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Chapter 160 Epic Unlucky Ghost

If it was really the second uncle, he wouldn't be so afraid of it. Qi Yijing has his own bottom line, as long as he doesn't go too far, he will be beaten at most.The history is different, she will definitely leave you dead!

Thinking of what happened to me when I went to Italy for fun...Qifeng's eyes were full of fear, and his throat rolled with fear.

He will never forget that scene in his life!

How could she know Baitao in Los Angeles?

"Young master." The assistant was frightened like this when he saw Qifeng for the first time, "Who is that girl?"

"You don't want to know her identity, the more you know, the faster you die."

Qi Feng wiped the sweat from his hands, he didn't dare to follow Li Jing, there must be thugs protecting Li Jing, and now he is hiding there without knowing it.

Qifeng gradually calmed down, and his mind became active.

Since Lijing and Baitao are close friends, why doesn't he take advantage of this relationship?

Li Jing's identity is not ordinary, and the forces behind him are so powerful, as long as Li Jing helps him, plus the Chike family, wouldn't it be easy for him to bring down Qi Yijing?

Qifeng gradually became fanatical, and all the fear just now was left behind.

There is certainly danger.

But since ancient times, wealth and danger have been sought.

Since you want to take advantage of the history, you can't let Baitao leave Los Angeles... Qifeng's eyes darkened, and he ordered his assistant: "Go, cancel the flight to Melbourne, and I will compensate for all losses. In addition, I will find a way to get Baitao's ID card." take it away."


As soon as Ning Tan came in, he saw Baitao.


"Xiao Dan." Baitao was pleasantly surprised.

Zhou Hua's face changed drastically, and he pulled Baitao to hide, but it was too late.

Ning Tan ran up to them, glanced at Zhou Hua lightly, and pulled Baitao over: "Where are you going? Why don't you tell me how you're going? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Ning Tan, what do you mean?" Zhou Hua was furious, "Do you want to take care of where my daughter is going? Let her go!"

Baitao's expression froze. She didn't encounter any difficulties, but...

"When I was a child..." Baitao spoke with difficulty, trying to explain the reason for leaving in a hurry, but was interrupted just after saying two words.

Zhou Hua screamed.

"White peach!"

"Catch the thief! Catch the thief!"

A middle-aged woman was crying and chasing a man wearing a mask and hat, attracting many people's attention.

He happened to be running this way.

Ning Tan subconsciously stopped him: "Stop!"

"Let's go quickly." Zhou Hua took the opportunity to drag Baitao to the boarding gate.

Seeing someone blocking him, the man anxiously changed his direction. He ran too fast and Ning Li couldn't catch up, so he could only watch helplessly as he knocked Baitao down and fell to the ground himself.

Things were scattered all over the place.

"Catch the thief!"

The man grabbed Zhou Hua's bag and ran away.

Zhou Hua screamed: "Stop! Return my bag!"

Baitao wanted to go after her, but Zhou Hua reacted and grabbed her, his nails pinched Baitao so painfully that he gasped.

"Mom, let go, it hurts."

"Get on the plane first." Zhou Hua said.

"But your bag is still..."

"I said get on the plane!" Zhou Hua scolded angrily.

On the left is the thief who escaped, and on the right is Baitao who was dragged away.Ning Tan glanced left and right, gritted his teeth and chased after Baitao.

This time, he was taken aback when he saw the scene in the floral dress not far away.

Xiao Jing?

No matter, let's go after Taotao first.

Ning Tan didn't chase for a long time, because Zhou Hua and the two were stopped at the boarding gate, and Zhou Hua was screaming hysterically: "Which airline are you from? I want to complain to your company!"

The stewardess apologized: "I'm sorry, the plane encountered an accident, we must be responsible for the safety of all passengers, and we will compensate for all losses, please understand."

"Did I miss you some money?!" Zhou Hua caught a glimpse of Ning Zhen's expression from the corner of his eyes, and stopped cursing and pulled Bai Tao to buy the ticket again.

"Wait!" Ning Tong opened his arms to block the way.

"Peach, you haven't answered my question yet, why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

Baitao was ashamed, she planned to call Ning Tong after the plane landed.

"I made a big mistake when I was young." Baitao smiled wryly, "I want to take refuge."

