give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 171 Moving out of Huijingxuan

Ning Tan and Li Jing didn't go far, because Ning Tan insisted on going shopping with Li Jing.

"This, this, and this." Ning Tan pointed at the sexy suspender skirt and shorts, "Wrap them up for me!"

"Xiaojing, don't you buy clothes?" She asked with her head tilted.

Li Jing wanted to say something, but finally shook his head: I don't like this one.

"Then the next one."

Li Jing was worried and angry, and almost couldn't suppress his hostility several times.

When Ning Tan went to try on clothes, Li Jing pinched the iron clothes hanger with his bare hands until it deformed.In the shocked eyes of the salesperson, Li Jing threw out 1000 yuan, pointed to the hanger, and showed a quiet smile hiding madness.

"Does it look good?" Ning Tang changed into a sexy outfit, perfectly showing the advantages of her figure, and winking at Li Jing.

It would be more perfect if it weren't for the red eyes.

After shopping for clothes, he moved to the restaurant. After eating three servings of stinky tofu in Ning Jing, Li Jing finally couldn't take it anymore, stopped her from ordering milk tea, and signed sign language seriously: Xiao Chen, calm down.

History: Don't be sad for someone who is not worth it, just divorce him.

"I'm very calm." Ning Tan smiled faintly, "I don't deny that I'm a little unhappy, but it's just a little bit, and I'm fine now."

She has nothing but optimism.

Sadness comes and goes quickly.

Qi Yijing is not the only man in the world, she won't hang herself on a tree.Besides, Qi Yijing had said long ago that he didn't like her, so she couldn't just pretend to be affectionate and kidnap him.

Life is not only about love, she has more important things to do.

Sadness will always fade with time.

"Did I feel ashamed just now?" Ning Tan blushed, "It's a good thing Taotao isn't here, otherwise she would definitely laugh at me mercilessly."

After Li Jing confirmed that she was really no longer sad, he smiled slightly and signed in sign language: Do you want to go to the model exhibition?I have two tickets.

"No." Ning Tan shook his head, "I want to divorce Qi Yijing first."

"Of course, before that, I have to eat hot pot first, and take a walk."

Ning Tan took Li Jing to eat hot pot, and he ate a little too much, and he couldn't eat enough.

Ning Tan burped: "I still have class in the afternoon, Xiao Jing, do you want me to take you back?"

Li Jing shook his head: No need.Xiao Dan, do you want to go abroad with me?

"Going abroad?" Ning Tong was taken aback. Although she was going to have a vacation, she still had to forget about going abroad. "Not for now, wait until I graduate, and then we must have fun."

"The bus is coming, I'll go first."

Ning Tang squeezed onto the bus and waved to her: "Goodbye!"

Li Jing stood under the stop sign and watched the bus go away. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the person pretending to be calling at the corner of the road, and there were subtle mood swings on his quiet face.

She hails a taxi.

After Ning Tan confirmed that the historical scene could not be seen, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained.He looked down at the pile of things he had bought, his nose was sour, and he was extremely annoyed.

What is she doing?

Losing face is not enough, but also losing money.

Ah Xi, her credit card is probably exhausted, she must have lost her mind to do such a stupid thing of crazy consumption.

Ning Chen regrets, hates.

How could she be so restless!

Can these things be returned?

"Lanhua University Station—here we are." The gentle voice of the machine seemed to be full of sympathy.

Ning Li took a deep breath, so many things must not be brought into the school, and she is not willing to ask her to ask for leave--the teacher will inform the guardian if she asks for leave, what will Qi Yijing's reaction when she hears that she has asked for leave?

He would definitely laugh at her wishful thinking, and then reward her in a cold and mean tone from above——I warned you, don't fall in love with me.

Ye Tao would still watch from the sidelines, giving her sympathetic and disdainful eyes.

Toad wants to eat.

no!She must not lose face like this!

Ning Li walked into the milk tea shop aggressively carrying the bag: "I'll leave these things with you, can I bring them after school?"

The disabled clerk nodded and asked her with concern if she had ever cried?

Ning Tan's expression changed: "So obvious?"

The clerk pointed to the mirror.

Her eyes were visibly swollen.

The clerk knew that Ning Tong didn't have a place to stay, and seeing that the bag was full of clothes and more, he asked again: I had a quarrel with my family, do I want to move to school?

"No!" Ning Tong quickly denied, and forced a smile, "I just watched a tear-jerking movie, which was so touching. I'll leave first, and I'll bring these things later."

The clerk reminded Ning Li of one thing.

She can also live in Xinxin School. Before, she lived in Xunfengxuan because of the Qi family's request, but now... Anyway, she is going to get divorced, so it's better to move out in advance.

In this way, I don't have to think about how to face Qi Yijing when I go back.

Ning Tan was absent-minded all afternoon, and went to see the teacher after class.

"You want to apply for a dormitory?" The teacher was puzzled, "Why?"

"If you live in school, the class will be faster. Isn't there an exam? I want to save time for reviewing." Ning Tong explained, "Teacher, please help me quickly."

The teacher glanced at Ning Tang approvingly: "That's a good idea. It's not bad that you're not proud of the league. Okay, I'll write you a note, and you can take it to the dorm supervisor."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Ning Chen expressed his gratitude, and felt a lot easier when he got the approval slip.


She went to the dormitory with the approval slip, and the dormitory manager checked her student ID: "There are 307 and 301 vacant in your department, and there are three people in each. You can choose which one you want to live in."

Ning Tan glanced at the dormitory list, glanced at the faces of his classmates in his mind, and decided to choose 301, which is more focused on studying and rarely involved in gossip.

Of course, choose Xueba dormitory.

The dorm supervisor led her to 301. On the way, she met classmates who were more surprised than each other.

Isn't Ning Tong's family quite rich, and there is a car to pick him up and drop him off from school every day, so why would he come to live in a dormitory?Shouldn't it be bankrupt?

Someone couldn't help asking.

"Ning Tan, do you want to stay?"

"Yes." Ning Tong nodded, ignoring their suspicion and inquiry, and knocked on the door of 301.

As she thought, none of the top students came back yet.

Ning Li went to the milk tea shop to bring all the clothes up and put them in the dormitory, and bought a bed quilt and laundry supplies downstairs on the way, cleaned the bed and put a quilt on it.

During this period, many people looked at her with their heads probed.

Ning Li calmly finished the matter and went downstairs—even though he lived in the school, he still had to speak to Qi Yijing Branch, and then make an appointment with him to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"The access control is at 10:30." The housekeeper aunt kindly reminded, "I won't open the door if I come back late."

"I know Auntie."

Ning Tong walked out of the dormitory building and bumped into Xiang Yang and a few classmates. They were wearing jerseys and holding basketballs. They were all sweating profusely. It was obvious that they had just returned from playing and were going to take a shower.

They surrounded Xiangyang in the middle.

"Sure, Xiangyang, the ball just now was invincible."

"As expected of our president, if there is a friendly match with Luo University someday, we will definitely blow them up!"

Xiang Yang nodded absent-mindedly, and suddenly saw a figure with his head bowed and turned around, his eyes lit up: "Junior Sister!"

Ning Danxiang pretended not to hear, and walked towards the path at a faster pace.

"Hey, Xiangyang, where are you going?"

Xiang Yang gave the ball to his classmate and chased after him, sweating profusely could not conceal his joy: "Junior Sister, I finally saw you, why are you avoiding me these days?"

"Did Qi Yijing force you to do this?"

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