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Chapter 161 Follow the Mad Demon

When Ning Tong came out, he saw him staring at one direction with pain and hatred, and waved his hand in front of him in doubt: "What are you looking at?"

"An acquaintance."

If Madam knew that she was being followed by the Eldest Young Master, she would definitely be very scared.

Such a thing must never happen with him.

The second secretary said seriously: "Madam! I'll take you home!"

Ning Tan was taken aback by his sonorous and forceful shout, but she didn't say no to going back, why was she so excited...

On the way back, Ning Tong called Bai Zhi.

"Are you done? It's six o'clock soon, and Qi Yijing is going to get off work."

The voice on the other end was crying and laughing: "I have already left the hospital."

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Tan sensitively heard that he was in a bad state.

Bai Zhi was silent.

He risked everything, thinking he could get clues from Bai Xuan, who would have thought that he would get such an unacceptable answer.

"Say it!" Ning Tong was a little irritable, "You don't say anything, don't you know that one more person can help you, if you don't say anything, how can I help you! What do you all want to do? Go to heaven?!"

"Ma'am, don't get excited, it hurts your liver." The secretary comforted him when he found the right opportunity, and said sincerely, "Don't be angry and get sick, the second master will feel distressed."

Ning Tan: "..."

Is she angry?She was just a little anxious, besides, Qi Yijing didn't make her angry enough, otherwise her liver would have exploded.

What was she trying to say just now?

It made her emotionally incoherent.

If it wasn't for the sincerity of the secretary, Ning Tan really suspected that he was here to make trouble.

"Thank you for your concern." Ning Tan smiled but said to the phone angrily, "Bai Zhi, do you want to tell me? If you don't, I'll hang up."

She doesn't care!

"I said." Bai Zhi sat decadently on the park promenade without taking off his white coat, staring blankly at the ground, "Do you still remember when I lied to you for money when you were young?"

Ning Tan: "..."

Can you pick the key points, don't mention this shameful memory.

"I have been wandering around all these years, one is to avoid my family members, and the other is to find my nephew." Speaking of nephew, Bai Zhi's tone visibly trembled, "I have a nephew who was killed by me when I was four years old. , I got drunk and lost it."

Ning Tong's eyes widened, no wonder Bai Zhi earned a lot of money but searched to death, she didn't know where the money went, she once suspected that Bai Zhi was addicted to gambling...and he never drank, she even laughed at him as a big man Sooner or later, people who do not drink alcohol will be forced to drink, and now everything can be explained.

No wonder Bai Zhizhi recommended so many people to her after her grandfather disappeared.

It's not that Bai Zhi has gone out and made a lot of connections, but that he has experienced all of this himself!

"Back then I was a dude, thinking that when I came back from abroad, I would call my buddies for a drink. I liked this little nephew very much, and he was also very clingy to me. I thought I would take him with me during the day anyway. Who knows, who I know..." Bai Zhi hugged his head in pain, all the accidents started from that day, if he hadn't been addicted to alcohol, hadn't been boasting about drinking, or hadn't taken his nephew to the wine shop, all these tragedies would not have happened.

Bai Xuan's saying is correct - if he doesn't create opportunities, no matter how much they want to, they won't succeed.

Everything is caused by him.

Ning Tan was speechless for a moment, distressed and complicated in his heart, and asked tentatively: "Is that child your elder brother's son?"

"Yes." Bai Zhi said bitterly, "My elder brother was hit hard by his wife's premature death. He devoted all his hope and effort to his son. Later, my nephew disappeared, and he was too sad to get sick. I didn't either. Face is back home."

If he doesn't find the child, he will have no face to face his elder brother in his life.

But Bai Rui came to find him.

"Then did you find any clues?" Ning Tan asked.

Bai Zhi blamed himself and was numb: "No, Bai Xuan said they just hid the child, but the child really disappeared. They have searched for it all these years, but they couldn't find it."

Ning Chen was distressed and sympathetic.

Four-year-olds have no memory at all.

For so many years, the children did not know where they were trafficked.

"Don't worry, your family has good genes, and the good-looking children will not be harmed, and they will definitely be found." Ning Tong comforted, "Do you have a photo of your nephew? I'll ask my classmates to help find it."

"It's useless." Bai Zhi was frustrated, "I spent all these years and couldn't find it. Unless someone who is a household name helps, it's useless."

household name?

Ning Li was stunned for a moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said excitedly: "Yes! You are right! You must have a public figure with great influence!"

Is there any celebrity more popular than Yu Yege now? A superstar is so popular that every young person knows it!

As long as he is willing to help, finding someone will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"Bai Zhi, listen to me, I know a celebrity." Ning Tan danced excitedly, "Send me your nephew's photo, and I'll find a way to ask him for help!"

"You mean Ning Wei?"

Ning Chen was speechless, and Ning Wei might not be a household name in another ten years.

"No, it's Yu Yege!"

"Yu Yege?" The decadent Bai Zhi's eyes gradually brightened, his lips squirmed a few times before he uttered the difficult words, "You really know Yu Yege? Ning Chen, don't joke with me."

Yu Yege's current status and worth are not something that ordinary people can afford, and it depends on whether he is happy or not.Some people joked that Yu Yege could retire five years ago, but he loves acting too much, which also attracted him a lot of fans.

The man who doesn't forget his original intention after reaching the top is the most handsome!

Ning Chen also admired Yu Yege in the past, but now that he thinks about it... Nima is not dedicated to his work, he is clearly lost in business, if he doesn't continue to act and sing, he will have no money to continue to do business.

It's been repeated battles and repeated defeats, repeated defeats and repeated battles.

"When did I ever lie to you?" Ning Li said angrily, "As for the money, don't you want to go back and inherit the family property?"

She was very sure: "Believe me, money can make Yu Yege push the wheel!"

"I can't take over right away when I go back." Bai Zhi said bitterly, "In order to save Bai Xuan and the others, my eldest brother compensated half of the family property to Qi Yijing. The Bai family is different now, and there is no way to quietly take out a huge amount of money. funds."

If you take it directly, the eldest brother will definitely ask, which will irritate the eldest brother.

The eldest brother's current body can no longer withstand a second blow.

He had to find his nephew before speaking.

Old Bai Zhi blushed and rubbed his hands: "Ning Tan, you, can you lend me some?"


"Where did I get the money?" She complained, "It's not like you don't know my situation. I want to help you, but I have no power."

She even extorted Ye Tao for returning the money to Boss Lu.

They are all poor dogs, don't count on anyone.

"Ahem, well, you can find Qi Yijing."

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