give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 162 He will never drink this kind of thing

"Yes, yes, I can find him. Ask him to give a large sum of money to other men. You can come to my grave next Qingming."

Looking for Qi Yijing, do you think she lived too long?

In the next second, Ning Tong felt something was wrong.

"Wait, how do you know about Qi Yijing?"

"You still know about my relationship with Qi Yijing?! When?!" She raised her voice.

"Hahaha." Bai Zhi could feel Ning Tang's murderous eyes through the phone, and smiled dryly, "I saw it by accident in the Empire State Building last time. Cough, don't worry, I didn't tell anyone, I kept my mouth shut! Borrow some money for me? No, based on the relationship between you and Qi Yijing, that's not called borrowing, it's called joint property."

"I'll definitely pay it back."


God damn common property, she never likes to take advantage of others.

What's more, can Qi Yijing take advantage of it?cannot!

A missing child was involved, and Bai Rui's life was still in danger. Ning Li couldn't bear to refuse after all, and sighed: "Let me try."

"Say it first, you must return it to me."

Otherwise she would have committed a great crime.

"I'll write you an IOU. I have Bai's shares under my name. You can use them as collateral as a last resort. If you can find him, Ning Tong, you will be my great benefactor!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, just send me the photo."

Bai Zhi immediately sent the photo.

The photo has a year on it, and even if it is re-scanned, the outline is a bit blurry, but the little boy on it can be recognized. The four- or five-year-old boy is wearing a small suit, and his hair is cut softly. He looks cute.

Ning Tan had a headache.

In the morning, she had just annoyed Qi Yijing, and with Qi Yijing's vengeance, she knew that he would not agree, so she had to find a way to please him.

Why can't we tell her one day in advance and let her make preparations.

Ning Dan sighed melancholy.

Does her life have to be so bitter?

"Ma'am, here we are."

"it is good."


"Ding dong."

Ye Tao picked up his mobile phone to check the news, and after reading it, he glanced at the rear seat.

Madam asked how the second master was feeling?

Qi Yijing glanced at him, didn't care about his temptation, looked indifferent, and tapped lightly with the fingers on his knees.

Although I don't know why.

But obviously, the second master is in a good mood now.

"Very good?" Ning Tong's eyes were tinged with a smile, and he worked even harder while wearing an apron, "Then there is great hope."

The two chefs stood by the side, one on the left and the other on the right, watching her cut the ingredients horribly, and hesitated to speak.

Ye Zhu specifically told the second master to pay attention to the appearance of food, so there will be no accidents, right?

"By the way, what soup are you cooking today?" Ning Tan asked.

Qi Yijing is a skilled person and has high requirements on food, so in order not to be self-defeating, she doesn't get involved in the dishes, and simply cooks a soup.

But the ingredients were prepared by herself.

The chef who was originally a high soup played by ear: "Tomato and egg soup!"


Under the chef's shocked and incomprehensible angry eyes, Ning Tang chopped up the tomatoes and threw them into the pot.

They were barely standing still.

But water peeling?

No seeding? !

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Tan was puzzled, "Is it because you are sick with such an ugly face? Do you want to take time off to see a doctor?"

"...Thank you madam for your concern, we are fine."

If they leave, I don't know what the meal will be like tonight.

The three of them were busy in the kitchen for a while.


The sound of parking and bodyguards greeting in unison sounded.

"Second Master!"

Ning Tang's eyes lit up, Qi Yijing is back?

"Hurry up, take these to the restaurant."

Ning Tang put two plates on the table by himself. The restaurant has been carefully tidied up, and everything on the plate is very delicate.

She glanced at her whole body, and ran upstairs to change her clothes.

Dress nicely to make Qi Yijing look comfortable.As soon as the second uncle is happy, hey, isn't that going to happen?

Qi Yijing stepped into the door with one foot, and Ning Tan rushed to the stairs wearing a long-sleeved dress that reached her ankles, her hair was loose behind her back, and she pinned the broken hair around her ears with a light blue hairpin, which was beautiful and seductive.

