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Chapter 116 Didn't You Want To Catch Me?

Ning looked forward to the long-lost freedom and joy, and shouted while opening.

Anyway, Xiaojing doesn't know Qi Yijing, so let's dissipate with the wind!

The scene with one hand hugging the waist and the other pressing the hem of the skirt froze, Qi Yijing?

Qi Yijing in Los Angeles? !

"Get out of my world!"

There was a crack on the quiet face under the helmet, and Li Jing didn't have time to think about how Ning Chen and Qi Yijing had an intersection, because the car that passed by them caught up, gently pulled Ning Chen's clothes, and gestured: Xiao Long, it seems that someone is chasing us, can we get rid of it?

Ning looked suspiciously in the rearview mirror, and saw a small car following her closely.

The co-pilot seemed to be on the phone, looking very anxious.

"Of course I can, hold on tight to me." Ning Tan didn't take it to heart, let them follow, and suddenly made a sharp turn at an intersection!

Drilled into the alley and disappeared in an instant.

The little car didn't expect it at all, and rushed forward.

Ning Chan hooked her red lips.

We will not go the same way, goodbye to you.

The second secretary, who was about to catch up, shouted: "Brake, brake!"

"It's too late." The bodyguard said calmly, "We've already figured out the road in this area, and there are our people nearby, who have already blocked the road. Madam can't escape. Don't get excited, sit still."

Ning Tan, who didn't know that he was about to fall into the net of heaven and earth, was reminiscing about it.

I haven't been chased for a long time.

It's a pity that they should be walked for a while longer.

"Xiaojing, I'll take you to the bar where Taotao works." Ning Tan faced the wind, feeling full of freedom, "It's just ahead, I'll be right there."

Li Jing nodded slightly, looked around, and took in all the situation.

The more you look, the worse you feel.

There are too many people.

They probably won't even be able to cross the intersection ahead.

Ning Tan was enjoying herself, when Li Jing poked her suddenly, slowed down and turned back nervously: "What's wrong with Xiao Jing? Is it uncomfortable?"

Li Jing pointed to a car at the diagonally opposite intersection.

Ning Li was puzzled, hey, it was the car that was on the same road as them just now, just thinking it was a coincidence, when he took a closer look, his face changed drastically: "What a coincidence... what the hell!"

I didn't see clearly just now, isn't that the secretary in Qi Yijing's secretary's office sitting in the co-pilot.

Definitely came to get her.

Ning Tan kept cursing in his heart: "Hold on tight, Xiaojing, I'll take you racing."

She's not going back to jail.

Freedom until death!

Li Jing is obedient and pays close attention, calculating in his mind how likely it is to take Ning Li away.

The second secretary who had been staring at the locomotive shouted: "Madam turned around, what is she going to do... no, she found us!"

Ning Tan went in the direction he came from, obviously avoiding them.

"Hurry up! No, no, no." The second secretary yelled subconsciously, then remembered Ye Tao's advice, and stopped him anxiously, "Don't chase too fast, don't force a car accident, we just need to follow Madam closely."

Ning Li ran wildly all the way, but the more he walked, the more he found himself chasing him.

There are already five cars.

Ning Li is desperate, is Qi Yijing crazy? !It takes so many people to catch her? !

Those who didn't know thought she was some serious criminal!

"Bastard!" Ning Chen gritted his teeth and turned his direction abruptly, "I will never let you succeed!"

Li Jing's face became more and more serious, they had already entered the urban area, there was no way to escape.

Why is it Qijia.

"Where is Madam going?" The second secretary saw Ning Cong kept going down the path, and called Ye Tao while chasing her.

"Understood." After answering the phone, Ye Tao walked to the French window and reported to the tired man, "Second Master, Madam refused to stop, and has been wandering around the city. I don't know what she is going to do."

Since Ning Tan appeared, Qi Yijing's high-hanging heart finally let go.

But the coldness around him is still very strong.

"Where did she go?" Qi Yijing's voice was hoarse after a sleepless night.

Ye Tao mentioned the location, and when he mentioned the third-to-last location, Qi Yijing had already got up, tied his tie, elegantly picked up his coat and walked out.

"South Gate... Wait, isn't this the way to the old house?" Ye Tao was startled.

What is Madam doing in the old house?sue?

Obviously Qi Yijing was not in the mood to answer him.

No matter what the purpose of Ning Li's going to the old house is, they just need to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit.

"Xiaojing." Ning Tan saw that he was not far from Qi's old house, so he gradually slowed down, "I'll take you to meet a relative later, don't be nervous, I'll take you back after meeting."

Lijing, who was in a bad mood, didn't want to respond.

Ning Tan has already made a draft in his heart, and when he goes in later, he will complain to the old man. He wants to lock her up, so don't think about it!

As a result, the car hadn't come to a complete stop when he saw several figures standing in front of the gate.

The most conspicuous one is naturally the man in the middle, with a tall and straight figure, wide shoulders and narrow waist, interpreting the suit into a painting, even the outline of the shadow is extremely clear.

The only imperfection is that there is a person hanging around his waist.

A beautiful woman in a long white dress, with tears in her eyes, I feel pity: "Second Master, I..."

Because he didn't sleep all night, Ye Tao, who was too exhausted to stop the tragedy, changed his expression greatly. Hearing the sound of the locomotive, he was in despair: "Ma'am!"

Qi Yijing suddenly raised his head and pushed Ning Wei away.

The locomotive stopped firmly three meters away.

Ning Wei really sprained her ankle and fell to the ground. After a cry of pain, she seemed to see Ning Chen, her face turned pale suddenly, and she was gentle with fear: "Hiss...sister..."

She didn't explain anything, but the guilty conscience and pretended calm on her face made people daydream.

It seemed that she and Qi Yijing had done something wrong to Ning Chen.

"Ma'am, don't get me wrong." Ye Tao hurriedly explained, "We just arrived, and she was hiding behind the door. The second master hasn't slept for two days and two nights, and she will succeed if she doesn't notice for a while."

Ning Tan ignored them, got out of the car, helped Li Jing down, and took off his helmet.

She looked at Qi Yijing coldly.

Congratulations, you finally caught her with a superior skill.

Qi Yijing was stunned by her mocking gaze, glanced at the gauze looming in the black hair on her forehead, her throat was dry, and she didn't know how to speak.

For the first time, the mean Master Qi could not speak.

"Send my friend back, and I'll go back with you." Ning Tan didn't want to say more, but met Shang Lijing's worried eyes, "Xiaojing, I'll talk to you in detail when I go back."

Li Jing pursed his lips, glanced at Qi Yijing, and nodded sensiblely.

Before leaving, she made a few gestures: Be sure to contact me.

Glancing at Ning Wei who was on the ground, Li Jing got into the second secretary's car.

"Bye bye!" Ning Tan waved his hand, and Qi Yijing finally came back to his senses with his white arm shaking.

Only then did he realize that Ning Tong was very revealingly dressed.

His face suddenly sank.

Ning Tan heard footsteps, and then her shoulders felt hot, and a suit with a scent of tea covered her body.

Looking up is Qi Yijing's expressionless face.

The bodyguards around had already turned around knowingly, not looking at her.

"Hehe." Ning Tan smiled, and tore off his suit, "I'm sorry, I don't like wearing prison uniforms."

The suit fell to the ground, and Qi Yijing's eyes were filled with anger.

Ning Tong's words froze him.

"Ye Tao, where is my prison car?"

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