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Chapter 177 Give You 5 Minutes

"Brother, what should we do now?" Bailang watched the ambulance leave, anxiously losing his senses, "Bai Zhi knows Qi Yijing, maybe the boss will really be rescued, and then we will have nothing. And If Bai Zixing is really found, the boss will definitely not let us go if he knows the truth, what should we do, brother, should we admit our mistakes?"

Bailang was pleasantly surprised: "Yes, we can make up for our mistakes!"

"Shut up!" Bai Xuan interrupted angrily, glaring at him bitterly, "Stop talking and make up for it, you really think the boss is a soft persimmon?! Who do you choose for the child and the brother, not to mention that we are not the same mother. Yes. If you let him know the truth, do you think he will still be soft-hearted towards us?"

"He was the first one not to let us go!"

Bai Lang timidly: "Then what should we do? I don't know where Bai Zhi set up the line, but he actually found Yu Yege. If things go on like this, he will definitely be found."

Bai Xuan didn't know how powerful it was.

Before Bai Zhi tortured them so much, they didn't let go.

People must never be found, otherwise they are all lost.

A cruel look flashed in Bai Xuan's eyes: "Look for him, I'll send him to a place where you can never find him again. You forced me to do so."

He turned his head and warned Bailang: "Shut your mouth tightly, you are not allowed to mention it again, do you know?!"

Bailang nodded quickly: "I know."

It was already two o'clock in the morning when Ning Tan arrived at the hospital, and Actor Yu expressed his concern about this.

"Remember the agreement with me."

"Remember, I must remember."

After Yu Yege pressed down his hat and looked around, he drove away in the Maserati.

Bai Zhi was holding his head outside the emergency room door, in great pain.

"What's the matter?" Ning Tan asked anxiously.

"The doctor can't guarantee it either." Bai Zhi raised his head and smiled wryly, "It's all my fault. I knew Brother Bai Xuan was not a good guy but I didn't guard against them and let them make my eldest brother like this."

"It's not your fault."

Ning Tan looked at the red rescue words, and his heart became more and more heavy.

Should she let Bai Zhi know the truth?

Ning Li laughed at himself, and vowed to Yu Yege that he would not be selfish, but he still hesitated when things came to an end.

"You said if I found my nephew, how would I explain it to him?" Bai Zhi asked painfully.

Ning Tang was silent.

She began to fidget.

"I'm going out to catch my breath." Ning Li felt like sitting on pins and needles, "Do you want something to eat? I'll go buy some supper."

Bai Zhi has no appetite.

Ning Tan took out the earphones and put them on, trying to relax himself with loud music, went to the night snack shop and ordered a porridge and a few skewers.

"how much is it?"


She called Baitao, but still couldn't get through, and she didn't reply to the message she sent.

Ning Chan stirred the porridge, but it was tasteless.

She packed a cup of soy milk for Bai Zhi: "Drink some."

"Bai Zhi, I mean, if..." Ning Tong said slowly, "If your nephew has an accident, what are you going to do?"

"Impossible! Nothing will happen to him!" Bai Zhi was excited, and looked at her with red eyes, "Ning Chan, do you know something?"

Ning Tong was speechless, looked at the excited Bai Zhi, and was silent for a minute: "I..."

The door of the emergency room opened, and the doctor took off his mask and walked out.

"Where are the family members? Who are the family members?"

"I'm here!" Bai Zhi hurried over and looked at the doctor excitedly, "How is my eldest brother, doctor? He's fine, right?"

"You sent it in time, and the patient's life is not in danger." The doctor said, "But his health is too poor, and he has a cerebral hemorrhage. We are not sure whether he can wake up, and it is very likely that he will become a vegetative state."

Bai Zhi lost his strength in an instant, and was as sluggish as a puppet.

The doctor gave him a sympathetic look: "Come here for a formality."

Ning Tan's face was pale, looking at the old man who was pushed out, his heart felt flustered and swollen.

