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Chapter 200 What is the identification result?

Ning Tan paused for a second, then his voice weakened: "I didn't."

She pinched her thigh bitterly, making her voice full of desolation and pain.

"All my assets come from Qi Yijing. Now that he divorced me, I have nothing left."

"Weiwei, can you let me go this time for the sake of helping you bear the infamy for two years?"

The other end was silent for a while, not knowing whether it was ecstasy or anger.

"You, you really divorced him?" Even though Ning Wei lowered her voice, she was full of excitement.

Ning Tong pursed her lips and remained silent.

After 1 minute, Ning Wei calmed down, seducing Qi Yijing is a matter for the future, and now she has to solve her scandal first.

"So what if you get divorced, it has nothing to do with me, all I want is money!"

"You didn't help me bear those infamy, you owed me! If I hadn't made a mistake with you, I would have grown into a wealthy family, instead of falling into the current situation. You owe me all of these!"

"If you don't have any money, you can borrow it! Isn't Xiangyang a very good relationship with you, and Baitao, they are so rich, they won't even lend you this little money, right?"

Ning Tong sneered, wondering if she knew how many people would not earn the money she was talking about in their lifetime.

Even she only paid 300 million for ruining Shen Ye!

"I really can't get it out." Ning Tan smiled wryly.


"I'll do my best to pay."

Ning Wei reluctantly agreed, forget it, it would be bad if Ning Li was forced to go back to find Second Master Qi too quickly.

This trash, don't you know how to get her money before getting a divorce?

Ning Wei hung up the phone irritably.

Suddenly the curtain was thrown open.

She was taken aback: "Who?"

"Me!" The director was furious, his hands shaking while holding the book, "Hurry up and deal with your mess! Do you know that because of you and Yu Yege, now there are paparazzi squatting on the set every day?" The door? Even the photos of Zhou Xiao's makeup were revealed!

I don't care how you want to hype in the future, don't hype me now!If my acting skills are not good enough, other things will drag me down, really..."

"Director, should I change my look?" Shen Ye stood at the door and asked in a hoarse voice.

"If you change your look, you need to make up for it."

"I can."

The director took a look at him, Bai Xiao was Wei Wei's first love, she had quite a few scenes, and Shen Ye was an actor with tension, so reshoots wouldn't waste much time.

"Can't reshoot!" Ning Wei, who was scolded in a daze, finally came to her senses and shouted, "The director is just a spoiler. We are a modern drama, so it won't affect anything. If I reshoot, I still have activities later..."

"What's wrong with modern dramas? Modern dramas can be spoiled casually, so there is no need for anticipation?" The director yelled, "Don't accept dramas if there are activities, our small temple can't accommodate a big Buddha like you!"

The director left after scolding.

Damn it, with Ning Wei as a motivator, I really can't make up for it.

"Come here, Shen Ye, and I'll tell you about the next scene."

Shen Ye turned his head and glanced at Ning Wei who was full of disbelief, his faint smile was a little hazy, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

Can't stand it?

When you are completely destroyed, you will know what hell is like.

"Shen Ye?"

"Here comes the director."

Ning Wei was so frightened by those eyes that she raised her head subconsciously, but she only saw Shen Ye's back going away, and her gentle face twisted uncontrollably.

It's fine for the director to scold her like a firecracker, but this Shen Ye actually got the director's favor.

In the past two months, nothing has gone right for her!

"Weiwei." The manager walked in hastily, "The scolding is getting louder."

Ning Wei slammed her phone angrily: "They're all a bunch of brainless students!"

"Why don't you talk to your family first and get some money? I don't think Ning Tong can get any money."

And take money at home?Ning Wei is irritable. Her family only pays her [-] yuan for living expenses every month. Her parents value money more than anyone else, and it is not as much as that poor grandfather gave her.

It's not bad for her to take the money, so give her back the money.

"Go." She gritted her teeth and took out a card, which contained the 200 million from last time, "Take it and seal it for Lin Xiya."

"I'll arrange it now."

The manager came back after taking two steps: "By the way, Weiwei, Boss Lin wants to see you."

"No see." Ning Wei retched when she thought of that fat man, and dared to covet her for anything, "Just dismiss him according to the old saying, I don't believe he can provoke Qi Shi... Wait!"

Second Lord Qi and Ning Tan divorced, although she had a chance, these people couldn't stop her.

No, she wants to guard herself for the second master Qi, and she must never let these people touch her again.

Ning Wei suddenly thought of something, a femme fatale smile appeared on her gentle face, and she beckoned to her manager: "Come here, I'll talk to you~"

"Is this really okay?" The manager was startled.

"She won't agree."

"You won't lie to her? What are you afraid of now that she has no backing?"

The manager hesitated again and again, but still gritted his teeth and nodded.


At noon the next day, Ning Tan called Ning Wei 10 yuan, and then rushed to the hospital—the paternity test results will be out today.

Before he got to the laboratory, he saw a figure walking around with clenched fists that could dazzle people's eyes.

"Where's Taotao?" Ning Tan asked.

"She's stuck in traffic." Bai Zhi asked her nervously, "It must be, right Ning Tan?"

Ning Tan thought that Baitao might not be stuck in traffic, but that she didn't want to come in.

She didn't go out to look for it, and any encouragement in this kind of thing is useless.

"Didn't you say that the record back then was indeed a girl?" Ning Tan comforted, "90.00% of the combination is Taotao, don't put yourself under psychological pressure."

"That's one percent." Bai Zhi said, "You don't understand that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. These years...let's not talk about it, how are you and Qi Yijing?"


"Let's discuss you." Ning Tan smiled, "What are you going to do with the Bai family? And your two elder brothers."

Mentioning this, Bai Zhi couldn't help but sigh.

According to his thinking, let him all go in, don't even try to run away.

It can be difficult to implement.

"Tao Tao has feelings for the Bai family, I'm afraid she will intercede." Bai Zhi hesitated, "As for Bai Xuan and the others, my elder brother never wants us to fight each other like other wealthy families... My elder brother has to wake up and deal with it."

Ning Tan: "..."

Old man, they have all ruined you!

She just couldn't complain.

"Then you have to be optimistic about them, what if they take the opportunity to run away?"

"They don't have any assets under their names. Before the elder brother came, he let go and didn't allow anyone to help them. Otherwise, don't blame the Bai family for turning their faces."

"My elder brother's words are quite useful in Guancheng."

In addition, it was Qi Yijing who offended Bai Xuan, and no one dared to lend a helping hand to them.

After finishing the matter here, he will settle accounts with them when he returns!

Ning Tan frowned: "Have you guarded against Qifeng?"

Bai Zhi was taken aback.

The doctor came out with the examination report.

The two hurried forward: "Doctor, what's the result?"

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