegoat.

Taking money and traffic for the dead ghost, I must be happy.

The boys in the class who supported Ning Wei stood up and said half-jokingly: "Listen to me, don't spread rumors casually in the future, otherwise I will sue you."


But after such an encounter, Ning Wei's reputation still declined.

A classmate turned his head and suddenly wondered: "Qianqian, why do you look so ugly?"

Yao Qian had a far-fetched smile, and her fingernails were about to sink into the book.

I just got a large sum of money from Ning Tong yesterday, and the matter was settled today.

What a coincidence?

"Do you want to go to the infirmary...Qianqianqianqian, where are you going?"

"leave me alone!"

Ning Tan was wandering on the small road with her schoolbag on her shoulders, and after much deliberation, she still called Qi Yijing.

"The user you dialed is busy, please try again later."

"I'm really busy." Ning Tong complained and found out Ye Tao's phone, and was about to cross the road, "Hey, Ye Tao, you..."

"Madam, what's the matter?"

"Ning Tan, wait! Ning Tan!" Yao Qian hurried to catch up.

"Ask your second master if he wants to have dinner with me."

After Ning Li quickly said a word, he hung up the phone and looked at Yao Qian, frowning in doubt.

Are you looking for trouble again?

"I asked you something, and I hope you can answer it truthfully." Yao Qian gritted her teeth and asked, "Weiwei, Weiwei, did she use money to seal Lin Xiya's mouth?"

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