Ning Tan's eyes lit up, her home? !

"Thank you, Uncle." She hurried towards the house, "Don't you want to pick the lock? Here's your chance."

Yu Yege snorted twice: "Pry me if you want me to pry it? Who do you think I am? It was because I was interested just now, but now I'm not in the mood."

Ning Tong stopped and asked seriously: "This matter concerns two families, and it is also very important to me. I would like to apologize for my refusal just now, please do help."

Yu Yege was just talking casually, never thought that Ning Chen would be so serious, he couldn't laugh or cry.

You have beaten him so many times along the way, but now you are willing to apologize to him?

Can't you tell he's joking?

"You really don't have any sense of humor." Yu Yege shook his head in disgust.

At the door of the house, Ning Tan looked at the familiar yard with complicated emotions, and was about to lower his head to find some lockpicking tools for Yu Yege: "What do you want to pick, there is an old needle shop..."


Yu Yege passed her and stood in front of the door, took out a wire from his collar pocket and inserted it into the seam of the lock, fiddled with the lock twice and it opened.

Ning Tan: "!!!"

Capital shock!

Why do you, a popular star, carry iron wire with you? !And it's so skillful.

Yu Yege held the unlocked lock and looked at Ning Chan. Seeing her shocked face, she was very satisfied. She finally saw something that a normal girl should have on her face. She pursed her lips, "Aren't you amazing?"

"Excellent, is this what you learned from filming?" Ning Tan admired it from the bottom of his heart, and asked as he pushed open the door, entered the room, turned on the light, and went straight to the room where old things were piled up.

The lamp illuminated the situation in the room, and there was a lot of dust, which made Yu Yege subconsciously take a step back.

But the things in the room made him very curious.

A gossip mirror was hung high on the wall directly opposite the door, next to it stood a very thoughtful wooden sword and a ruler who didn't know what it was, and there were a few compasses piled underneath with yellow talisman paper.

At first glance, it's a little scary.

"I learned it on purpose. Sometimes I have to go home when surrounded by fans, right?" Yu Yege pointed to the sign paper, "Can't you really give me a few of these?"

"For what?"

Ning Tan was rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for photos, but when he looked back, he was speechless.

Is the obsession so great?

"I can't." She refused verbally, seeing Yu Yege covering her mouth and nose with her hands, "The dust is a bit heavy, why don't you go out and wait? Don't choke later."

Yu Yege also didn't have the idea of ​​rushing to fight - this is another price.

"to make."

He waved the dust to exit.

Ning Li searched for a long time but couldn't find it, feeling a little anxious.Grandpa's old things are not here, why not?Looking around for a week, I found an old sugar box on the high cabinet next to the wall. There seemed to be a lot of paper in it, and there were vaguely photo corners.


Ning Tan immediately pulled over the wooden stool and stepped on it. Her eyes were full of boxes, but she didn't notice that one foot of the stool was gnawed by a mouse. There was still some distance to stand on the stool. She stretched her hands forward but could only touch the box. sideways.

She gritted her teeth and jumped up hard!

The stool snapped.


what sound?

Ning Tan was confused, and the next moment he lost all strength and leaned back.



When the aunt heard that Ning Tan had found the clue, she planned to return the phone to her, and she was accompanied by several aunts in the village.

"Who would you say would have thought of it? Oh, it's pathetic."

"Auntie, you said that Xiao Li brought the driver back? Then it seems that the business of the Ning family has started, and old man Ning can enjoy his life."

The aunt came alive, and said mysteriously: "Actually, I don't think that's the driver. How can there be a driver who is dressed so tightly and looks energetic. It should be her boyfriend. I don't want us to know. Aren't all young people like this now? "

"What's the condition of his boyfriend's family?"

My aunt was about to answer when the phone in her hand suddenly rang.

"Yo, there's a phone call."

"Hang up, and talk to Xiao Chen later."

Ye Tao looked at the hung up phone with a sad face.

The bodyguard immediately told Ye Tao the news that Ning Li had moved out of Huijingxuan, and Ye Tao was the first and the second.He should have talked to Qi Yijing, but many times of experience told him that this should be done slowly.

