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Chapter 151 Retaliate with the way of others

The two turned their heads to meet Shang Ning's angry eyes, and their expressions changed after being dumbfounded.

Although Ning Tan's body was dirty, it was just water stains and foam, not as disgusting as the other people photographed.

"How are you all right?"

Ning Tong sneered, grabbed an arm with one hand, and dragged them into the toilet.

"Ah." The two cried out in pain as they struggled, "Ning Chan, what are you doing, let us go!"

"Help, classmate, help!"

Some students passing by came to persuade them, but Ning Tan turned a blind eye to them and dragged them into the toilet all the way.

The explosion just now was not small, and many people surrounded the toilet door.

Discuss while waving the smell away.

"What's going on here? Did you call the guard room?"

"Is there anyone else in there?"

"I do not know."

There was an uncoordinated cry for help amidst the discussions, and the students turned their heads in confusion, only to see Ning Tan wearing a raincoat, pulling two female students who were struggling non-stop, with anger on his face.

The students backed away subconsciously.

After the three entered the toilet, the discussion sounded again.

"Was that Ning Chan just now? What are they doing?"

"Would you like to go in and have a look?"


Ning Tong directly pushed the two girls into the toilet: "Bring the phone."

Yao Qian and the others had already stood up. There were people outside and they didn't dare to go out immediately. Thinking of being secretly photographed, they broke down and burst into tears. While crying, they tried to wash off the dirt on their bodies with water.

It's over, their images are all over.

They thought that Ning Cong rushed out to complain, but they didn't expect Ning Conc to arrest him, and they forgot to shed tears under the astonishment.

The toilet smelled so bad that the two girls retched as soon as they came in: "Ugh."

They vomited non-stop, until their faces turned pale.

Watching the mobile phone being snatched by Ning Tong to swipe and delete the photos, Ning Tong glared at them at first when he wanted to go up and snatch it back.

"I warn you." They were afraid of becoming like Yao Qian and the others, suppressing their fear, "You are breaking the school rules by doing this, let us out!"

The word "school rules" made the students who wanted to come up and pull their hair abruptly stop.

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief, endured vomiting and hurried out.

The road was blocked.

It was Ning Tan, she took a step to stand in front of them.

"What are you doing?" The two suddenly became nervous, "Ning Tan, do you want to be fired?"

"Expulsion?" Ning Tong sneered, picked up the broom and slapped them. The broom full of filth was unceremoniously swept from top to bottom, and even directly from the front door, the unpleasant smell penetrated into the nostrils. , and even covered their faces, the two screamed loudly in disgust.

"I gave you face, dare to threaten me!"



This was not enough, Ning Tong directly picked up the water hose and rushed towards them.

The cold water poured over them with all kinds of smells, and rushed into their mouths, dark yellow muddy water drops slid down the messy hair, drop after drop.

Yao Qian and the others looked dumbfounded, this, isn't this too violent?

They had a raincoat anyway.

"Ouch." The two of them bent over and vomited wildly, when they suddenly heard a rattling sound.

Ning Li flicked the phone and smiled like a devil: "What will happen if these photos are sent out?"

The two of them stayed in a daze, collapsed and frantic, and wanted to hit her when they rushed up.

"Ahhh, Ning Tan, you deleted the photo!"

"Go to hell!"

Ning Tan really didn't dare to have physical contact with them now, it was too disgusting, so he used a broom to distance himself and yelled at Yao Qian and the others: "Hurry up and help."

A few people woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and rushed forward to hug the two of them, taking revenge while controlling them.

After some venting, the grievance and anger in my heart were smoothed out.

"Ning Tan, you wait!" The two lay on the ground and screamed, "I must tell the teacher, you just wait to be expelled!"

Zhang Jiejie realized later, and looked at Ning Chen worriedly.

It would be a shame if you were expelled.

"Tch." Seeing that they still dared to provoke him, Ning Tan squatted down with a sneer, and opened the photo album to show them, "Can you tell me that with my popularity, can you two become Internet celebrities?"

The faces of the two were pale, and they opened their mouths several times without uttering a word.

If these pictures appeared online, they would be ruined.

"Senior Sister Qirou called us here." They timidly said, "We don't want to either, you can't implicate us."

I don't want to laugh so happily just now.

What a liar.

"Scared?" Ning Tong heard the sound of trotting outside the door and warned the two, "Listen to me, you came here to clean the toilet voluntarily! If one of us is punished, I will send all these photos to Go online, do you understand?!"

"Understood." The two nodded aggrievedly.

The teacher and the maintenance worker rushed in, and there were several members of the student union. The teacher rushed in first, and almost vomited on the spot.

This smell is too strong!

Looking at the situation inside again, six or seven female students, except for Ning Tan, were all bathed in the sea of ​​shit.

This picture is too harsh.

"What's going on here?" The teacher suppressed the urge to vomit and questioned, "What are you girls doing in the men's room?!"

"Cleaning." Zhang Jiejie was aggrieved, "The students asked us to come, and credits will be deducted if they don't come."

The teacher glared at the members of the student union angrily. The members had nowhere to say what they could do about what Senior Sister Qirou meant.

Seeing that the teacher was about to question, they quickly whispered the reason.

The teacher was dissatisfied, but he couldn't say anything, and said to them: "You all go back first, someone will deal with it here."

"Thank you, teacher."

They thanked but dared not leave.

Many people were watching outside.

"Follow me." Ning Tong glanced at them.

where to?

Ning Tan led them into the women's toilet, and after a while Baitao ran over with two bags of clothes panting.

"For us?" Zhang Jiejie and the others couldn't believe it.

Ning Tan: "You don't have to."

They also said bad things about Ning Tong before, but now Ning Tong not only helps them out to save them from making a fool of themselves, but also gives them clothes.

A few people were ashamed and took the clothes awkwardly.

There were only four sets of clothes, and the two who wanted to take the sneak shot wanted but didn't dare, so they could only huddle in the corner aggrieved.

Why can't you bring them a suit?How stingy.

Ning Tan also changed into a new set of clothes. The smell was so strong that even after wearing perfume, it was hard to get rid of it... Tonight she must go home and take a bath!

"What happened?" Baitao asked.

Ning Tan glanced at the time, his expression changed: "Too bad I'm going to be late, Taotao, I'll talk to you next time! Let's go first!"

Ning Tang put on a mask and rushed out of the toilet.

"Little Chin! Alas!"

Zhang Jiejie and the others simply took a shower and changed their clothes, and finally it was not so unbearable, but they didn't see Ning Chen when they came out, so they were anxious.

"Could she have been called away by the teacher?"

"Will Ning Tan really not be fired?"

They did it together, but Ning Li had to bear it alone, and they blamed themselves and felt annoyed.

"Don't worry, she will be fine." Yao Qian said in a firm tone.

"Why are you so sure? Senior Sister Qi Rou is not easy to provoke." Zhang Jiejie was in a hurry.

Yao Qian couldn't explain it, if it wasn't for the drunken words her father said unintentionally before, even if she was killed, she would never have imagined that Ning Li had such a deep background.What is praying softly... If Ning Chen is really angry, ten praying softs are not enough to watch.

"But why did you protect Ning Chan just now?" One person asked strangely. If Yao Qian hadn't blocked Ning Chun just now, Ning Chun would have ended up like them. "Didn't you hate Ning Chun very much before?"

Yao Qian was silent, she hated Ning Tan, but now she hated Qirou even more.

As long as Ning Chen can teach Qirou a lesson, she doesn't mind apologizing.

Soon they thought of another problem.

"What about our photos?"

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