give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 169 I Like You, Marry Me

"Miss Yang." Ye Tao frowned, said a few words to the other end of the phone, and then hung up, "Didn't the second master tell you not to come here? What should you do if you are misunderstood? I think you know very well, the second master does not want to come here." I like disobedient people."

Yang Qin's face was slightly pale, embarrassed and wronged.

She knew, she knew, and her father had warned her.Can liking be controlled?

Qi Yijing is like the sun hanging high, so perfect, how can she not let her chase it.

She just wants to look at him from a distance.

"I just want to give him a cake." Yang Qin held the exquisitely packaged cake in his palm, "I made this with my own hands. I know that the second master doesn't like sweets. I put very little sugar. Please pass it on to me. Can you give it to him?"

Ye Tao reckoned that if he didn't agree, Yang Qin would have to keep pestering him.

And the second master is coming out soon, he has to get rid of this trouble quickly.

Ye Tao took the cake: "Okay, let's go, don't let people see you."

"You tell the second master to let him pay attention to his health and not just focus on work."

Ye Tao is speechless, Erye is more active than anyone else after get off work, okay?With regard to the perfect schedule that Erye, a primary school student, can't do, everyone in the world would die suddenly, and it would be impossible for Erye to die suddenly!

"Yeah." Ye Tao nodded perfunctorily, "You don't have to worry, I know everything, let's go and I'll see you off."

Yang Qin didn't want to leave, but Ye Tao didn't give her a chance at all, so he walked into the elevator reluctantly.

Ye Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally solved the trouble.

Glancing at the cake in his hand, he couldn't lose it in front of his father's studio. Ye Tao looked at the monitor, and he was ready to deal with the cake in the corner corridor.

Ning Tan witnessed everything and stood there stiffly, not knowing how to react.All kinds of emotions in my heart kept churning, as if they wanted to sweep her away, among which nameless anger and sorrow were the most important.

Well, you Qi Yijing, you demand everything from her, but you are hidden in a golden house!

Especially this person is Yang Qin.

Thinking of Qi Yijing's protection of her when she was in the old house, Ning Tan was angry and inexplicably sour, and laughed at herself.Do one thing to the face and another thing behind the back, playing her like a monkey?

Ning Tan didn't know how to deal with the chaotic mood at the moment, and hurriedly went to find the bathroom.


Ye Tao, who was unpacking the cake box, looked up and saw a cute girl dressed as a princess, blushing, staring at him with big eyes blinking.

so cute.

Holding the small bag, Tang Tang looked embarrassed: "Can I ask, where is Dr. Yang? I searched around but didn't see the sign."

"The first room on the left." Ye Tao came back to his senses and added, "But there are people inside, you have to wait for a while."

"Okay." Tang Tang felt uneasy.

It must be Qi Yijing inside, no, she has to touch up her makeup.

No, what if Qi Yijing leaves while she is going to touch up her makeup?

Tang Tang walked back and waited with anticipation. After waiting for a minute, he couldn't bear the excitement and shyness, got up and took a walk to restrain his nervousness.

Seeing her walking back and forth nervously, Ye Tao thought it was because she was afraid of seeing a doctor. After thinking for a while, he handed her the cake in his hand: "Don't be anxious, do you want to eat cake?"

Tang Tang was flattered: "Thank you."

He stretched his hand halfway and then withdrew it.

What to do with the spent lipstick, she needs to impress Qi Yijing with her best condition.

"No, you can eat."

Ye Tao was sympathetic, it seemed that she was seriously ill, she was a good girl, alas, I don't know if it can be cured.

But I have to say that Yang Qin's craftsmanship is quite good.

Ye Tao picked up the spoon and was about to eat, when he suddenly felt a burning gaze staring at him... To be precise, it was staring at the cake in his hand, and turned to meet Tang Tang's eager eyes.


Tang Tang blushed and waved his hands in a panic: "Eat what you want, I just want to see."


Where can he still eat.

Ye Tao had no choice but to give her the cake: "Take it."

"It's okay, let's eat, don't delay things."

Tang Tang hesitated, but in the end the princess was defeated by her appetite. It shouldn't matter if she stuttered.

After entering the cake, Tang Tang laughed in satisfaction, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, eat slowly and I'll go first." Ye Tao glanced at the time, got up and went to the door to wait for Qi Yijing.

Tang Tang held the cake and ate it in small bites.

Suddenly a figure rushed over and asked angrily: "Who are you? Why do you eat my cake?!"

Tang Tang was terrified: "You, me, this, this is given to me by a big brother."

The second master gave the cake she made to this woman?

Yang Qin's face turned pale, no, the second master would not take the initiative to talk to a woman, it must be this woman who took the initiative to seduce him.

After she left for such a short while, someone actually took advantage of it.

"Give it back to me!" Yang Qin grabbed the cake and asked viciously, "What's your relationship with Qi Yijing? Tell me!"

Tang Tang also came back to his senses, aware of Yang Qin's hostility, displeased: "What's none of your business?"

How could there be such a rude person, her hands were pinched red.

He also got cream on her hands, she had to wash it.

"Stop!" Yang Qin grabbed her.


Ye Tao called out respectfully: "Second Master."

Qi Yijing came out of the room, his calm face was indifferent mixed with irritability, his whole body exuded a cold aura that should not be approached by strangers, he was well restrained, turned his head and politely thanked Doctor Yang behind him: "Thank you."

"Second Lord, you're being polite." Doctor Yang said with a smile, "This is what we doctors should do. Taking medicine once every three days is the most ideal plan, but you must take medicine on time without interruption."

"En." Qi Yijing replied in a deep voice.

"Second Master, I still have patients, so I won't see you off."

Qi Yijing nodded, Ye Tao went to press the elevator first, and suddenly there was a quarrel around the corner.

The three turned to look.

Tang Tang was pushed out by Yang Qin, Yang Qin was angry: "Be honest, what is your relationship with Second Lord Qi? Why is the cake I gave him in your hand?"

Qi Yijing looked at Ye Tao coldly.

what happened?

Ye Tao quickly explained: "Yang Qin came to you just now, and I prevaricated her away. I thought the little girl wanted a cake and gave it to her. I didn't expect Yang Qin to come back again."

Tang Tang was already no match for Yang Qin, and he was even more restrained because he cared about his skirt.

She was also angry: "Your cake is so unpalatable, I still don't want to eat it. If you are so rude, Qi Yijing won't like you."

Yang Qin was sprinkled with salt on the wound, and angrily pushed Tang Tang hard.

Tang Tang lost his strength and bumped his head towards the corner of the wall.

Ye Tao's face changed drastically.

Even if you don't lose consciousness, you will have your head broken when you hit it with this force!

"Second Master!" He shouted excitedly.

The closest to them is the second master.

Qi Yijing frowned in confusion, gave Yang Qin a cold look, and finally reached out to grab Tang Tang.

Tang Tang thought he would get hurt, so he closed his eyes tightly, but who knew that he fell into a big embrace, a handsome man with delicate features looked down at her indifferently, so handsome that she stopped breathing, and was dumbfounded She looked at him with pink bubbles in her eyes.

Heroes save beauty!

So gentle!

Yang Qin was also stunned: "Second, Second Lord..."

Ye Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to blame Yang Qin, but found a person standing behind her.

Very familiar person.


What the fuck? !

"I like you!" A sudden voice sounded, and Tang Tang looked at Qi Yijing with eyes full of admiration, "Qi Yijing, I like you, marry me!"

Holy shit! !

Ye Tao was shocked, looked at Tang Tang in shock, and subconsciously looked at Ning Chan.

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