She silently shouted, Qi Feng.

Qi Feng suppressed his emotions, his voice was full of concern, and the ending trembled slightly: "It's all right, don't be afraid."

"No matter what happens, I will always be with you."

Baitao's eye sockets turned red.

Scared, she was really scared.

For the past two days, she has been thinking, what would she do if Bai Rui was not her family?Where does she belong?She is like a lonely ship floating on the sea, not knowing where to anchor.

Even though he knew that Qifeng's words were a little false, Baitaokong's heart was still filled.

"Qi Feng." She forced a smile, "You've been here all this time?"

"Just arrived." For some reason, Qifeng suddenly wanted her to cry instead of smiling at him, boredom flashed in his eyes, this kind of pretending to be a strong smile really made him sick.

Qifeng took out the flowers and stared at her tenderly: "I prepared them for you. I wish you smooth sailing after passing through this difficulty. Everything you want will come true, and there will be no more disasters."

Baitao hugged the flower, choked with gratitude: "Thank you."

"What do you want to eat? I'll cleanse you up." Qi Feng took her hand and walked out.

He took a step back, Baitao was taken aback when he saw the blocked scene, "Xiaojing."

Li Jing stood in front of the window and watched them all the time, and didn't step forward to disturb them, but came forward with a smile after Baitao found her.

She took out her mobile phone and typed: I'll pick you up.

"This is your friend?" Qi Feng showed surprise, raised a friendly smile, and stretched out his palm, "Hello, my name is Qi Feng."

Li Jing didn't shake hands with him, but just smiled slightly.

Qifeng didn't feel embarrassed either, and nodded to her with his hands down, full of gentlemanly demeanor.

"Xiao Jing, let me introduce you. This is my friend Qi Feng." Baitao introduced them, "Qi Feng, this is my good friend Li Jing. She is quiet and doesn't like to associate with strangers. Don't mind."

"It's okay." Qi Feng smiled, "Everyone has a different personality, let's go, this place is not suitable for staying for a long time."

A group of people walked out.

The secretary hesitated to speak beside him.

He was a while behind and answered the vibrating cell phone: "Hello, master... what?!"

The exclamation made Baitao stop and turned around in confusion.

Qi Feng smiled slightly, opened the car door and let her and Li Jing sit in a gentleman, glanced at the secretary who was chasing anxiously, and closed the car door after saying with a smile: "I'm going to take care of something, wait for me."

Baitao keenly sensed something was wrong.

Have an accident at home?

She began to worry about Qifeng.

Li Jing rolled down the car window to look at the backs of the two, lowered his eyes, and the expression on his quiet face was unclear.

Soon Qifeng came back, with tiredness hidden under his smile: "Taotao, I have something to do at home, so just tell the driver where you are going."

"Are you in a hurry?" Baitao asked.

"A little thing." After Qi Feng finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Baitao couldn't ask what she cared about, no matter how you look at it, it's not a trivial matter, so she hurriedly got out of the car and chased after her: "Wait, Qi Feng, wait!"

"It's not easy to take a taxi here. You can go back by car first. My lawyer will come out soon after handing over the materials. Let's go back in his car."

Qi Feng frowned: "But you..."

"It's nothing to worry about. There are priorities and urgencies. I'm already fine." Baitao interrupted him, "Now it's your business that matters, go quickly."

After hesitating for a second, Qifeng nodded to the secretary, said sorry to her seriously, and got in the car quickly.

"Sorry, I was supposed to pick you up, remember to message me when you get home."

Bai Taoxin's hair is astringent, home, where does she have home.

She has nowhere to go now.

Li Jing walked to Bai Tao's side in a gentle manner, patted her on the shoulder lightly, took out his mobile phone and typed: You and Xiao Tan can come and stay at my house, I've packed it up, and I'll clean up the dust for you tonight.

"Xiaojing, you are so kind." Baitao was moved.

Li Jing changed the subject: what is your relationship with him?

Baitao hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to answer, and finally shook her head: "It doesn't matter."

She suddenly asked: "Xiao Jing, did you hear what they were discussing outside just now, did something happen to him?"

Li Jing shook his head: I also just arrived not long ago.

Baitao was disappointed.

While the two were talking, a car stopped in front of them in a hurry, Bai Zhi got out of the car anxiously, his forehead was covered with sweat, his old face was flushed, and he was at a loss: "I'm sorry I'm late, there's traffic jam on the road, don't mind... Tao Tao Shall I get you some flowers?"

The more cautious he was, the more uncomfortable and resistant Baitao felt.

What if the paternity test results don't match.

"No." She mumbled, "Let's go."

"Okay, okay!" Bai Zhi nodded quickly, and opened the car door for them, stuttering and stuttering, "I booked a private room in Lanyage, and I didn't order anything because I didn't know what you like. You go over there." Point, do you like Lanyage? If you don’t like it, let’s switch. By the way, I haven’t notified Ning Li yet, so I’ll call her now..."

"Let's eat at Xiaojing's house tonight." Baitao hugged the flowers tightly.

"Ah?" Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, then nodded in a panic, "Okay, okay, as long as you like it, I'll take you there, where is the address?"

"Have you notified Ning Chan?"


"Vivi, why are you asking this?"

"Don't worry about it, you just need to tell me where Ning Chan is." Although the voice on the other end was gentle, it contained impatience.

Yao Qian hesitated for a while: "I just saw Ning Tong go to the library, Weiwei, please don't provoke Ning Tong, she seems to be..."


Yao Qian looked at the hung up phone, thought of the rumors in the school, and thought that Ning Wei's crew was under Qi's banner, so she struggled for a while and walked towards the library.


The manager stood at the door and looked around, and found Ning Tan in the corner who was closing the notebook and preparing to move. Holding back his anger, he strode over and pressed the notebook.

Ning Tang looked up in astonishment.

"How did you get in?"

"Never mind how I got in, Weiwei wants 3000 million." The agent lowered his voice, "It will be on the card tonight."

"3000 million?" Ning Tan exclaimed in surprise.

Sneering in her heart, Ning Wei really dared to open her mouth like a lion. It was fine to ask for 300 million before, but now it has increased tenfold.

Are you afraid of choking to death if you eat so ugly?

The manager's face changed, what to shout, isn't it just three thousand words, it's not a little rain for Mrs. Qi's family.

"I don't have one." Ning Tan's face turned pale, and she pulled her to beg, "I really don't, I...Qi Yijing has already divorced me, I have no money."

"I was even kicked out by him." Ning Tong said bitterly, "If you don't believe me, go ask. I moved to the dormitory two days ago."

"All my cards are here."

Ning Tan took out the wallet, for fear that she would not believe it: "If you don't believe me, you can use it to brush, I really have no money."

The agent was surprised, divorced?Why didn't she get the news.

Looking at Ning Li's haggard face, the humiliation doesn't look like a lie.

"This has nothing to do with me." The manager was irritated, "Anyway, I have already conveyed my words, you know Weiwei's temperament, you can find a way for yourself."

Ning Tang's face was pale, and he sat there blankly, his whole body was full of helplessness, his shoulders shrugged slightly, as if faintly about to collapse.

After 5 minutes, she went out numbly with her things.

behind the bookshelf

Yao Qian came out in shock, her footsteps were vain, with disbelief written all over her face, she muttered to herself: "They are husband and wife, no wonder... 3000 million, why does Weiwei want 3000 million?"

Still forcing Ning Chen like this, it seems that it is not once or twice.

Didn't she say that Ning Tong has been bullying her and squandering money with her?

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