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Chapter 170 Master 2, hurry up and chase after me

Ning Tan stood in the shadows, watching all this calmly.

When she came out of the bathroom and saw Yang Qin and Tang Tang arguing, she wanted to come over to help Tang Tang, but who turned out that the prince Tang Tang was talking about was Qi Yijing.

It turns out that the prince's cleanliness also varies from person to person.

There was Yang Qin in the front and Tang Tang in the back.

Ning Li chuckled lightly, wanting to tease the princess for her poor eyesight but couldn't muster the strength, so she walked away with heavy steps pretending to be relaxed.

Your Royal Highness, the minister is leaving~

Qi Yijing was planning to throw Tang Tang away when she said those words, his eyes showed disgust and indifference, just as he was about to let go, he suddenly felt something, and he looked forward.

At the same time, Ye Tao finally shouted: "Ma'am!"

lady?Tang Tang was sluggish, is Qi Yijing married?

Ning Tan froze, oops, I was discovered.

Whether to walk in desperation or turn back, rationality tells Ning Tan to leave quickly, but he can't lift his feet at all.

She turned around pretending to be calm, and looked at Qi Yijing.

Qi Yijing's tall body froze, and subconsciously let go.

Tang Tang's head was buzzing from the fall.

It hurts.

Qi Yijing moved his long legs and was about to step forward to explain, but his deep voice was full of tension: "Ning Chen, listen to me..."

"Just pretend I haven't been here before." Ning Tan interrupted him with a smile, blinking his eyes, "I understand, it's normal to see beautiful women, it's okay, remember to go back and sign the divorce agreement."

Qi Yijing's footsteps froze, his face gradually turned cold, his panic was replaced by mania and anger, and he stared at Ning Chan.

When she saw him hugging another woman, all she could think of was the divorce agreement? !

The words of last night are vivid in my memory, overlapping with the smiling face in front of me.

The ruthlessness made him irritable.

"Okay, you guys continue." Ning Tong shrugged, turned and left.

As soon as she was out of sight, Ning Tan's smile disappeared, her legs began to weaken, and the suppressed emotions could no longer be held back, bitterness and self-mockery mixed together, and her eyes gradually blurred.

She's just a joke.

Obviously everyone is right, why is she so sad?

Ning Tan tried to comfort herself, but it didn't work.

Tears blurred her vision, falling from the corners of her eyes drop by drop, and she was stunned by the warm feeling.

she cried?

Ning Li was confused and flustered, and subconsciously wanted to hide in the toilet.

Hasty footsteps sounded, Ning Tan looked up blankly, his blurred face was full of anxiety and anger.

"Xiaojing." Ning Tan sniffed and choked up, "I, I seem to be broken in love."

"I want to eat hot pot, and I want to drink."

Li Jing looked at her distressedly, with a flash of hostility in his eyes.

Things were different from what she expected, she originally wanted to frame Qi Yijing, but who knew that Qi Yijing really betrayed Xiao Dan.


Li Jing took Ning Tan's hand and walked down: don't cry, I'll take you there.

"Second master!" Ye Tao shouted first, "Hurry up!"

Qi Yijing's face was cold, and his eyes were full of sarcasm, what are you chasing?Do you want to catch up and sign the divorce agreement?

"I didn't know you were married." Tang Tang blushed in embarrassment, got up and explained in a panic, "I didn't even know she was your wife, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

"I'm really sorry!" She bowed ninety degrees.

Yang Qin came over by accident, his face full of excitement: "Second Master, you two are getting divorced?!"

Doctor Yang was furious: "Yang Qin!"

Tang Tang looked at Yang Qin in shock.

This person wants to be a mistress?

Ye Tao was also shocked, he couldn't see that the second master was on the verge of breaking out, so he dared to speak?

"I knew you didn't like Ning Chen, she didn't deserve you. Er Ye, since you are divorced, can you give me a chance? I am willing to do anything for you, Er Ye, I love..."

Qi Yijing's face was terribly cold, his eyes filled with numbness and coldness, and his mouthful of divorce directly caused all his restraint to collapse. Looking at Yang Qin's ugly and excited face, Qi Yijing sneered, and directly raised his leg kick.

The slender thigh kicked Yang Qin to the ground with a graceful posture!


Something flew past his eyes, and Tang Tang was dumbfounded.Didn't you say that Qi Yijing is very gentle, why, why is she so rough.

The noisy sound stopped abruptly.

Yang Qin was dizzy and couldn't say a word.

"Yang Qin!" Dr. Yang was shocked and distressed.

Qi Yijing looked down at the two of them, like a high-ranking person looking down on an ant, exuding strong malice all over his body, his eyes were cold and thin, and his thin lips curled up cruelly: "Doctor Yang, I warned you a long time ago to take good care of your daughter."

"Next time, I will send her to the hospital."

Qi Yijing cast a cold glance at Tang Tang, who was so cold that he didn't dare to move, and walked into the elevator full of hostility.

Ye Tao quickly followed.

Ma Dan is really unlucky!He must be implicated.

At this moment, all the filters in Tang Tang's brain were completely shattered.

Woohoo, this is not a prince at all, this is a devil.

There is no gentleness or calmness at all, gentlemen are also deceptive, only violence!

"You little three!" Tang Tang glared angrily at Yang Qin, who was half unconscious, "Bad woman! I have been implicated by you for eight lifetimes, and you will die if you meddle in other people's feelings!"

After scolding Tang Tang, he went after Ning Chan.

She can't be a bad woman, she has to explain it clearly.

The elevator goes straight down.

Ye Tao followed cautiously: "Second Lord, are you really not going to look for Madam? Madam may be crying somewhere."

Qi Yijing mocked: "She will cry?"

Ye Tao smiled awkwardly, well, probably not.

"Bring me the notebook." Qi Yijing ordered indifferently, took off his coat and threw it away, took out a disinfectant tissue to wipe his hands, found a chair at the door and sat down, coldly swept across the stairs and the elevator.

Ye Tao pulled out his notebook from the file package.

"Second Master, what are you going to do?" He wondered.

Qi Yijing sneered: "Of course it is to delete the monitoring."

Ye Tao was puzzled, there was no way to sue for divorce with this little evidence.

He quietly looked at the screen, and found that the monitoring of the entire building was called up on the screen, and it was playing on split screens.

He said he wouldn't look for it, but he still found it.

Ye Tao complained.

Qi Yijing stared at the screen intently. Ning Jing and Li Jing went down from the internal elevator and took a taxi to leave. During the period, Li Jing gave Ning Jing a tissue. Ning Jing seemed to be... Qi Yijing's fingers stiffened, Wipe away tears?

Is she crying?

Qi Yijing couldn't believe it.

The monitoring is not very clear, and people's faces cannot be photographed, and it is impossible to determine whether they are crying.

Qi Yijing felt irritated, and looked at Ye Tao coldly: "You, call Ning Chong."

"I won't pick up my wife if I hit you." Ye Tao swallowed.

Qi Yijing was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "You are [-]% responsible for this matter."

Ye Tao: "...Yes."

"Go to the trash can on the sixteenth floor, turn out the tissue paper, and take it to the hospital for testing." Qi Yijing ordered in an unquestionable and cold tone.

Ye Tao's eyes widened: "???"

Second Master, are you a pervert?

I want to know if Madam is crying and chasing after her, why not make such a big detour.The most important thing is to let him do such a perverted thing.

Qi Yijing sneered.

"……I go."

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