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Chapter 150 Let's Stop Contacting Anymore

"I hate you..." Ning Tan was about to greet his relatives gently when the door opened again.

Bodyguard: "Sorry ma'am, it's a bit windy."

Ning Tan: "???"

Are you kidding me?

Regardless of whether Sanqi 21 ran away first... Ning Tan rushed out of Xunfengxuan under Qi Yijing's icy gaze, and he was relieved until he entered the school.


"Junior Sister!"

As soon as he stood still, Xiang Yang hurried over.

Ning Tan: "..."

She didn't read the almanac when she went out today.

"Brother." She said helplessly.

Xiang Yang was very excited: "Why are you avoiding me these days? You don't answer the phone or return messages, did Qi Yijing force you to do this?"

"No." Ning Tong denied it vehemently, "The final exam is coming soon, and I failed in many subjects, so I am frantically trying to improve my knowledge."

"Don't you even have time to reply to the message?" Xiang Yang's eyes were a little red, "Do you know how much I worry about you these days? With the means of praying for the family, it's easy for a person to disappear without a sound."

Ning Tong sighed inwardly.

So brother, for your own good, I want to stay away from you.

Why do you have to press her every step of the way?

"I don't want to go back." Ning Chen shrugged pretending to be relaxed, "You also know that Qi Rou likes you, I am her aunt, in order to avoid misunderstanding, we should keep a distance or keep a distance, it is good for you and me. "

"Brother, don't contact me in the future."

Xiang Yang was startled, and looked at her in disbelief: "You're not even friends?"

Ning Li couldn't face his gaze, lowered his head sadly, and said coldly, "What can I do?"

"Don't look for me in the future, just like this!"

Xiang Yang listened to her ruthlessly breaking up with her in shock, then turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia, Yang Yang's handsome face gradually paled, and his arms trembled a little.


They have known each other for nearly ten years!

It's only been more than a month, why did she want to break up with him?

"No, Ning Tan won't do this." Xiang Yang couldn't accept it, no matter how precocious and calm he usually pretended to be, he was still in chaos at this moment.

He just cared about her, which must not be Ning Chen's original intention.

There must be a reason.

Xiang Yang forced himself to calm down and think.

"Xiangyang." Qirou walked towards him arrogantly, and when she approached, she became a lady, and her voice softened, "What are you doing here? Xiangyang, Xiangyang?"

Seeing him in a daze, Qi Rou stretched out her hand to shake it.


Xiang Yang threw her away directly, his eyes filled with disgust and anger: "Get out!"

Praying for home is all praying for home.

Whether it's Qi Yijing or Qi Rou, everyone in the Qi family makes him sick.

He will only rely on power to act as a blessing!

The back of Qirou's hands were red, and she looked at her in shock. The eldest lady couldn't control her temper: "Xiangyang, are you crazy? You hit me?!"

Xiang Yang turned around with a sneer and left.

"Xiangyang! Stop! Xiangyang!" Qirou wanted to catch up with her and ask the reason, but it's a pity that high heels can't catch up with sneakers, and Xiangyang wanted to get rid of her.

Qi Rou stamped her feet angrily.

"Senior Sister." A student who wanted to please Qirou approached, "I know why Brother Xiangyang is angry, he just met Ning Tan."

Qi Rou was furious, so it was the bitch Ning Tong who spoke ill of her?

definitely is!

Although Xiangyang was not enthusiastic about her before, he was also a gentleman. It is not like today.

"Ning Chan." Viciousness flashed in Qirou's eyes, "See how I deal with you!"

After listening to the class for a day, Ning Tan planned to pack up his things and go to meet Ning Wei's clients. Before he got up, several cadres walked in.

It belongs to the student union.

They called a few names.

"Wang Yu, Zhang Jiejie... Yao Qian, Ning Chan."

"The toilet on your floor exploded, go and clean it."

Everyone's face changed, toilet? ?

How many people did Ning Tan stare at, looking for trouble?She hasn't been in trouble recently.

"Isn't there cleaning?" Wang Yu couldn't help asking.

"Protecting around you? Besides, this is your business, should you go? Don't deduct credits!"

The final exam is coming soon, what is the difference between deducting credits and failing a course at this time.

A few people resigned themselves to their fate with brooms, only to find out that it was the men's toilet when they went there.

"Let us girls clean the men's bathroom?" They couldn't help it, "Is there a mistake! I'm going to complain about their abuse of power!"

"It's useless." Yao Qian suddenly said, "Qi Rou is making things difficult for us. As long as she doesn't kill anyone, no one will care about her."

Ning Tan: "..."

She probably knew why... Xiangyang talked to her in the morning, and several people seemed to have seen it.

Ning Tan had a headache, especially a headache.

"Then what should we do?" The two girls were about to cry angrily, "Why is she targeting us?"

What can I do?

Scan it!

Apart from Ning Chen, which one of you here has never admired Xiang Yang.

Ning Li could file a complaint with Qi Yijing, but it would be like hurting the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred. She swore on her toes that Qi Yijing's first words must be: Oh, you deserve it!

Let you stay away from that little rookie, you don't listen!

Besides, even if there is no need to clean the toilet, how can I explain it?Looks like it's a thousand times more troublesome than cleaning a toilet.

Yao Qian silently picked up the broom and walked into the toilet.

Ning Tan was surprised, these days Yao Qian seemed to be in a slump, was the mountain higher than the mountain, and was sanctioned by Qirou?

A few people resigned themselves to sweeping up the toilet.

Ning Tan took out a few rolls of tape from the cleaning room, and sealed the entrance neatly under the shocked eyes of everyone.

"Why?" She raised her eyebrows, "If you can't find the barriers, that's the only way. Could it be that you hope that someone will come in to use the toilet halfway through the sweep?"

The crowd was silent.

This is indeed a good idea.

"Sweep quickly." Ning Tong stuffed the paper up his nose, and threw them a few raincoats. The men's bathroom was bursting with water pipes. If you don't take precautions, it will really stink.

I wanted to think about it, but it turned out that praying for Rou was not that simple.

Just halfway through cleaning the toilet, the only remaining horizontal pipe suddenly exploded!



Nasty things are flying around.

Before Ning Tang could react, he was thrown to the ground by a person.

"Why is there tape?"

"Quickly take it apart!"

The people ordered by Qi Rou tried their best to remove the tape and rushed in, slapping them.

Everyone's face changed drastically: "Stop! Vomit..."

"Don't shoot!"

After shooting, he ran at a speed comparable to paparazzi.

Transfer and backup photos on the go.

"It's too stinky, smelly and ugly, and this will definitely become a dark history for them all their lives."

"If it is put on the Internet, it will definitely spread through the ages!"

"Hey, I can't tell who's who... No, I'm going to throw up, vomit."

The two laughed as they walked, and gradually relaxed their vigilance at the back. They were just afraid of being discovered. As for those in the toilet... Heck, if you have the ability, just send them here and arrest them.

"Which one is Ning Chan?"

"Let me see."

"Are you looking for me?" A sneer sounded.

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