The agent went to the dormitory and asked if Ning Yi really lived in the dormitory. It happened two days ago, not only that, Qi Yijing also broke into the girls' dormitory yesterday and had a fight with Xiang Yang, both of them had bruised noses and swollen faces.

She saw Ning Li get on the bus again.

Ning Tan used to have a dedicated driver to pick him up.

The manager's heart sank. It seemed that Ning Tan hadn't lied. She was indeed kicked out.

She didn't know if she was a divorce agent, but she only knew that there was a high possibility that she would not get the money.

I have to go back and find a way.

"Take me as a cash cow?" Ning Tong sneered, "It's still 3000 million, I wouldn't dare to do that in my dreams."

As long as Ning Wei doesn't want so much, she will find a way to get it together, and try not to annoy her.

As a result, Ning Wei's mouth was a price she couldn't afford.

Hey, who doesn't know how to act?

Money has to be given, after all, Ning Wei still has clues about her grandfather, but how much and when to give depends on her.

Give as little as you can.

She has no interest in being taken advantage of.

Anyway, it wasn't her who was scolded.

As soon as he walked to the door of Lijing's house, the phone rang. Ning Tan glanced at the three words "old man" flashing on the screen, touched his nose, and said, "Hello."

"Where are you?" The voice on the other end was low and cool.

"I heard you're not coming back tonight?"

"That's right." Ning Tong admitted, "I'm at Xiaojing's house, cleaning up Taotao, and I'll stay in the dormitory tonight, what's wrong?"

"Why don't you come back?" The voice became colder.

"Because I'm acting." Ning Tan explained casually, as if thinking of something, he deliberately lowered his tone and called Second Master, "It doesn't matter if I go back or not, and I won't sleep with you, right, Second Master? "

The soft ending is raised, hiding a bit of charm.

Like a feather, it tickles people.

Qi Yijing's body froze suddenly, his breathing subconsciously eased, his deep and handsome face inevitably surged with emotion, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words: "Ning Chan!"

"What's the matter?" Ning Tan asked innocently, "Why is Second Master so angry?"

Knowingly ask!

Qi Yijing's face turned black with anger: "Don't call me Second Lord."

"Ah?" There was an aggrieved voice from the other end, "What kind of reasoning is it to allow others to yell so hard that I can't?"

"Xiao Dan, I heard that you finally divorced Qi Yijing? Congratulations on finally getting out of the sea of ​​suffering."

The voice came into the phone, and before he had time to teach her the sour words and teasing, Second Master Qi's expression changed suddenly, from fake anger to real anger, and he stared at the phone.

Out of the sea of ​​suffering? !

He was furious: "Ning Chan!"

Ning Tan knew something was wrong when Baitao came out to say something, so he quickly hung up the phone with dry laughs: "Hahaha, she was joking, bye!"

Ning Tan patted his chest, hoo, luckily he hung up quickly.

Seeing her frightened face, Baitao vaguely guessed, and swallowed: "You're not on the phone with Qi Yijing, are you?"

Li Jing was wearing an apron, and was about to give an apron to Ning Chan, when he heard this, he stopped and looked at Ning Chan.

"That's right." Ning Tan smiled, "Why are you looking at me like that? What's for dinner tonight?"

"Hotpot." Baitao questioned, "Didn't Xiaojing say that you have decided to divorce Qi Yijing? He won't do it?"

Li Jing looked at her seriously, and waves appeared on his quiet face.

The hot pot has been cooked, just wait for the dishes.

The dishes are very well prepared, not only the braised lion's head but also the pork ribs, which are delicious.

There is also a fruit plate next to it.

"Didn't say no to divorce." Ning Tan sat down with a guilty conscience, and lowered his head to flip through the chopsticks, "That's right, just yesterday, Qi Yijing said he liked me, and I also liked him a little bit."

Ning Tan couldn't help but blushed.

Oops, it's embarrassing.

Li Jing's hand holding the vegetable basket tightened, and the vegetable basket broke silently. She turned around silently and went to the kitchen. The moment she turned around, her face was covered with hostility, and her eyes were filled with madness.

pray!as well as!scene!

Behind him was Baitao's exclamation.

"What?! You guys are playing for real? When did you fall in love with him?!"

Ning Tan said solemnly: "Pay attention to the words you use, it was he who confessed to me!"

But she didn't post it.

As for when did you fall in love with Qi Yijing... Ning Tan's eyes dodged: "That's it, that's how I like it. You can see how handsome he is, it's hard not to fall in love with him, okay?"

"Isn't Senior Brother Xiangyang handsome? Isn't that Boss Lu handsome? Why do you just like Qi Yijing's face?" Baitao was so shocked that she even forgot about her own business, and sat down aggressively to interrogate her, "Don't talk about me in front of me." No, tell me the truth and explain it to me!"

Ning Chan felt guilty, how to explain this kind of thing.

Do you want her to say that because Qi Yijing has repeatedly helped her out, she is very moved?

There is no reason to be excited.

"Don't ask me, I can't tell, just think I was seduced by his beauty." Ning Tong raised his hands, "Lord Baitao, let me go!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Baitao snorted.

Li Jing walked over with a fresh vegetable basket, put the meat down to cook first, and stared at Ning Chan.

"Just... that's it." Ning Tan felt guilty, "Divorce is divorce, and feelings are feelings. Let's not set ourselves too rigidly."

One yard owned by a yard.

Li Jing sign language: Are you sure he will agree then?

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, why did she keep saying that, what can she do then?Shan Qi Yijing slapped me and said I don't like you?I will never fall in love with you in the future, will you give up?

She really can't do such a thing against her will.

"I'll let him agree." Ning Tong broke the jar, "I'll threaten her at worst, since he likes me anyway."

Baitao: "..."

History: "..."

Such a shameless scumbag.

"You're such a scumbag." Baitao sighed, "I can't even tell you the wrong things."

"Then I'm also a single-minded scumbag, so let me be distracted." Ning Tan retorted.

"All right, all right, you're right." Baitao handed her a bottle of cocktail, "At first I thought you would live with me at Xiaojing's place, but now it's all right, you actually abandoned me for a man."

"Thank you for staying in the dormitory."

"And I don't drink." Ning Tan smiled brightly, "Qi Yijing won't let me drink. He said that drinking is not good, so you should drink less."


Baitao and Lijing looked at each other.

"What if I suddenly want to hit her?"

"Xiu Xiuxiu, sooner or later you will cry!" Baitao spurned.

Ning Tan shrugged, eyes full of shame.

So what, at least she got it.

Ning Tan went to pick up the meat, but Bai Tao snatched it away with chopsticks: "Qi Yijing said that eating meat is not good, so don't eat it."

"You're just jealous." Ning Tan snorted and asked Li Jing, "Xiao Jing, when will you go abroad?"

Li Jing smiled lightly: There are still a few days.

"Why am I jealous?" Baitao was unhappy, "I take back what I said just now, and I want to cross-examine again. You can tell me the truth and say, how far have you and Qi Yijing progressed?!"

"Ask Qi Yijing if you have the ability." Ning Li refused.

"Knock down."

Ning Tan got up immediately: "I'll go and open the door."

"Don't try to escape, I'll go!" Baitao pressed her down fiercely, walked to the door aggressively, her face froze instantly when she opened the door.

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