Ye Tao's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at Ning Chan dully.

What, what?

Second Lord Qi's expression froze.

Ning Tong said dryly: "I cut these and cooked the soup, it has nothing to do with them."

"I want to show you my skills, hahaha, it's so embarrassing." Ning Li laughed dryly, and went to bring the soup basin at a loss, "I'll take the soup away right away."

As soon as he touched the edge of the porcelain basin, he held her down with one hand.

"Wait." A low magnetic voice sounded above his head, Second Lord Qi picked up the soup bowl and took a sip of the soup, his fingertips froze suddenly, his expression tried to remain calm, and he praised, "The taste is not bad."

Ye Tao: "???"

Second master, can you stop talking nonsense with your eyes open.

You, a person who has great dietary requirements and can taste the taste of the soup even if it is simmered for half an hour, would you think this soup is delicious?If this is the truth, Ye Tao will lose his salary this month!

"Really?" Ning Tan was delighted.

"En." Qi Yijing nodded, as if the ticket had seen through Ye Tao's thoughts, his thin lips curled up coldly, and his mellow voice was full of meanness and contempt, "Oh, why, your mouth has become so tricky recently? Love to drink , don’t drink and go away!”

Ye Tao: "..."


There are ten thousand mud horses roaring and galloping in my heart, the second master values ​​sex and despises employees, you are simply not human!

Ning Tong originally wondered if Qi Yijing felt sorry for her, but then she thought that Qi Yijing is not the kind of considerate person... Now that she sees Qi Yijing angry at Ye Tao, she is really happy, and at the same time, she confirms One thing - the soup itself is really good!

Tang, which even Qi Yijing recognized, was absolutely invincible.

Ning Tan's self-confidence reached its peak in an instant, and he swelled too much: "Yes, it is obviously delicious! Ye Tao, go to the hospital to see if there is something wrong with your sense of taste."

Ye Tao: "..."

He shouldn't exist.

Seeing that the anger didn't reach him, Qi Yijing kept it a secret, thankful that he didn't comment just now, glanced at Ye Tao, and said lightly: "Okay, continue to eat..."

"I'll scoop up some more for you." Ning Tan happily wanted to add more soup to Qi Yijing, but found that it was full, and urged, "Why didn't you finish it? I'll scoop it up for you after finishing it."

Qi Yijing: "..."

Ye Tao gloated instantly.

Second master, you have today too!

Pretend, you continue to pretend.

Qi Yijing glanced at the bowl of soup, then glanced at Ning Chan, she stared at herself expectantly, silent for a moment, picked up the bowl of soup and drank half of it, said calmly: "I'll drink the rest later."

He picked up the chopsticks to pick up vegetables, looking as stable as Mount Tai.

"Okay." Ning Li happily scooped it up for him, "I'll have a bowl too."

She aimed at Ye Tao.

Ye Tao, who was lamenting that the second master's bottom line had dropped again, said: "I will do it myself."

"What are you here for?" Ning Tong rolled his eyes, "Did I tell you to drink it? I cooked it specially for Qi Yijing!"


The corners of Qi Erye's lips curled up quietly, and he was successfully pleased by the word "special".

Well, the soup is not that bad either.

It was the first time that Qi Yijing brought food to Ning Tan, and Ning Tan smiled brightly.Everyone enjoyed this meal, no, except Ye Tao.

After the meal, Ning Tan doggedly turned on the TV for Qi Yijing, and thoughtfully asked him what he wanted to watch.

"Central news."


Qi Yijing listened to the boring news with great interest, and sometimes showed approving eyes, as if he was watching something interesting.

Ning Tong curled her lips, she felt sleepy when she heard it.

Ning Tan rolled his eyes and ran to the kitchen to cut a plate of fruit: "Qi Yijing, let's eat some fruit after dinner."

Qi Yijing glanced at the fruit plate, and his eyes fell on Ning Tan who was squatting in front of him with a flattering face, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and said lightly, "Don't eat."

It's okay not to eat.

"Do you feel comfortable eating dinner? Are you happy?" Ning Tan naturally sat aside, stared at him eagerly, and approached him, "How about I make you soup tomorrow?"

Qi Yijing's eyebrows twitched, and he said lightly: "Every day is different."

"I did the cooking today." Ning Li was displeased, and sighed pretending to be sad, "This is a blow to my enthusiasm, so can't you say that you are having a good time?"

Ning Tan reached out to grab the fruit, deliberately exposing the small wound she made while peeling the potatoes.

This was not enough, she picked up a piece of watermelon and passed it in front of Qi Yijing.

did you see?This is a new wound, so be moved!Then moved and agreed to lend her money for emergency.

Qi Yijing glanced at her, Ning Li blinked innocently, changed his posture and shook his hands, almost writing "Look, I'm hurt because of you" all over his face.

Qi Yijing withdrew his gaze and continued to watch the news as if he had never heard of it.

Ning Tan: "???"

Qi Yijing, are you blind?Can't you just be a little curious?

Don't force her to do it by herself.

"Ah!" Ning Tan exclaimed, his eyes staring like copper bells, and he put his hand directly in front of Qi Yijing's eyes, pretending to be pitiful, "Why did I get hurt! Oh my god, Qi Yijing, look at me getting hurt, Hiss, it hurts."

The second master Qi, who was almost hit by the bridge of his nose, had a cold expression. He held his slender wrist and pulled it down. Red, it looks very cute.

It's pretty cool to pretend to be pitiful.

It's just that the cry of pain is too exaggerated and false, and it is easy for people to see through it at a glance.

"Pain?" He asked lightly.

Ning Tan nodded pretentiously: "It hurts so much."

"How can it not hurt?" Second Master Qi asked.

Ning Tang showed shyness, you are so oily, if you want to say that, then you have something to say.

"If you could lend me some money, I shouldn't be in pain." Ning Tong said aggrievedly, seeing Qi Yijing frowned instantly, and hurriedly explained, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to use your money for something, it's My friend wants it."

"Bai Zhi, do you know? His nephew is missing. It's very pitiful. I thought of a way for him to ask Yu Yege for help, but Yu Yege's appearance fee is very high, and he has no money for the time being. You can borrow him to save the emergency. I'll pay you back later."

"He gave me the shares of the Bai family as collateral!"

Qi Yijing knew that the Bai family could not provide much liquidity for the time being, and what he cared about was not this, but her attitude.

Obviously he had already given her the secondary card, but she insisted on making a clear distinction between them.

Pray that the scenery is not happy.

"Please, please." Ning Tang looked at him eagerly, "Help him, please? We will definitely pay back the money."


Qi Yijing's face turned cold for a moment, hehe, He Baizhi just used us and tried every means to tempt him.

"Not good." He sneered.

Ning Li was dumbfounded, why did he suddenly turn his face?

"Oh, my hand hurts so much." Ning Tan exclaimed exaggeratedly, "It must have been hurt when I was cutting tomatoes just now, woo woo woo, I definitely won't be able to sleep tonight, it hurts so much, maybe I will I was so unlucky to die from tetanus!"

Qi Yijing looked down at her indifferently, and continued to act, he had already checked that there was only a wound less than a decimeter.

Qi Yijing got up and wanted to go upstairs.

"I can't leave!" Ning Li hugged him anxiously from behind, playing tricks, "I also ate the soup and the rice, if you don't promise me today, don't even think about leaving."

She gave up.

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