Qi Yijing stared blankly, gracefully took off his coat and hung it on the entrance, rolled up his white shirt and walked towards the sink, frowning slightly in an invisible corner.

Ning Tan was secretly proud of himself.

How about it?This was carefully selected by her, and she didn't show it at all, just to satisfy the staid Qi Yijing.


Just as Qi Yijing turned off the tap, a folded clean towel was handed over.

I looked in surprise.

Ning Tan held the towel in both hands, and smiled sweetly: "Wipe your hands and eat."

Qi Yijing raised his eyebrows, looked suspiciously at the towel, picked up the corners with his thumb and forefinger, and the folded towel instantly scattered into pieces—clean and tidy, without any dirt.

no problem?

He looked at Ning Chen carefully.

Ning Tan smiled at him, very flattering: "Don't worry, there's no about I wipe it for you?"

"No need." A dim light flashed in Qi Yijing's eyes, he said two words coldly, wiped off the water stains, and walked towards the restaurant.

Ning Tan dragged out the chair for him like a dog.

"Call it."

Qi Yijing glanced at her again.

Ning Jing blinked.

Qi Yijing unabashedly checked the tables, chairs and tableware, and found that there was no problem... His inquiring eyes fell on Ning Chen, who smiled innocently, Qi Yijing's eyes deepened, and he sat down.

Ning Tong immediately handed over the chopsticks, just like a eunuch in a TV drama.

Qi Yijing took it calmly.

He wants to see what she wants to do.

"Will you eat this?" Ning Tan pointed at a dish, completely unable to hide his flattery, "Don't you like this, I'll pick it up for you."

Only then did Qi Yijing realize that there seemed to be something wrong with today's dishes.

It's not the taste, but the appearance - all of them are grotesque, and the dishes are also extremely casual.He pays them a salary of [-] yuan a month, and they can't even cut a dish neatly?

The irregular dishes made Qi Yijing frown severely.

"Would you like to try the potatoes?" Ning Li didn't notice someone's displeasure at all, "The potatoes are delicious and nutritious."

"Do you drink soup?"

"I'll serve you a bowl."

A bowl of tomato and egg soup was poured into the bowl, and the skin and bits floating on it made Qi Yijing's face completely black.

The potatoes are ugly, but the soup is so perfunctory, you have deserted?

"Ye Tao." Qi Yijing said coldly, "Go and call the chef."

Ye Tao was also amazed by the dishes, this is not their level.

"What's wrong?" Ning Tong was taken aback, "Are you not satisfied?"

Ye Tao explained in a friendly manner: "Ma'am, it's not that we care about it. Today's food is too casual. We hired them with high salaries, not to let him fool us. Look at how the dishes are cut. Let's forget about the dishes, at least the taste is okay." , you drink this soup."

"It's as light as clear water, and it's hard to drink and has skin. This is simply a problem of work attitude!"

Difficult... Difficult to drink?

Ning Tong was dumbfounded, no, she is still drinking.

This is her best dish, she has been cooking it for ten years, it is not as good as a chef's skill, and it is not bad to say the least.

Ning Tan looked to Qi Yijing for approval: "You also find it unpleasant?"

Qi Yijing glanced at the soup with scallions floating in it, he didn't drink it, but the fishy smell that came over his face told him that it was definitely not going to be any better.

He would never drink such a thing.

"Do you still need to ask?" Ye Tao became more and more angry as he spoke. "How can the second master drink something that I think is unpalatable! No, I have to ask them what happened today."

Seeing that Ning Tan was going to settle accounts aggressively, Qi Yijing didn't mean to deny it: "Wait!"

Qi Yijing looked at her, frowning slightly.

She asks for love?

"Ma'am, you don't need to intercede for them, it's a mistake in their work, it's..."

"Actually, I made these."

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