"What can you do wrong?" Ning Tan wondered, "Tell me, I'll help you figure out a way, it's better than running away."

Baitao hesitated to speak.

Zhou Hua couldn't hold back anymore, he pushed Ning Li hard, and asked sharply: "You unlucky ghost first got your grandpa missing, and now you come to stop us. You won't kill my daughter, won't you feel uncomfortable? What about our family?" Don't worry about it!"

Ning Tang staggered two steps and almost fell, his face turned pale.

"Mom!" Baitao's complexion changed drastically, and she became angry, "You can't say that about Xiao Dan!"

"Are you still turning your elbows out? Who am I for?" Zhou Hua cursed, "Besides, am I wrong, Mr. Ning was killed by her."

"Mom!" Bai Tao was furious, "Stop talking!"

She looked at Ning Chen worriedly.

Ning Tan's face was ugly, he took a deep breath, and said calmly: "I will get my grandfather back, don't change the subject now, Tao Tao, tell me what you did, I will help you."

She looked at Baitao firmly: "You trust me."

Baitao felt warm in her heart, and Xiao Tan would try her best to help her, but that matter was not an ordinary trouble, it was something that even she couldn't face by herself.

If Xiao Dan was told, she would definitely beg Qi Yijing to save her.

She didn't want to trouble her any more.

Can't tell.

Ning Tan looked at Baitao, waiting for the answer.

"Xiao Chen, I can't say it." Baitao laughed at herself, "Can you tell you after I leave here? I promise, I will contact you as soon as possible."

Ning Li was stunned, she thought that Baitao was forced by Zhou Hua... Did she really do it voluntarily?

Ning Chen was in a complicated mood.

All these years, she and Baitao had talked about everything, and she couldn't even tell her what the reason was.

"Okay." Ning Tan nodded slightly, "I'll see you off."

Zhou Hua didn't want Ning Mi to follow, and was afraid that Ning Mi would be suspicious, so he could only drag Baitao to buy a ticket: "Don't tell her, let's go!"

Several people went to the ticket vending machine to buy tickets, but they lost their ID cards.

"ID card... thief! That thief!"

Zhou Hua anxiously went to find the service personnel. The thief naturally failed to escape, but when he ran away, he lost a lot of things in desperation. Among them was Baitao's ID card.

Without an ID card, let alone going abroad, it is difficult to go out of the city.

"It's all your fault!" Zhou Hua turned around and accused, "Ning Chen, it's all because of your nemesis!"

Ning Tan was speechless, she had half a dime relationship with her, and she wasn't the one who called the thief.

"Let's go back and find a way." Baitao said.

Ning Tan took out his mobile phone and called Li Jing: "Go back first, I seem to have seen Xiao Jing just now."

Baitao wanted to say that Lijing was indeed at the airport, but Zhou Hua dragged her away viciously.

"Call and ask for leave from school, and I'll take you to hide at your grandma's house in the countryside for a few days!"

"Hey Xiaojing, are you at the airport?"

Lijing replied: I was there just now, and now I am on the way back, what's wrong?

"You're back, it's okay, I just happened to see you at the airport." Ning Tong said, "Let's see you tomorrow."


Seeing that Li Jing hung up the phone, the thug boss asked, "Miss, why don't you go say hello to Miss Ning?"

Li Jing glanced out of the window, and casually raised his chin: "Someone was looking at me just now, you go and check if there is a tail following you to Los Angeles."

"If there is...solve it."

"Understood." The thug boss nodded seriously.

Qifeng hid behind the pillar, and came out after Zhou Hua pulled Baitao into the car, silently chanting Baitao's name, his eyes flickering with calculations.

Baitao, you are really my lucky star.

"Master, shall we go back to the company?"

"Everyone has solved it?"

"It's all taken care of, and they won't talk nonsense after taking the money."

Qi Feng nodded in satisfaction, and got into the car: "Go back to the old house."

The car sped away.

"Young master?" The second secretary was filling the car with water. After confirming that it was really Qifeng, he wondered, "Shouldn't you be at work at this point? What is the young master doing at the airport?"

Could it be that he followed his wife? !

The second secretary was shocked.

No, he had to talk to Ye Zhu.

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