"President, the plan for this fashion week has come up. Here are the candidates for the model. Let's see what the finale will be..." Ye Tao walked in with his head down holding a few posters. As soon as he took a step, he realized that the atmosphere was not right.

The air pressure in the entire room was extremely low, and the icy breath silently eroded every corner.

And all of this emanated from the man at the desk. He didn't know what he had just experienced. His neck was flushed from his ears to the neckline of his shirt, but his face was extremely ugly. His cold eyes were fixed on the phone, as if to It's the same as eating someone.

Ye Tao shut up knowingly.

The next moment Qi Yijing got up quickly, locked the review in the cabinet, and strode out, exuding a strong and persistent aura.

When I missed Ye Tao, I didn't forget to deal with the work, and my voice was cold: "The first one."

"Okay." Ye Tao quickly moved sideways to make way.

He actually prefers the second one...

But...Ye Tao holds the poster and thinks deeply, who is the second master looking for with the aggressive look of going to fight, madam?

"It's off work, it's off work." The staff in the secretary's office all stretched their waists.

Ye Tao reminded: "There are still 10 minutes."

The employee who subconsciously packed his things glanced at the time and was instantly shocked.

It's really 10 minutes away.

Doesn't the president never leave early or arrive late?Don't say leave 10 minutes early, you haven't passed 1 minute.

This is the first time this has happened.

"Ye Zhu." They couldn't help being surprised, "Do you know what the president is going to do?"

And the special assistant didn't follow, obviously it wasn't official business.

That's even more wrong, the president doesn't always put work first, he can be called the benchmark of the company.

"I don't know." Ye Tao smiled slightly, "But I guess this kind of thing will happen often in the future, please pay attention to yourself, don't let me remind you every time."

As for why he didn't follow up, didn't he have enough lessons from the past?

Nothing about the second master and Ning Chen's affairs has developed as expected, and it will be bad luck for anyone who intervenes.

Especially what happened in the hospital can be called a bloody lesson. He has learned to be smart, and he will never, never repeat it again.

Xiao Chen came up from the elevator with the documents in his arms: "Ye Zhu, there is someone waiting for you downstairs, it seems to be the driver of that lady from yesterday."

The driver of the Tang family?

What are you waiting for him to do?

"Understood." Ye Tao still has a lot of things to arrange, "I will go down after I finalize the details of the fashion week, and you two will stay to work overtime."

In fact, there is one more thing that Xiao Chen didn't say, that is, the driver gave him a sum of money, saying that it was compensation from his lady...

"Ye Zhu, can I not work overtime, I have to go to see the house."

Ye Tao turned around in surprise: "I remember that you have only been employed for a year, and you have saved enough for the down payment so quickly? You can go, and you can go to see your girlfriend's parents after buying a house. Congratulations in advance."

Looking at Ye Tao's busy back, Xiao Chen felt a sense of guilt for some reason.

It's not a down payment, it's the full payment.

Under the sad eyes of his colleagues, Ye Tao finally arranged things properly at eight o'clock.

"Ye Zhu, you really live and die for your work." Colleagues teased, "Your salary is enough to support your retirement and you still work so hard, where will we be placed?"

Ye Tao smiled slightly, did he think he wanted to?If the president doesn't work overtime, someone has to work overtime. If he can't handle it, he has to recruit another special assistant.

Is there too much money?

Besides, he still has a company to support.

"If you choose this job, you should be responsible to the end."

Colleagues gave a thumbs up: "As expected of a special assistant!"

"Ding dong, the first floor is here."

"Will Ye Zhu go to eat together?"

Ye Tao was about to nod when the driver of the Tang family came over: "Mr. Ye."

He almost forgot about the Tang family.

Didn't expect him to wait for so long.

"I'm not going, you go." Ye Tao declined his colleague, and smiled at the driver, "I've been waiting for a long time, what do you want?"

"It's like this, our lady is the lady you met yesterday. Because of your words yesterday, the lady hasn't eaten anything for a day. She shut herself in the room and said to reflect. Our husband and wife are very worried. I want to ask Mr. Ye to persuade Miss."


Ye Tao's polite smile froze on his face.

He gave Tang Tang a hard time yesterday, and he never expected that the Tang family would come to him.

To put it nicely, it's to persuade him, but it's not just to ask him to apologize.

What he said yesterday was a bit excessive, but he is not interested in coaxing a spoiled rich lady.

"Sorry, I still have some work to do." Ye Tao smiled hypocritically, "Please help me convey to Miss Tang that I was so angry yesterday that I couldn't take my words seriously. I apologize to her here and ask her to understand."

The driver looked at him with unfriendly eyes: "Mr. Ye, people are responsible for what they do, and unintentional mistakes can also cause harm to others. If you don't take a walk with me, I can only respond to Mr. Qi." It's over."


When the CEO left, he was obviously angry, and looking for bad luck at this time must have no good fruit.

Ye Tao knew that he couldn't avoid this trip, and his smile became more hypocritical: "You are right, then I will go and persuade Miss Tang."

The driver raised his hand: "Please."

The time is pushed back two hours.

Qi Yijing came to Lijing's house with a cold aura, looked coldly at Baitao, whose smile froze, cruel danger surged in his eyes, looked into the yard, his thin lips slowly parted, and his voice was cold and frightening: "Please give way."

Baitao didn't dare to say anything, so she quickly stepped aside.

Qi Yijing walked into the courtyard with graceful steps, neither hurried nor slow, but the aura emanating from his body really made people dare not approach.

The closer to the room, the stronger the hot pot smell.

The pungent and pungent taste made Qi Yijing frown severely.

"It's so delicious, it's worthy of the craftsmanship of our Fairy Xiaojing." The voice of praise came from inside, and the rainbow farts came one after another, accompanied by the sound of breathing, it should be too hot.

Ning Tan glanced at the cocktail, a little greedy: "Why don't I drink some secretly while Qi Yijing is away?"

"Xiao Jing, bring me a cup."

Qi Yijing didn't push the door, but stood indifferently by the window, watching Ning Chan pouring wine happily through the window.

The icy aura around him became stronger and stronger.

Eat junk food, drink alcohol.

It's very good to ignore all his words.

Baitao's expression changed drastically when she heard Ning Tong talk about drinking, she never forgot how Qi Yijing looked at her that night, that look as if she was some rat shit.

Seeing that Ning Tan was about to toast Li Jing, Baitao finally couldn't bear it anymore and gave her up.

Cough hard twice: "Cough! Cough!"

Stop drinking!Your husband is here to investigate and arrest people! !

If you drink it again, you will die!

Ning Tan turned his head in doubt, and almost scared the wine glass out of his hand: "Damn it!"

Qi Yijing appeared by the window at some point, staring at her faintly, it was so frightening.

Baitao stood a meter away and frantically gave her winks.

"You, you, you..." She stammered directly, "When did you come?"

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