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Chapter 194 Qi Feng's Calculation

"Shen Ye asked me to bring you a message. Ning Wei's manager will come to you later to ask for money." After the woman finished speaking in a low voice, she handed her a recording pen and left in a hurry.

"Hey wait..."

Ning Tan smiled helplessly, and gave her a thank you to Shen Ye.

She looked down at the recorder, put on her earphones and walked towards the dormitory.

The recorded voices were very noisy, among which Ning Wei's furious cursing was the most outstanding, and their plans were clearly recorded.

Ask her for money?

Ning Tong sneered, did she really use her as a cash machine?

After returning to the dormitory, Ning Tan didn't pack her things anymore, she took out her cosmetics and began to put on makeup. Half an hour later, Ning Wei's manager called.

Ning Tan hangs up immediately.

After playing three times, the opponent finally gave up.

Ning Tan looked at her haggard self in the mirror, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Don't forget to send a message to the driver: Don't pick me up today, I live in school.

The driver who received the message immediately fed back the message to Qi Yijing.

Mr. Qi, who was in a good mood, frowned slightly, his whole body exuded an icy aura that was visible to the naked eye. Didn't he say see you in the morning in the morning, but it's only a few hours later that he contradicted his promise.

Still staying in the dormitory, really taking the school as home?

Qi Yijing put down the pen, picked up the phone and was about to make a call.

"Knock down."

Qi Yijing pressed the review that the font was neat and tidy as a calligrapher's masterpiece under the document, took off his glasses, leaned back, handsome and indifferent: "Come in."

Ye Tao was surprised that the second master didn't have a lunch break today?

This doesn't fit Er Ye's routine.

However, since living in Huijingxuan, the second master's routine has become more and more strange. Compared with raiding Huijingxuan from Yinlou in the middle of the night, not taking a lunch break is a trivial matter.

Qi Yijing asked coldly: "Is there something wrong?"

"The cooperation between Anton Group and us was cut off by Lu." Ye Tao said seriously, "The young master took away the lawyer who was originally in charge of this cooperation, and there are lawyers in the replacement team who have grievances with the person in charge of Anton .”

The other party refused to sign the contract and wanted to embarrass the old classmate. Who would have thought that the Lu family would cut off the beard, and the offer was better than them, and Lu Yijin went in person, which can be said to be enough face.

Combined with the two factors, the person in charge of Anton directly signed the contract with Lu.

Qi Yijing's face turned cold instantly.

This was the first time he cooperated with Anton Group, and something like this happened.

In the business world, a fool who really pays attention to a gentleman's behavior is a fool. Lu Yijin is certainly not kind, but if they hadn't left loopholes, how could Lu Yijin succeed in cutting off the beard.

"Where is Qifeng?" Qi Yijing asked coldly, "Call him over."

"The young master is not in the company."

Annoyance appeared in Qi Yijing's eyes, and he said indifferently: "Tell him, no matter what he has in mind, he will make up the hole this time, otherwise I will get out of the company."

"Understood." Ye Tao said with emotion that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. The second master was so elegant in the past, full of culture when cursing, but now he opens and closes his mouth and just rolls away...

Ye Tao first asked the lawyers to come back and truthfully told Qi Feng what Qi Yijing had said.

And kindly reminded: "Master, this quarter's financial statement was originally estimated to be one-tenth of the cooperation with Anton Group. The president is very angry, please work hard."

The secretary looked at Qifeng worriedly.

This is not a small sum.

Qi Feng's face was haggard, and his eyes were bloodshot. This was the result of not sleeping all day and all night——if he didn't do it right, how could he let people fall for him?

It was said that his gloomy face was not anxious, but smiled, if the small sum could attract the attention of his second uncle with eyes above the top?

Qi Yijing is not angry, his plan cannot be carried out.

Qifeng hung up the phone call from home, stared in the direction of the police station, and asked, "What time will you arrive?"

"It leaves at one o'clock. The bus should arrive at five o'clock." The assistant replied.

bus?History is really low-key.

