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Chapter 117 Apologize to Mrs.

Ye Tao took a cautious look at Qi Yijing, Second Master, what's wrong?

Qi Yijing glanced at the dusty suit, the most important thing right now is to take her away, his face returned to cool, and he said slowly: "Prepare the car."

Ye Tao hurriedly opened the car door, not daring to look at Ning Chan the whole time.

Ning Li snorted coldly.

Seeing that they were really about to leave, Ning Wei got up weakly and picked up the suit on the ground, and handed it to Qi Yijing very carefully, and looked at Ning Chan with scared eyes from time to time, as if Ning Chan would hit her in the next moment, her voice Gentle and sweet: "Second Master, your clothes."

Qi Yijing's face suddenly turned cold, and cold anger welled up in his eyes.

Looking at Ning Tong again, Ning Tang got into the car without even looking at it, and the nameless anger in his heart became even more intense.

He really wanted to get angry, but he thought that Ning Wei had something in Ning Wei's hands, so he had to endure it for the time being.

He stared at Ning Wei coldly: "Didn't you join the group, are you free?"

Pretentious gestures of goodwill are really disgusting.

Ning Wei's eyes lit up. How did Second Master know that she joined the group? He paid attention to her!

"My recent work is a bit cumbersome." Ning Wei forced a smile, "But it's okay, I can handle it myself, Second Master, please put your clothes away, or my sister will be angry."

Ye Tao's forehead is full of black lines, the second master's ridicule is so obvious, can't he hear it?It's just that he's still in the entertainment industry, so it's no wonder he can't make a name for himself.

Ning Wei handed over the coat, revealing the skinned and red backs of her hands.

Qi Yijing's face froze.

"Miss Ning." Ye Tao stepped forward to stop her from continuing to be mean, showing a fake smile, "Our second master doesn't like dirty things, you can keep this dress for yourself."

With the second master's obsession with cleanliness, let alone falling on the ground, he can't take it just because Ning Wei touched it.


Qi Yijing suddenly remembered what happened to her just now, and he began to feel uncomfortable all over. The anger surging in his heart could hardly be suppressed, and he turned indifferently and walked towards the car.

However, Ning Wei's eyes brightened slightly, she looked at Qi Yijing expectantly, she was secretly happy when she saw that he didn't say anything, does this mean to let her wash it up and send it back to him?

"Okay." Ning Wei rolled her eyes, showing a bit of pitifulness, "I, I sprained my ankle, Second Master, can you send me back by the way?"

Ye Tao secretly cursed in his heart that there were many scandals, he hadn't slept all day and night, couldn't he save some time like his wife? !

Qi Yijing naturally ignored her, not driving her away was the utmost restraint, he stood in front of the car window, his slender shadow enveloped the petite person inside.

Ning Li quietly watched them pretending through the car window. Seeing him coming, she gave him a mocking look and then turned her head to the other side.

Qi Yijing's hand to open the door froze in the air.

After sitting in, he didn't know how to explain to her.

She is covered in thorns now.

The beautiful fingers slowly bent, hanging down to the side of the leg, Qi Yijing indifferently ordered: "Ye Tao, prepare another car."

"Yes." Ye Tao nodded and smiled at Ning Wei, "I'm sorry Miss Ning, we are really not on the way, I will arrange a car to take you back. It is not easy to take a taxi here, please Miss Ning don't come to the old house next time, Madame doesn't live in the old house, so don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

He did not forget to say to the servant at the door: "Remember to strengthen your precautions in the future."

Ning Wei couldn't hold back, didn't this mean to humiliate her.

This is not what she squatted here all night waiting for.

"I'm not..." Ning Wei wanted to explain with red eyes, but unfortunately Ye Tao didn't even look at her, let alone Qi Yijing.

Qi Yijing has already sat half of his body in the Bentley.

As soon as Ning Wei took a step forward, the bodyguards immediately stood in front of her to protect the two cars behind her.Ning Wei's hands hidden under her suit were unwilling to tighten, she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Sister, I'm here to tell you that tomorrow is Dad's birthday, you must come back!"

"I called you and you didn't answer, so I came here to wait for you. Dad misses you very much!"

Qi Yijing pinched Ning Tan's cell phone, who knew if she had called, if it was before, Ning Zhen would still have to deal with it, but now Ning Tan's situation is extremely dire.

Even if Ning Wei did fight, she didn't want to bother.

As for father... Ning Tong's eyes flashed ridicule, the possibility of Qi Yijing divorcing her immediately is a hundred times higher than the possibility of Ning Haitian missing her.

The car drove away slowly.

Ning Wei finally couldn't hold back anymore, her weak expression turned into anger, even a little ferocious.

Well, you Ning Tan, you dare to ignore her after climbing up to Qi Yijing.

She will definitely pray for the second master to snatch it back!

The phone rings.

"Weiwei, how is the matter going?" The manager's voice was on the other end, "Did Second Master Qi agree to change the drama for you?"

The drama was changed, and Qi Yijing never said a word to her from the beginning to the end.

"I agree." Ning Wei suppressed her jealousy, she would never let anyone look down on her, her gentle laughter was full of sweetness, "But after thinking about it, it's better not to change, I can't let everyone think that I can't bear hardships The second master Qi also said the same. By the way, have you received the money from the Bai family?"

I don't know which corner came out of it, and dared to sneak her.

He agreed to take her into Qi's house, but after waiting for an hour, he didn't see anyone, and he didn't answer the phone, so she had to give Ning Chen's name to go in.

If it wasn't for Qi Jia, she would have left long ago!

"You're still smart, Weiwei, as long as you catch Erye Qi, what will happen after?" The agent didn't doubt that he had it, and there seemed to be some noise from the other end after he said a few words, "The money came, and I didn't give it to the company as you asked." I know, it should be in your bank card... Weiwei, come back quickly, the director is urging you, remember to be good when you come back, he has scolded most of the crew."

Ning Wei checked the money, she was not happy for a while when she heard this, and hung up the phone irritably.

"I know, I know."

What a shitty director, what would he be if it wasn't for Qijia's investment?

Ning Wei didn't take the director to heart at all, got in the car and said arrogantly to the driver: "Please take me to the Empire State Building mall, my manager will pick me up there."

There is a new bag today, and the ladies made an appointment to buy it but they didn't call her.

See how she embarrasses them with Qi's car!

Qi Yijing remained silent after getting into the car, sitting upright, every inch of his body exuded nobility and elegance, as if he was the most satisfying creation of God.

The beautiful eyes are as deep as the sea of ​​stars, staring at the car in front of her, she can vaguely see Ning Chan, her eyes flicker slightly, and her fingers tighten unconsciously.

"Second Master." Ye Tao rarely knew what Qi Yijing was worried about, and asked hesitantly, "Are you going to apologize to Madam later?"

This time the misunderstanding was a big one.

Not only did his wife die, but he almost escaped the clutches of the Bai family.

It all stems from Er Ye's words...

Qi Yijing's upright body stiffened slightly. It was the first time for the proud Erye Qi to hear this word applied to himself. In the past, others apologized to him. Of course, he usually didn't accept it.

Apologize to Ning Chun?

He apologized to Ning Tong?

Qi Yijing was silent.

"Second Master, the consequences this time are a bit serious, I think you might have trouble getting through this matter if you don't apologize..." The car stopped in vain.

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