Let's make a phone call to my wife first.

As a result, Ning Tan didn't answer the phone.

This is worrying.

"Let's play another one." Ye Tao decided to try playing a video.

The aunts who were chatting pointed to their mobile phones.

"Hey, here we come again."

"What is this?" Auntie was at a loss looking at the page she had never seen before, "Which link should I click?"

"Bring it to Xiao Chen."

"Yes, yes, I will run over."

The Ning's house was right in front, and the aunt and the others simply ran into the Ning's house with their mobile phones, shouting at the top of their voices: "Xiao Li, someone is calling..."

The thick voice stopped abruptly.

Yu Yege hugged Ning Tan easily in the posture of a princess hug, and Ning Tan nestled in the arms of the actor and met his aunt, his eyes froze.

What the fuck? !

"Fuck?!" Ye Tao looked at the screen in shock and swears.

Madam not only moved out, but also went on a date with a handsome guy overnight? !

The second master is green! !

Take a screenshot, take a screenshot.

Ye Tao quickly took a screenshot and hung up the phone to call Qi Yijing.

The aunt and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then showed ambiguous eyes of "it really is so".Put the phone aside and leave.

"Ahem, Xiaochen, let's go first."

"Here's the phone for you."

Ning Tan reacted and quickly jumped out of his arms to chase after him: "Auntie, listen to my explanation, it's not like this, it's a misunderstanding."

Yu Yege patted the dust that fell on his body, picked up the phone leisurely, and saw a video of being hung up.Well, it seems that he heard correctly, remarks—the old man's dog leg?

Yu Yege raised an eyebrow, her father's assistant?

That's interesting.


Qi Yijing was sitting on the sofa in comfortable pajamas, wearing anti-myopia goggles, and the soft gold frame on the bridge of the nose, not only did not make him look a little more friendly, but added a sense of distance, cold and powerful, and looked noble Unattainable.

Hold a book in your hand and focus on reading.

The phone on the table kept vibrating.

The pages of the book were turned over, but the owner ignored it.

After 1 minute the vibration stopped.

Another minute later, the vibration sounded again.

Qi Yijing glanced at him, then flicked the answer button indifferently: "What's the matter?"

"Second master, madam, she..."

"I invited you to be a special assistant, not my life record officer." Qi Yijing interrupted coldly, with irritability in his eyes, this afternoon Ye Tao gave him ideas no less than ten times for him to explain to Ning Chan.Explanation?He saw that she didn't need his explanation at all, she only had divorce in her eyes.

Besides... Qi Yijing became more and more disturbed when he thought of that report.

why is she crying

Weeping with joy?

Or because of sadness?Why is she sad?

All kinds of questions made Qi Yijing extremely irritable, and the guessed answers were too absurd, Qi Yijing simply didn't go back, he needed to go through it alone, but Ye Tao, who was not good-looking, called him every hour.

"It's not the second master, I want to tell you..."

Qi Yijing sneered: "I don't want to know. Listen, don't mention her to me!"


"Remind me that you will go to work in the public relations department tomorrow, and come back after satisfying your endless curiosity."


Ye Tao looked at the call that was hung up mercilessly, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Well, you don't want to hear it yourself, but don't blame him for not saying it.

Ning Tong spent a long time explaining, and managed to convince the aunt and the others that it was a misunderstanding before he came back. He was tired and emotional: "Life is really hard, big star, thank you just now."

Yu Yege was leaning against the door, holding a few photos in his hand, and smiled evilly: "You're welcome, a hero should save the beauty. Here, this is the photo I found for you, it should be this one, It's a pity that it was eaten."

"By the way, someone made a video call to you just now."

Ning Tan took the phone and glanced at it casually, then planned to look at the photo, but the glance was frozen.

Ye Tao? !

Talk for 30 seconds... Look at the time again, damn it, isn't it when Auntie came in just now?

So Ye Tao saw Yu Yege hugging her?

Wipe it! ! !

Almost without thinking about it, Ning Tan directly clicked the call back.

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