"Okay." Qi Feng urged with red eyes, "You follow the plan later, you must quarrel with the lawyer, but avoid Baitao."

It is not yet possible to let Baitao know about his relationship with Qi Yijing.

Not the time.

"it is good."

The secretary's cell phone rang, and the caller was speechless when he saw the caller, and blocked the call impatiently.

"Bai Xuan?" Qi Feng asked suddenly.

"Yes, they want to escape to a foreign country. They say that they can't go abroad through formal channels if they get into trouble, and they want to ask us for help." The secretary dismissed it.

What got into trouble, isn't it because Qi Yijing would settle the score afterwards?

He also threatened them, saying that if they don't help, they will join forces with Qifeng to plot Qi Yijing and tell them about it, what kind of idiots, do you have any evidence?

It's a joke to think that meeting a few times can be used as a handle.

Qi Feng's eyes flickered with calculations, those two idiots were more than successful than they were, but a skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and the most important thing was that they were narrow-minded and hated Qi Yijing.

In case they get rich again in the future.

Then there will be a good show.

And all he needed was a handy favor.

"Then help." Qi Feng said, "Give each other a chance, what if they grow up?"

If Qifeng knew that he would pay a huge price for today's decision in the future, he would definitely not be as calm and calm as he is now.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

Of course that's all for later.

Qi Feng went to the police station to wait at the right time, and went to negotiate with the police tiredly. Lawyer Qi was about to leave, but the secretary hurried forward to stop him.

5 minutes later

An old motorcycle came to the police station carrying Li Jing.

Li Jing was wearing a linen dress, her hair was tied into a braid hanging on her chest, and she was carrying a one-shoulder canvas bag, looking quiet and gentle.

"Beauty, just give me ten yuan."

After Li Jing gave the money, he thanked him with a smile, glanced at the police station, with nostalgia flashing in his eyes, and walked in with small steps.

Noisy noise came from inside, and then three people came out arguing.

The first two can be seen as lawyers at a glance.

"Assistant Ye told us to go back." A lawyer was very irritable, "Earlier, the young master promised not to implicate us, but what happened? We were directly demoted."

"If we don't go back, we will be expelled from the Qi Group!"

Li Jing's footsteps paused for a second, and he turned his head to look at them.

A member of the Qi Group?

"These young masters will compensate you." The secretary was anxious, "Now that Miss Baitao has not come out safely, you can't be so unprofessional."

"The eldest young master can't protect himself and compensate us now." The lawyer complained, "Because of a woman abusing his private power, if he can't fill the holes of Anton Group, he will have to be fired."

"Go away."

"You!" The secretary was furious, "You all should be Qi Yijing's lackeys!"

Li Jing watched quietly, no abnormality could be seen on his quiet face. When he walked into the hall, he saw a man wearing a suit and looking tired sitting on a chair, looking anxiously at the exit.

Next to it was a bouquet of flowers.

The secretary was furious: "Eldest young master, they still left."

"Let's just go." Qi Feng laughed at himself, "It's not a day or two for Qi Yijing to drive me out of Qi Shi. If he gets caught today, he won't let it go."

"Master, you shouldn't care about this matter, you..."

"Enough!" Qi Feng said coldly, "Don't mention this matter in front of her later, you know?"

The secretary sighed helplessly.

From the corner of her eyes, Qi Feng saw Li Jing politely signing sign language with the policeman, as if she didn't hear him at all, her face was still a little nervous and timid, just like an ordinary girl.

"Your friend is fine." The policewoman looked up and saw that Baitao had just come out, and pointed, "She's out, there she is."

Baitao was imprisoned for two days, and her mood was extremely depressed.

Two days later, she still couldn't accept this cruel truth.

Qi Feng got up quickly, rushed up and hugged her, Baitao was suddenly pulled into his arms, raised his head in a daze, and saw a face as haggard as hers.

The heart suddenly missed a beat.

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