Los Angeles is covered in darkness at night, the night is full of stars, and the flowing Milky Way can be glimpsed, and the scenery is excellent.

But the beauty outside is isolated from the hospital.

As soon as Bailang opened his eyes, while his mind was still in chaos, a tall and oppressive figure appeared beside him, asking in a deep voice, "Where did you tie Ning Chan?"

What Ning Chan?

Bailang's mind went blank, just for a moment of blankness, his whole body vacated.

My whole body hurts.

He let out a scream, and his mind instantly cleared up: "Ning Chun, Ning Tong...that woman from Lu Yijin? Let me tell you! We paid 50 for someone to teach her a lesson."

"We didn't kidnap her."

Lu Yijin...Qi Yijing's pupils shrank, his anger grew, and he ruthlessly threw Bailang onto the bed regardless of the obstruction of the people around him.

Bailang screamed again.

Qi Yijing turned around and walked out of the ward, and told Ye Tao, every word was tinged with coldness and hostility: "5 minutes, I want to hear the truth."

"Understood." Ye Tao nodded and smiled at everyone, "Please avoid it for a while."

Everyone left the ward, leaving only Ye Tao and the bodyguards.

Bai Zhi stood at the door very anxious, one was worried about Ning Chan, and the other was worried whether Bai Xuan and the others would die in Qi Yijing's hands.

Ye Tao came out 5 minutes later, Bai Zhi hurried to see the situation, Ye Tao didn't stop him, walked to Qi Yijing with difficulty, and reported the bad ending: "They didn't do it, second master, madam...is missing. "

He clearly felt the sudden drop in the surrounding temperature and the rapid breathing of his boss.

If you are kidnapped, you can follow the clues, but if you disappear, you will never hear from them.

Although I don't know how Ning Tong did it, it is obvious that this is an extremely terrible result.

Qi Yijing's tall and straight body trembled, various emotions appeared on his handsome face, intertwined with regret and anger, making the noble man's eyes scarlet.

In just one day, under his nose, he lost Ning Tong.

Three seconds later, a deep voice sounded: "Look, block all exits in Los Angeles, and get her back at any cost."

"Understood." Ye Tao's back was soaked in cold sweat, the second master was serious, and there would be a violent storm in Los Angeles, "Second master, why don't you go back to Xunfengxuan to rest for a while? You haven't slept for two days and two nights. It’s okay to wait, I will let you know as soon as there is news.”

Qi Yijing didn't answer, glanced at the ward, and left the hospital.

He didn't feel sleepy after returning to Xunfengxuan, he stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and stared at the dark night outside, motionless, as if he had merged with the night.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Some people sleep very soundly, and are awakened by the fragrance in the morning.

Ning Li was half asleep and half awake, sniffing his nose and walking to the dining table, the sleeping insect disappeared instantly: "What smells so delicious... Wow, it's my favorite fresh shrimp porridge!"

The porridge in the small porcelain pot was still bubbling, and the fresh shrimp and vegetables were looming.

Li Jing took out two small bowls, saw her wake up, smiled slightly, and gestured: Are you better?

"There's no reason to sleep with a beautiful woman all night." Ning Tan fell asleep, leaving all her emotions behind, let Qi Yijing go to hell!He made a gesture of sending a sweet kiss to Lijing, scooped up the porridge and smelled it, "Xiaojing, did you buy it in the morning? We can make it simple, or eat takeaway, and sleep in with me."

Li Jing seriously shook his head: takeout is not good, you have to eat fresh ones, and I can't sleep in the morning.

Ning Tong shrugged, she decided to choose the former between being fresh and sleeping.

"Our Xiaojing is really a good wife and loving mother. She is so beautiful even in an apron. If anyone marries you in the future, she will surely burn her incense for eight lifetimes!" Ning Tan and You Rongyan.

Li Jing was used to her talking nonsense, so he smiled helplessly, put his hair behind his ears, and sipped his porridge, looking even more quiet.

Ning Li talked about it, and kept sharing what happened recently.

"This shrimp isn't fresh." Ning Tan ate the remaining half after appraising it. "We'll have to settle the score with the boss later... Ahhh!"

Ning Tan rubbed his nose: "Which handsome guy is missing me, don't you know that I am pregnant with a beautiful woman now?"

Li Jing was so teased that he couldn't help laughing, smiling extremely happily and contentedly.

The two of them laughed and laughed in the small house, full of the taste of home, very warm.

"I'll do the washing." Ning Tan hummed a song and went to wash the dishes.

Li Jing cleaned up the dining table, her phone vibrated twice, she frowned slightly after looking down at the news, glanced at Ning Chan who was so happy that she was dancing, picked up the trash and walked out of the yard.

As soon as she went out, her smile faded.


"Miss, you'd better ask Miss Ning if she offended some important person. Los Angeles is about to be turned upside down. We have escaped the second wave, but we may not be able to avoid the third wave." The boss of the sunglasses said in a deep voice.

Looking for Xiao Long?

Li Jing played with the braids: "Is it Lu Yijin?"

"No, miss, you really can't do anything to Lu Yijin, and this time the people are so aggressive, we can't find out, it's not what the Lu family can do."

Li Jing snorted, and suppressed his fierce light: "Understood, I will take her out to hide."

"Miss, you can't..."


"Xiao Jing, you're outside." Ning Li was lying on the doorway, seeing that Li Jing was just throwing a trash and heaved a sigh of relief, not just fainted.

Li Jing smiled apologetically, and gestured: Xiao Jing, let's go out and play.

"Okay." Ning Tong said, "Where do you want to go?"

Li Jing's cheeks were reddish, a little embarrassed: I want to go to the bar to have a look.

Ning Tan didn't even think about it: "No! It's too messy there!"

Li Jing is a small white flower in a greenhouse, what if someone stimulates Li Jing and makes her sicker.

No, absolutely not.

Li Jing was disappointed, and pestered her unwillingly: But I really want to see, the doctor said that I should go to some scenes that I have never been to before, and I will be fine with you protecting me, so just go for a while, okay?

Ning Chen hesitated to mention the doctor, Xiao Jing would never lie, if it would really benefit her condition... plus she was yearning for it.

Ning Tan compromised: "Okay, but we can only go during the day, just for a while."

"I'll drive you there."

Li Jing was extremely happy, and his quiet smile was like a blooming spring flower, looking forward to and beautiful.

The bodyguard in the dark lowered his head silently.

Ning Chen didn't ride an electric scooter anymore, because she hid a scooter in Li Jing's house, which was her favorite. After putting on heavy makeup and changing into suspenders and shorts, Ning Chan just felt liberated.

Suspenders! !

Ning Tan put on the helmet, only her bright eyes and red lips were exposed, and she was in high spirits: "Xiaojing, come up!"

Li Jing sat up and hugged Ning Chan's waist tightly.

"Xiaojing, take a seat, Wuhu!" Ning Chan's engine scooted, and the locomotive sped away amidst the whining sound.

The wind tousled their hair, kicked up the dust on the ground, and the dust flew into the small car that had just rolled down the windows.

Exciting, so exciting!

"Cough cough." The second secretary of the co-pilot was choked up and coughed, "Where did you come from the crazy woman who is racing."

"Qi Yijing, I'll go to you bastard, never see you again, woohoo~"

The looming voice was brought back by the wind.

The second secretary and the others suddenly turned their heads!

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