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Chapter 176 Another Price

The finger stops when it is one centimeter away from the screen.

What is she calling to explain the misunderstanding?Didn't Qi Yijing also hugged a beautiful woman today, everyone was in the same boat.He didn't explain, why did she need to explain.

It doesn't matter whether they explain it or not.

"Why, why don't you explain?" Yu Yege raised his eyebrows.

Ning Tong put the phone in his pocket: "There is nothing to explain."

"It's a different price if you don't explain it." Yu Ye sang.


"Brother, you are dressed as tightly as Spiderman. I didn't say that your fans would not recognize you. This person will not recognize you. He doesn't follow stars, so don't worry." After complaining, Ning Li picked up the photo and checked it carefully .

"My charm comes from the inside out."

It was a child in the photo, but the most important thing was that his face had been bitten and had several holes. It was impossible to tell if it was Bai Zhi's nephew.

Ning Tan was disappointed, the hope he finally found was shattered by the mouse?

"Damn rat!" Ning Tan gritted his teeth, "I swear, I will never live with a rat in this life!"

Yu Yege lazily said: "This is not that child, the clothes don't match."

Ning Tan glanced suspiciously. Indeed, the clothes on the child in the photo are ordinary.

But that can't be used as evidence.

She seriously asked about the date of disappearance. Bai Zhi's nephew disappeared in April, and the child fell into the water in summer, so he must have changed hands in the middle.

Ning Chen was in a heavy heart.

She couldn't feel at ease if she didn't find out about this matter.

"Yu Yege, take me to another place."

She was going to ask Taotao to find out.

Yu Yege folded his arms: "Do you really think of me as your driver?"

"I'll give you the money."

"Money is something I can earn myself." Yu Yege didn't buy it. Seeing Ning Mi frown, he pulled down his sunglasses, blinked evilly, and was full of provocative charm, "Well, promise to race with me, and I'll help you out." How are you?"

Ning Tan thought for a moment, then nodded firmly.

"make a deal!"

Yu Yege twisted the car key and tilted his head at her: "Get in the car."

"Give me the address."

Ning Tan hesitated for a second before giving an address.

That day Taotao said that she was in her hometown, and Grandpa Bai and the others had already left, so there was only one hometown for Taotao to go to--grandma's house.

"So far away? Tonight is really my adventure night."

"By the way, what do you think of opening a bar in front of your school?"


Something is wrong.

Why don't you sell bread at the door of the toilet?

Ning Li really gave Yu Yege's business sense a knee, especially Yu Yege's seriousness was not a joke, she really wanted to persuade Yu Yege to concentrate on acting and stop crossing the line: "...It's best not to."

"I'm a rebellious person by nature, so I just want to try what should I do?" Yu Yege said lazily.


She really wanted to paste him on the wall.

"You can do whatever you want." Ning Tan looked up to the sky and stared at the night sky weakly, counting the stars one by one.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Yu Yege raised his eyebrows, and turned the steering wheel in a handsome posture.

The car fell silent.

Suddenly she asked: "Yu Yege, if your best friend did something irreparable, what would you do?"

"Cover him up." Yu Yege twitched the corners of his mouth without hesitation, "I'm not a very righteous person, and I usually help my relatives."

Ning Tang was silent.

Yu Yege glanced back at her, and said with a smile, "What's there to worry about? Shouldn't one be more selfish in one's life?"

Ning Dan looked out of the car, the dark road seemed to have no end in sight, and she would get lost if she was not careful.

Some things are destined to be selfish.

Ning Tan slowly closed her eyes.

"Jingle Bell."

The urgent bell rang, urging Ning Chen.

The word Bai Zhi kept beating on the screen.


"Ning Tan, help me!" The voice on the other end was extremely excited, angry and guilty, "The two bastards Bai Xuan and Bailang stabbed the video in front of my elder brother. My brother was stimulated to have a heart attack. The doctor said it might not be saved , Ning Chen, can you take me to Qi Yijing's private hospital?"

Bai Zhi choked up: "Ning Chen, I beg you."

Ning Tan's breathing was stagnant, how could such a thing happen at this juncture?

But she and Qi Yijing just...

"I..." Ning Tan took a deep breath, "Alright, you take him to the hospital first, and I'll be right back."

No matter how big the matter is, it is not as important as human life. If Qi Yijing pursues it... Ning Chen gritted his teeth, she will carry it!

"Thank you, Ning Chan, thank you."

Ning Li hung up the phone bitterly, and met Yu Yege's puzzled eyes. They had already walked halfway. After three seconds, she said with difficulty: "Yu Yege, let's go back to the city."


"Bai Zhi, where are you taking elder brother?"

Bai Xuan stopped the ambulance with a cane, he gave Bai Lang a look, and Bai Lang immediately turned his wheelchair to block the ambulance.

After knowing that Bai Rui gave half of the family property to Qi Yijing, their first reaction was not to be moved and regretful, but to calculate the remaining half of the property.

They can't go out without leaving the house.

They were worrying about how to persuade Bai Rui when they saw the overwhelming news about family search.

Now the elder brother has a heart attack, just right, the elder brother has been thinking about his children and his deceased wife for so many years and has not made a will. As long as he is not given a chance to make a will, they will still have a share in the rest of the family property.

"Go away!" Bai Zhi's eyes were terribly red, "It's fine if you target me, don't you know how elder brother treats you? If elder brother didn't help you to speak up back then, you are still illegitimate children now!"

Bai Xuan felt guilty for a moment, the elder brother was kind to them, but so what?

People do not kill themselves for their own sake!

"It's because the elder brother treats us well, so we can't let you harm the elder brother. The elder brother is like this, what do you want to do if you don't put him in the hospital?"


"Sir, the patient's heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker." The nurse reminded anxiously.

Bai Zhi's sanity completely collapsed, he jumped out of the car and snatched the crutch from Bai Xuan's hand.Joy flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes, hit him, as long as Bai Zhi hit him, he can sue him!

The crutches are raised high.

Bai Xuan couldn't hide his smile gradually.

Suddenly one hand grabbed the crutch.

Bai Xuan's smile froze.

Bai Zhi turned his head angrily, the person who stopped him was wearing a mask, and when he spoke, his hoarse voice evoked Bai Zhi's memories.

It's the little singer who was unspoken.

"Mr. Bai Zhi, calm down." Shen Ye said, "He is plotting against you. As long as you make a move, he can take you to court."

"I'll push this wheelchair man away, just pull him aside."

Bai Zhi calmed down instantly: "Okay."

After pushing the person aside, the car can leave. Bai Zhi patted Shen Ye on the shoulder and got on the car quickly: "I will remember this, I will definitely help you next time I need it!"

Shen Ye, who wanted to ask how Ning Li was doing recently, had no choice but to swallow the words.

"You're welcome."

Bai Xuan's scheme was seen through, and he looked angrily at Shen Ye.

Where do people come from to ruin their good deeds.

"Who are you? Why are you meddling?"

Shen Ye was disgusted: "I hate sinister people like you the most, people like you will never end well."

After speaking, Shen Ye turned and left, and he had to go back to the set.

Before getting into the car, Shen Ye pulled up his sleeves, and there was a huge scratch on his arm, which looked terrifying.He glanced at the yawning paparazzi behind the tree, and got into the car with a flash of his eyes.

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