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Chapter 148 What Wronged Me Here?

Ning Tan: "..."

She always felt that Hao Tianzhi was scolding her.

"I invited you to have a light meal, but Qi Yijing didn't tell you?" Hao Tianzhi couldn't help frowning when he saw her confused face, "Tell Uncle Hao honestly, did Qi Yijing treat you badly?"

How should Ning Chen answer this?

Whether Qi Yijing treats her well or not depends on the situation and the reasons for the incident.

Ning Tong followed Hao Tianzhi into the villa: "It's not bad."

"Show me some tea."

"Yes, sir."

Hao Tianzhi told Lao Li that he was dissatisfied with Ning Chen's vague answer: "Good is good, bad is not good, what's the matter if it's not bad?"

"I tell you, if he treats you badly, you can't be used to it."

"Uncle Hao will support you!"

If it wasn't for Ning Chen, Qi Yijing would have to bleed profusely even if he stabilized the situation this time.

Hao Tianzhi doesn't care who is right and who is wrong, is there a difference between good and bad in the market?The really good people have long been calculated to the point that there is no scum left. They are all profitists. He only cares about how Qi Yijing treats Ning Chen.

Although he met with Qi Yijing twice, he behaved impeccably.But the result of unilateral investigation is still not as good as getting the answer from Ning Tong.

Ning Tan was taken aback, and frowned in confusion.But she really couldn't decide. She glanced at the serious Hao Tianzhi, avoided conflicts, and said seriously: "He is very good to me."


As long as she listens to him everywhere.

Hao Tianzhi was afraid that Ning Tan would be confused by Qi Yijing, so he said earnestly: "Ning Tan, don't believe Qi Yijing's nonsense, you can't believe what men say."

"If you have any difficulties, you must tell Uncle Hao, and Uncle Hao can help you decide."

Ning Tan can't laugh or cry, must she say that Qi Yijing treats her badly?

"Uncle Hao, you don't seem to want us to be well." She said seriously.

Embarrassment appeared on Hao Tianzhi's face, this was not the first time he was an elder, coupled with Qi Yijing's family background, how could he not make people flock to him, he was worried about Ning Chan, so he used these words.

"How could it be?" Hao Tianzhi coughed dryly, "It's good that you're all fine, didn't I let you be cheated by him?"

The corner of Ning Tong's mouth twitched, speaking from the heart, what could Qi Yijing lie to her?

Lie her two dollars and five feelings?

"Uncle Hao, is your company stable?" Ning Li was concerned.

Mentioning this, Hao Tianzhi's face was gloomy for a moment, he didn't expect that white-eyed wolf would have left behind, if it wasn't for Qi Yijing's help, he would have capsized again in the gutter.

That's why the dinner that was originally scheduled a few days ago was postponed until today.

Ning Tong couldn't help complaining: "He has helped you a lot, and you still arrange him like this, Uncle Hao, I don't want to take you across rivers and destroy bridges like this."

Hao Tianzhi was a little guilty, but a second later he became confident: "I'm not a gentleman in the first place!"

Ning Tan: "..."

You are right.

At this moment, the landline rang, and Hao Tianzhi frowned when he saw the number, and said to Ning Chen, "I have to deal with some business, which may take half an hour. If you are bored, let Lao Li take you to the fruit garden to pick grapes."

"Okay." Ning Chan was indeed bored.

Lao Li led Ning Li to the fruit garden. Grape vines covered the wooden frame with luxuriant branches. Bunches of purple grapes were hanging in the air, and they were extremely beautiful and plump.

There are other varieties on the side.

"These are good seeds that Mr. found from all over the world." Lao Li brought her scissors and a basket, "Sir treats this vineyard like a treasure, and never lets anyone come in casually. Miss Ning, you are still the first."

Ning Tang's heart warmed up, since Hao Tianzhi's questioning just now, she felt the warmth she had been away for a long time, it was a kind of kindness that was afraid of you being disadvantaged, especially the kindness of the elders of the family.

Ning Tan blinked: "Then I should pick more, maybe next time I won't have this chance."

After all, Ning Chen didn't pick too many grapes, so she picked a large one and a few small ones. She and Lao Li asked for a bag to put the big grapes in, and then went to wash the other grapes.

Xiaojing likes to eat grapes, and will send them to her after dinner.

When Ning Tong returned to the living room with the basket, Qi Yijing had already arrived. He was dressed in a dark gray suit, which made him look more and more cold and mature, creating a sense of distance from others. Sitting face to face with Hao Tianzhi, he was thinking about something, occasionally echoing a few words .

Ye Tao stood guard at the door.

Ning Tan lifted the basket: "Ye Tao, do you want to eat grapes?"

Ye Tao took a few pills and thanked with a smile: "Thank you Ma'am."

"You're welcome."

Qi Yijing noticed her the first time she came into sight, her loose pants were rolled up, her hair was a bit messy, and her body was a bit messy, she didn't know what she was doing just now.

She was very happy and smiled brightly at Ye Tao.

Qi Yijing's originally good mood was suddenly taken over by unhappiness, and his eyes turned cold.

The first time I picked the grapes, I didn't give them to him to eat and gave them to Ye Tao. Why, just because Ye Tao was standing outside?

Qi Yijing sneered silently.

"How is it? Isn't it very sweet?" Hao Tianzhi was very proud of his grapes, seeing that she only picked half of the basket, "Why don't you pick more?"

"I can't finish it." Ning Li adhered to the principle of respecting the elderly, first gave the grapes to Hao Tianzhi, and did not notice that the face of the second master next to him was getting worse and worse.

Ning Tan turned the basket around a corner: "Qi Yijing, do you want to eat?"

Qi Yijing sneered, and he smiled so brightly towards Ye Tao, so he was not salty or weak towards him?

A few grapes as if he hadn't eaten yet.

Is there any taste other than sweet?

Do not eat!

Hao Tianzhi looked at the two suspiciously, frowning slightly.

Ning Chen's heart tightened, she just assured that there was no problem between them, Qi Yijing went crazy to disrupt the situation... Ning Chen picked up a toothpick and stuck a grape in it, and said sweetly: "Second Lord, come, let me feed you you eat."

Forcefully push the grape into Qi Yijing's mouth.

Give it to me!

I still don't forget to smile slightly: "Sweet or not? I picked it."

Qi Yijing: "..."

There might be something wrong with him, even though she was staring at him fiercely, he couldn't get angry at all, instead he wanted to hear her call him twice more.

Unable to figure out the reason, Second Master Qi swallowed the grapes expressionlessly, and stood up indifferently: "It's time to eat."

"Mr. Qi, this way please." Hao Tianzhi dispelled the doubts in his eyes, but still only politely called him Mr. Qi.

Qi Yijing didn't care either.

Ning Tan took out a piece of paper to wipe his hands, he accidentally got some dust on it just now, luckily Qi Yijing didn't notice...

The meal was fairly harmonious.

Before leaving, Hao Tianzhi gave Qi Yijing a key and an access card in front of her.

"Ning Tan, if you are wronged, come back if you want."

Qi Yijing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ning Tan: "..."

Can she throw away this hot potato in her hand?

Grinning twice to deal with it, Ning Tan hurriedly dragged Qi Yijing away, God knows what Uncle Hao will do to harm her if he doesn't leave!

Sure enough, as soon as I got in the car.

Qi Yijing put on her seat belt elegantly, and stared at her quietly from the side: "What wronged you with me? Huh?"

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