give you all kinds of preferences

Chapter 149 Taking advantage of his desire to control

Ning Tan: "..."

"No!" She denied it at the fastest speed in her life, "This sentence is the ordinary care and love of an elder for a junior, how can you understand it like this, do you think I am someone who would complain like a child in your eyes ?”

Qi Yijing: "Yes."


Wrong!She is simply more wronged than Dou E!

"I swear I didn't speak ill of you." Ning Tan stared at his indifferent and handsome face, holding back for a long time, "You don't believe me."

"Ye Tao, please go to Lijing first."

After saying this, Ning Tan turned his head aggrieved, and turned his head to the window instead of looking at him.

Qi Yijing looked at her puffed cheeks, and a smile stained her cold eyes, is she angry?The ability to withstand stress is getting worse.

Helping her pull the seat belt, staring at the depressed beautiful eyes on the car window, with a magnetic voice accompanied by a low laugh: "Xin."

"I believe!"

Shocked, Ning Tan turned around, his head hit his collarbone, subconsciously covered his head in pain and hissed softly: "Hiss."

Staring straight at the face that is close at hand, the facial features that are comparable to god's face, along the straight bridge of the nose bumped into the deep and indifferent pupils, and the fear in the eyes became more and more intense.

Him, what did he just say?

Did she hear it wrong?

He said he believed her?

He, he, he seems to be very talkative recently, so talkative that he is a little gentle...

Qi Yijing saw her staring blankly at him like an idiot, gradually staring at him, as if she was trying to confirm something, her face also gradually turned red, she was so cute in a daze.

Ning Tan couldn't help being in a trance: "You..."

"Huh?" Second Master Qi pondered.

Ning Tan: "Did I hit your head with a wine bottle that day?"

Qi Yijing: "..."

This is the question Ning Tan has always wanted to ask. These days, Qi Yijing gets along so well that it's like changing someone!To some extent, it was comparable to changing her personality, and sometimes it even made her hair stand on end in horror, just like just now.

Even if you win a huge lottery, you can be happy for at most one day.

If it wasn't for Ye Tao's presence and no news breaking out in the society, she would almost have thought that Qi Yijing would have to rely on her to support him after he went bankrupt overnight.

Not normal, very abnormal.

Qi Yijing's flawlessly handsome face froze at first, seeing that she was staring at him sincerely, not as if she was joking, and finally couldn't help but began to crack, and her breathing became a little disordered.

He was nice to her on a whim, and she was not only ungrateful but also wanted to smash him? !

Seeing that Qi Yijing didn't speak, Ning Tan worried from the bottom of his heart: "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Mentally ill patients seem to be unable to divorce within two years of diagnosis.

Second Master Qi: "..."

He really wanted to break open Ning Chen's brain and see what was inside? !

Qi Yijing saw what Ning Chen was worried about at a glance, his sharp eyes were stained with frost, and he gritted his teeth: "Big! Yes! No! No!"

"I'm fine, I'm afraid your wish won't come true in a short time!"

Being ridiculed, Ning Tan was not only not sad, but heaved a sigh of relief.

It's this kind of mean and cold feeling... Huh, Qi Yijing is finally back to normal.

"It's fine." Ning Tong was very pleased, "Qi Yijing, you must be fine."

Second Master Qi's face froze, he just felt that a fist hit the cotton, and the softness made him angry instead.

But he still has nothing to do with the cotton!

"Dudu." Ye Tao turned around to prevent the second master from being angry, "Ma'am, Lijing's house is here."


Ning Tong was about to close the door after getting out of the car, but a beautiful big hand with well-defined bones blocked the door, and then the tall man exuding dignity got out of the car gracefully.

The only bad thing is - the face is black.

"What are you doing?" Ning Tan was puzzled.

Qi Yijing sneered: "Prevent certain people from staying out at night."

Ning Chen was speechless, what and what.

She seriously prayed that Yijing was just looking for trouble for the sake of finding trouble.

Ning Li knocked on the door, and Li Jing came to open the door 3 minutes later, she seemed to have just woken up, her braids hanging on her chest were messy, and her eyes were a little swollen.Seeing Ning Jing and Qi Yijing, Li Jing was taken aback for a while, and gave Qi Yijing a quiet and distant smile.

"Xiao Jing, these are the grapes I brought you." Ning Tan handed over the purple grapes, "Your favorite, it tastes very good."

Li Jing made a few gestures: I just made some wine these days, do you want it?

Unkindness flashed across Qi Yijing's face, and his eyes looking down at Ning Chan were full of warnings.

If you dare to touch wine again, I will interrupt you!

Ning Tan felt guilty: "...No, I'm going to be broken when I drink recently, so it's not suitable for drinking. If you ask Taotao to come get it, she will definitely want it."

Li Jing did not miss Qi Yijing's warning eyes to Ning Chen, and a coldness flashed across his quiet face.

It is very good to hide the hostility, and gestures to the scene: I will let her pick it up tomorrow... Do you really not want it?

The craftsmanship of Lijing Sake Brewing is unique.

"No, no, no." Ning Li swallowed, and decided to leave quickly. If she didn't leave, she might lose control, "Xiaojing, let's go back first."

Li Jing sent them off with a smile, seeing Ning Tan fawning over Qi Yijing's door, he lowered his eyelids to block his hostility.

Qi Yijing's life is three points and one line, either the company or Xunfengxuan, there is no entertainment or socializing at all, and she has not found a single opportunity in the past few days.

It seems...she can only take advantage of his desire to control Ning Tong.


"Ah, cut!" Ning Li sneezed as soon as he got in the car, seeing that the cleanliness second master Qi frowned slightly, he hurriedly turned his head to the other side, sneaking a peek at Qi Yijing's face while sneezing.

Qi Yijing didn't intend to teach her any more, she put her hands gracefully on her knees and fell into deep thought, frowning slightly from time to time, she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Where did he see the girl just now.

He didn't speak and Ning Tong would not take the initiative to seek abuse. After returning to Xunfengxuan, he quickly went upstairs, turned on the computer to check the news as usual, and returned disappointed... Ning Tong sighed and climbed into bed in annoyance.

Go to bed and go to sleep, there is still work to do tomorrow.

Waking up early the next day, Ning Tan noticed that Qi Yijing seemed to be in a good mood again... She rolled her eyes, and while eating, she tentatively asked, "Qi Yijing, you seem to be in a good mood recently?"

Second Lord Qi glanced at her: "If you fart, let it go."

Ning Tan: "...Look how you have become so vulgar, I think, why don't we discuss divorce?"

Qi Yijing's face suddenly darkened!The indifferent eyes were swept by cold anger, and the ruthlessness in them made people tremble. He stared straight at her, exuding a terrifying aura all over his body, and asked coldly with his thin lips: "Ning Chen, have I been too kind to you recently? ?!"

Ning Tan: "..."

Just asking, why are you so angry.

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses!

Ning Tan grabbed the milk and ran: "Hahaha, I was just kidding, I'm just kidding, see you later!"

She did not run successfully.

Because the bodyguard closed the door.

Ning Tan: "..."

You're so eye-catching, are you bodyguards or eunuchs? !

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