She looked outside and took a deep breath: "Bai Zhi, I'm going out for a while."

Bai Zhi nodded in despair.

Ning Tong stopped a car and drove to Bai's house alone. It was very late at night, but the lights were on in Bai's house, and a few figures on the second floor could be vaguely seen walking around.

She rings the bell.

"Who is it?" Just as the nanny pushed the door open a crack, Ning Tan broke in directly.

"Why are you... Hey, what are you doing?"

Ning Li rushed into the living room, and the Bai family was actually there, seeing her panic-stricken.

Especially Zhou Hua, resentful and frightened.

"What are you doing here?"

"Call Taotao, now!" Ning Tan stared at her and said coldly, "I don't know what you did to make it impossible for me to contact Taotao, but listen up, I'll give you 5 minutes."

"If you can't contact Taotao within 5 minutes, I will let your Bai family go bankrupt!"

The faces of the three members of the Bai family changed drastically.

Zhou Hua screamed: "Are you crazy? What big talk!"

"Ning Chun, you are a threat!" Bai Xiangyu roared.

"Whether it's a lie or not will be known later."

Ning Tan sneered: "You have 4 minutes left."

She sat down on the sofa, peeled and ate the lychees on the fruit plate, counted down the countdown to the terrified three people with cold eyebrows.

"3 minutes."

"You, you can't do this!" Zhou Hua cursed and wanted to rush up to beat her, but the Bai family father and son hurriedly stopped her.

Zhou Hua didn't know who Ning Chen's backer was, but they knew it very well.

That's Qi Yijing!

Ten Bai families can't afford it!

Ning Tan glanced at the two with a half-smile.

"2 minutes."

"Why are you looking for Baitao?" Bai Xiangyu glanced upstairs uncomfortably, "As long as you give us 1000 million, let alone the phone number, we will take Baitao back right now."

Ning Tan looked at the few people indifferently, ignored them, and just watched the countdown.

"1 minutes."

She picked up her mobile phone and looked for Qi Yijing's number.

The three of them finally couldn't hold back any longer, and Bai Xiangyu yelled, "No!"

Ning Li looked up at him.

"I'll call, I'll call!" Bai Xiangyu was nervous, "Take your hands away quickly, I'll call Baitao right now."

Ning Tan looked at her indifferently.

Bai Xiangyu made a phone call unwillingly.

"Turn on the speakerphone." Ning Tong said coldly.

Bai Xiangyu glared at her viciously, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Good grandson, do you miss grandma when you call grandma so early?"

"Grandma, where's my sister?" Bai Xiangyu forced a smile, "Let her answer the phone."

"What are you looking for her for?" The voice on the other end was extremely displeased, but got out of bed anyway, and just yelled at the top of his throat that a sudden harsh alarm sound was recorded, "Baitao, Bai..."

"Beep beep beep~"

Ning Tan's face changed slightly, what's going on?

Zhou Hua opened Father Bai like crazy and rushed towards her: "Is it you? Did you call the police? Ning Tan, you white-eyed wolf! You bitch! Ahhh, get out!"

Ning Li was almost caught in the face, but she was more concerned about the mobile phone.

The voice over there was messy.

"Get out!" Zhou Hua roared, grabbing Bai Xiangyu excitedly, "Quick, let's go to your grandma's house."

"Mom, don't worry, I'll drive right away." Bai Xiangyu gave Ning Tang a hard look, and took the phone away.

Ning Li was a little embarrassed, anxious and helpless.

The movement of Bai's house woke up the neighbors next door. Zhao Guimei stood on the small terrace complaining and cursing: "You noisy ghost at night, you don't know how to take care of your neighbors, and the nouveau riche will put on a show. A bad fish killer suddenly becomes rich. I really don't know what kind of shit luck I got!"

Ning Chong raised her head sharply.

Suddenly rich? !

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