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Chapter 118 Let's Talk

"Knock down."

Ning Tang looked up, and met an old face with a shady face outside the car window.

"So the siblings are still alive?"

Ning Tan felt that Qi's family members were all sick, Qi Yijing was seriously ill, and Qi Mingjin was also seriously ill.

Curse her for no reason.

Ning Tan buried her head in self-restraint, she was going to be locked up anyway, it didn't matter if she was open or not.

Seeing her ignoring him, Qi Ming not only couldn't hold back his old face, but also became more angry in his heart, and laughed angrily: "Siblings are fine, but my son is different, he was beaten by your husband..."


"Big brother."

A cold voice sounded behind him.

Ye Tao stood by the car door, Qi Yijing got out of the car, stared at Qi Mingjin indifferently, exuding fatigue and chills all over his body: "Brother, what can I do for you?"

hit what?Ning Tan was a little curious at first, but when he saw Qi Yijing coming, he immediately didn't want to pay attention.

It has nothing to do with her.

Seeing that Ning Yi didn't even want to look at him, Qi Yijing's eyes darkened, and he glanced at Ye Tao, who walked to the car knowingly and said to the driver, "Take your wife back first."

"it is good."

Ning Tong gave him a mocking look, why was she afraid that she would sue him?

Qi Mingjin wanted to stop her but was caught by Ye Tao, Qi Mingjin glared at her, and Ye Tao smiled.

"Now it's clean, you can say anything you want to say to the second master."

Seeing the car driving away, Qi Ming was furious: "Qi Yijing, you must give me an explanation!"

He was not in the old house yesterday, and only after he came back did he learn that his son was beaten up by Qi Yijing.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and there was a lot of discussion in the company.

It made him lose face.

"Explanation?" A cold voice escaped from his thin lips, Qi Yijing's handsome face was covered with coldness, and he looked down at him coldly, his aloofness made one feel inferior, and the words overflowing from the corners of his lips were even more cruel and cold, "Brother What do you want to say, you must know better than me what Qifeng does in private, I didn't care about it before, but this time he actually encouraged the Bai family to kidnap my wife, do you think I shouldn't teach him a lesson?"

The Bai family...Qi Ming was startled, and laughed angrily: "Xiaofeng is absolutely impossible to do that! What evidence do you have?"

Qi Yijing glanced at him, as if he was looking at an idiot, because he disdained to be with idiots, but these idiots like to break ground on Tai Sui's head.

"Remember, find a smarter partner next time."

This glance made Qi Mingjin feel guilty.

Qi Yijing is so sure, could it be Bai Xuan who said it?

Those two libertines are really unreliable!

"Brother, I don't mind if you want to make trouble." Qi Yijing said coldly, "Father is inside, let's go in."

The words suddenly turned cold: "Look who is in charge of the Faduo!"

Qi Ming smiled far-fetchedly, the old man hoped that they would live in harmony the most, if he knew that Qi Feng had done such a thing, he would appoint Qi Yijing to stand there: "This must be a misunderstanding, I am also eager to protect my son, it will be fine if I explain it clearly, brother You should discipline your nephew, you don't need to make trouble with dad."

Qi Yijing had anticipated his reaction long ago, his expression didn't change at all, he was as cold as a god.

He sat back in the car, with perfect body proportions and seat fit, meticulous, the window slowly raised to cover his handsome face.

There are grim warnings in the air.

"Remember, I'm just teaching him a simple lesson this time, and I won't show mercy next time."

The car passed by Qi Mingjin, Qi Mingjin's face was ashen.

Simple lesson?Show mercy?

Beat Qifeng almost into the hospital and ask his subordinates to show mercy? !

The driver stepped forward: "Master, Brother Bai Xuan may be in his hands, what should we do?"

"What's none of my business? I'm not their father." Qi Mingjin thought of the things in Hao Tianzhi's hand, sneered again and again, "Qi Yijing... let you be proud for two more days!"

Seeing that Qi Mingjin walked away in anger, the driver stopped talking: But you are the father of the young master, this is the mess of the young master.

The driver Yu Sheng sighed.


Ye Tao sighed for a long time, it's not so terrible if the second master's anger has been vented, but the root of the problem has not been solved.

"Second Master, in fact, you shouldn't have let Madam go just now." Ye Tao said tactfully, "Madam will be very touched if she knows that you beat the Young Master for him."

Qi Yijing said indifferently: "Shut up."


The scenery outside the window passed by piece by piece, and the number of vehicles gradually decreased, getting closer and closer to Xunfengxuan.

Qi Yijing tilted his head slightly, staring at the reflection on the car window, his cold eyes floated, and slowly returned to calm.

It is not clear whether she will move him, but she probably remembered her injury, which was also left by him.

Furthermore, Qifeng was targeting him, and she was being blamed for Chiyu.

But how should he explain it to her.

Do you really want to apologize?

Qi Yijing became irritable.

Ye Tao was dozing off, when he suddenly heard a cold question from behind, with bad words: "Why are you driving so fast? Going to reincarnate?"

The driver was dumbfounded, it was only thirty miles away.

Motorbikes go faster than him.

"Drive slowly." Ye Tao comforted, "Safety is the most important thing."

The driver slowed down aggrievedly and drove to twenty miles.

As the speed dropped, the temperature inside the car rose significantly.

But no matter how slow you drive, you will eventually reach your destination. The great man Fan Xing Gu once said: The crematorium may be late, but it will never be late!

Ye Tao opened the car door and stood aside.

Qi Yijing looked at the gate of Xunfengxuan, and fell into silence again. After a while, he stepped out of the car gracefully with his long legs, and his tall body stood at the gate.

The driver fled as fast as he could.

"Second Master!" The bodyguards at the door greeted in unison.


Standing at the door, Second Lord Qi felt that today's door was like a moat, and his legs weighed a thousand catties, so he couldn't walk through it no matter what.

He looked inside, and there was a petite figure sitting on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The footsteps that had just been lifted fell again.

Ye Tao walked a few steps and turned back in doubt: "Second Master?"

"I'll call Hao Tianzhi back." Qi Yijing said lightly, and walked aside with his pockets in his pocket, his voice was a little hoarse, "Hello, Mr. Hao..."

The corner of Ye Tao's mouth twitched: "..."

Don't tell him that the second master dare not enter the house?

After Qi Yijing made a phone call for 5 minutes, Ye Tao confirmed numbly—the second master just didn't dare to enter the house!

The second master's mind is really easy to understand today...

"Okay, see you later." Qi Yijing replied politely.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Ye Tao said immediately: "Second Master, let's go in, cut the mess quickly, delay is useless."

The guillotine may not always be yours, but it's always there!

Stretching the head is one stroke, shrinking the head is also one stroke.

Qi Yijing froze, put the phone away elegantly, looked at Ye Tao coldly, and said in a cold voice, "Who said I was procrastinating?"

After the words fell, he took a step with his long legs, and walked into the manor without haste.

It just gets slower the closer you get.

Ning Tang leaned on the sofa with his back to him, without looking back, Qi Erye froze, let go of his pride for the time being, and a low magnetic voice overflowed from his lips: "Ning Tong, let's talk."

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