Ning Tan knew that this was Ning Wei's start of scandal.But before he succeeds in business, Yu Yege will not respond directly or take a photo with him. His attitude is very firm.

This should all be released by Ning Wei herself.

Anyway, she can't control it.

The male student in the class who supported Ning Wei started arguing with Yu Yege's girlfriend fan.

"Do you think that looks good enough? When did Ning Wei's photos not look good? When we couldn't see it, Brother Ye was a god without makeup. Don't talk about looks, let's talk about works. What works does Ning Wei have?"

"Wei Wei is filming."

"That is no!"

"You guys are making unreasonable words..."

In terms of quarreling, boys are doomed to be inferior to girls, especially when it comes to idols, and their fighting power is directly doubled. Boys cannot argue, and their faces are flushed with anger.

This is not bad, at least it will save some face in private, but it will blow up online.

Almost [-]% of fans resist this relationship.

It caused other fans to be stunned, what's the matter? This is, Ning Wei is also a well-known gentle goddess, why don't everyone agree?

Wild brother, my man: Your dog breeding is all about being well-established, right?You see, Ning Wei is a bit worthy of Brother Ye. If there is no work, Brother Ye's ex-girlfriend will crush her if he pulls out any of them!

The spring breeze blows: It's not black, I just feel that the gap between the two parties is too big, and the relationship will not last long.

Brother Ye's fire: Please don't spread rumors until the owner clarifies, thank you for your cooperation!


To sum it up in one sentence: Ning Wei is not good enough!

Some people even sharply pointed out that Ning Wei changed the route of selling misery and planned to make her debut through love.

To put it simply, it is to rub their male gods.

This is absolutely intolerable!


"Ye Ge." Gecko came over with the tablet, "Look, this Ning Wei's food looks too ugly, and it's only been a few days since the hype started."

Yu Yege drank watermelon juice leisurely, adjusted the wig, glanced at it casually, and said lazily, "As she pleases, whoever is to blame for her own death."

Think his heat can be rubbed off casually?

If you act too hastily, you will be backlashed.

"How is my company?" Yu Yege was more concerned about his career, his eyes were as bright as diamonds, "Have you made money?"

The corner of the gecko's mouth twitched. It took 20 days for tulips to bloom.

"According to Miss Ning's plan, there will be no compensation now."

Yu Yege regrets that he hasn't started to make a profit yet.

"Okay." He said, "Make room for me on Saturday, by the way, make an appointment for the Tang family's underground arena."

"Micro" studio

Ning Wei's face was extremely ugly, just now the director scolded her bloody again.

"Did you find someone to release the scandal?" The manager ran in anxiously.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

The agent was anxious and angry: "Didn't we discuss that we would wait until the finale or the release of the scandal to stir up scandals? Only in this way can you ensure that your first match is perfect. Why are you... and tell me now, you know that the Internet is now a big hit?" What is it like?!"

"Is there a difference?" Ning Wei said impatiently, "Bai Xiao is the leading actor, so how can I be less popular? I have been overwhelmed by newcomers recently and the public almost forgot about me. If I don't remind them, how will I get an endorsement later?"

She went out to buy milk tea yesterday, but no one recognized her.

There are fewer and fewer fans visiting the class.

Ning Wei couldn't accept this gap at all.

Besides, she just released some scandals, so why make such a fuss.

"You, you!" The manager blushed from her indifferent attitude, and threw the phone to her, "Do you know what the Internet says about you? See for yourself!"

Ning Tan was very satisfied, and sure enough, it was on the trending searches.

It's just that when she saw the comments, her smile gradually froze on her face.

All the comments are scolding her.

To actually mock her for being ugly?Said she was rubbish sister?Still comparing her to a dog? !

Ning Wei was so angry that her face was purple, and she was furious: "Why do they say that about me? Yu Yege doesn't care about these fans?"

"Care? Ancestor, can you stop being wild, who doesn't know that Yu Yege's categorical statement is that the fans bravely flew into the accident and blamed himself, and you don't even say hello to the gossip, so what the hell!" The manager was furious.

"He refused the interview!"

"I told you before that Yu Yege's previous girlfriends were all celebrities. Fans won't accept her falling down to your level all of a sudden. You just don't take it seriously!"

As long as there is a work next to "Wei Wei" when it's finished, it won't be sprayed to pieces.

"My level? What level am I?" Ning Wei asked sharply, "I know his girlfriends will be scolded, and I'm ready, but which one is scolded as badly as me? They are targeting me!"

"And this Ariel, an outdated model dares to come out and mock me, what is she!"

The manager's face was livid, Ariel was only temporarily retiring, why did he get angry?

When this word got out, the popularity of passers-by became unpopular.

"You can't be scolded any longer. If you keep scolding, your accumulated goodwill will be wiped out." The manager said, "I'll ask the director for leave, and you can go to the development conference to clarify now."

"No!" Ning Wei refused straight away, "Black and red are also red, the heat cannot be dissipated, and besides, if the director hadn't closed down the filming and wouldn't let any tidbits be released, would I need to stir up gossip? I hope you find a way to solve it yourself."

The manager looked at her in disbelief.

Can you stop being so short-sighted? !

"How can I solve it?" She was very angry.

"Do you still need me to teach you?" Ning Wei said, "You find a little celebrity with a bad reputation, put her and Yu Yege together, and then make me the original partner who was meddled, and continue to sell miserably."

"Just the one I had a good time with recently."

The manager gradually calmed down, and he had no choice but to do so.

It is important to retain fans first.

"She may not cooperate."

"Give her the money to keep her quiet." Ning Wei's eyes flashed resentment, "You go to my sister and ask her for money!"

The two discussed on their own, completely unaware that a recording pen was quietly taken away from the door.

Ning Tan didn't know that she was being missed again, she was staring at the message sent by Yu Yege and worrying. In Qi Yijing's eyes, racing must be a high-risk sport, and she might not agree to it.

Why must it be Saturday?

She sighed deeply.

Suddenly someone poked her arm, Ning Tang raised her head in doubt, and her deskmate pointed out the window to signal her to look.

Xiangyang stood outside the window, with a band-aid on the bridge of his nose, and his face was swollen badly, Qi Yijing beat up Yang Yang's senior into a gangster.

Ning Li felt quite guilty, after all, the reason for this was very wrong...

"Brother, why don't you ask for a vacation?" She asked, "I'm sorry to trouble you yesterday, but I'm actually allergic to coffee. How much is the medical bill? Can I pass it on to you?"

Xiang Yang was abruptly dragged away by the teacher yesterday, and today he came to school on his own will despite the dissuasion of his family members. He wanted to confirm Ning Chan's safety, but who would have gotten such good news.

"Just an allergy?" He couldn't hide his surprise.

Ning Tan: "???"

"No, I'm not saying that you're well, I just think you're not... In short, it's a blessing among misfortunes." Xiang Yang quickly explained, and the smile on his face became thicker.

Students around had already looked over, but Ning Chen hesitated to speak.

Xiang Yang handed the notebook he was carrying to Ning Chen: "I'm here to give you notes, review carefully, I'm leaving first."

Ning Tan was helpless, so he could only carry his notebook back to the classroom.

Brother, you are inviting hatred for me.

Passing by the Student Union on the way back to the dormitory, I vaguely heard discussions inside.

"It seems that Qirou didn't come to school today, is it because she feels ashamed or something?"

"It's possible that I was taught a lesson. I heard that their family has strict tutoring."

Ning Tan: That's right, she testified that there are thousands of family rules.

Just two steps away, she was suddenly pulled aside by a woman wearing a mask.

"Who are you?" Ning Tang frowned.

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