After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 221 I'm going to be Mrs. Qin

Seeing everyone's silence, Ruirui thought she was doing the right thing, and the light in her eyes was firm.

She continued to say later, "Dad, what I said is all the truth, you should face it squarely, break up with this aunt, and stay with mom!!!"

"Enough, Qin Ruirui!!!"

Qin Yihan's face was so dark that water could almost drip, and he retorted coldly, "That's not true!"

Ruirui stared at him unconvinced, "Then how do you explain that kiss?"

Qin Yihan's eyes darkened, and he said word by word; "That was just an accident!"

Ruirui was taken aback, only to hear Qin Yihan continue to say coldly from behind, "It's not your wish, it just happened in an unexpected state, which is not counted! Also, it is impossible for me to Get rid of Tang Jingxue!"

"She is my girlfriend, not only will she not leave, but we will get engaged!"

These words seem to be answering Ruirui.

But in fact, it was for Qin Jingyan.

What happened just now, the person who was told that the most hurt and shameless person was the eldest brother...

He's already sorry for him, and he can't let things go on like this.

He said that he would give his elder brother an explanation!

As long as he gets engaged to Tang Jingxue, the eldest brother will not only feel at ease, but will also completely cut off all possibilities between him and Qiao Xixi.

Qin Yihan's tone was not a discussion, but a real plan to do it.

Tang Jingxue's eyes lit up, and she almost jumped up without being happy.

She is going to be Mrs. Qin! ! !

Ruirui could not accept this fact at all.

How can this be?

She clearly felt that her father liked her mother...

Why are you with another woman now?

Moreover, this time the attitude is so serious!

Ruirui was really anxious now, her eye circles became redder, she turned to look at Qiao Xixi nervously, and tugged at her sleeve.

"Mom, hurry up and say something!"

Jo Xixi's heart was filled with bitterness, and he couldn't help but curl his lips to laugh at himself.

He's getting engaged!

What qualifications does she have to say...

Jo Xixi felt pain in his heart, but he didn't show the slightest bit on his face, instead he said calmly.

"Ruirui, Mr. Qin and I were just an accident last time. You misunderstood. In the future, you are not allowed to say such things in front of Miss Tang, otherwise she will misunderstand."

Ruirui didn't expect Qiao Xixi to do the same.

All of them... really pissed her off!

Ruirui suddenly felt a sense of isolation and helplessness. She couldn't hold back her emotions anymore, and choked up, "Woooo...I don't have a father or a mother anymore. I don't want to see you again!"

She cried and threw away the things in her hand, and all the things in the bag fell out immediately, and fell to the ground.

The living room was suddenly in chaos, and the floor was full of mess.

Qin Yihan was really choked with anger, the anger kept hitting his temples, and his forehead ached.

This girl is really spoiled to the limit!

If he and Tang Jingxue continue to stay here, Ruirui might do something even worse!

Qin Yihan stood up straight away, and with one step of his long legs, he walked towards the outside.

Tang Jingxue was slightly taken aback, then picked up her bag and followed behind on her high heels.

In an instant, there were only three of them left in the living room.

Ruirui cried and twitched, her eyes were as red as a little rabbit, she looked as pitiful as she could be.

Qiao Xixi couldn't bear it, stepped forward and coaxed softly, "Ruirui, don't be sad, mom won't let you go, can mom play games with you?"

"not good!"

Ruirui was still thinking about what happened just now, but she couldn't bear to get angry with Qiao Xixi, so she could only sulk by herself, like a little bun, "I'm going back to my room!"

After saying that, she got up and ran upstairs with her short legs.

Looking at her back, Qiao Xixi couldn't help but feel a little more helpless, and his head started to hurt.

This girl, Ruirui, why did she insist on bringing her together with Qin Yihan?

Qin Jingyan's eyes were dark, and he stepped forward to comfort him and said, "Ruirui has just experienced this kind of thing, it's normal to be overwhelmed for a while, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry," Qiao Xixi shook his head, "I just think this girl is too stubborn."

I don't know when Ruirui will be able to figure it out.

Qin Jingyan showed a little helplessness on his face, "When she becomes sensible, she will understand."

She will understand that she is her father, Josh Xi is her mother, and they are the real couple.

Josh nodded.

Qin Jingyan is very considerate, seeing that she is in a bad mood, he has been by her side to care for her.

With him here, the sad emotions in my heart really reduced a lot.

In a blink of an eye, it was dinner time.

Qiao Xixi waited downstairs for a long time, but she didn't wait for Ruirui to come down.

Her eyes were full of worry, and she was always worried, and finally she couldn't help but said, "A Yan, you eat first, I'll go up and see Ruirui."

Qin Jingyan frowned, and immediately said, "I'll be with you."

"No," Jo Xixi shook his head, "I can do it by myself."

Seeing this, Qin Jingyan didn't say anything more, and agreed.


After Qiao Xixi went upstairs, he pushed open the bedroom door and found that all the curtains were tightly drawn, impenetrable.

Ruirui's small figure curled up on the bed, still crying softly.

Seeing such a picture, Qiao Xixi's heart instantly became soft and messy, and his expression became soft.

Her eyes hurt, she walked over and hugged her gently from behind.

"Our little princess Ruirui, why is she still crying secretly?"

Ruirui was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect her to come in suddenly, she couldn't help but think of what happened before, she still had a sulking breath in her heart, she pursed her lips tightly, and didn't say a word.

Qiao Xixi was taken aback, turned her face to him, pretended to be sad and said, "Princess Ruirui doesn't even care about her mother? If so, mother will be very sad..."


Ruirui bit her lower lip, and said falteringly, "I didn't want to ignore mom, I, I... just couldn't be more angry in my heart, obviously dad should be with mom and you, where did that Aunt Tang appear out of nowhere? here?"

Ruirui really got angrier the more she thought about it, "And Mom, why didn't you take an oath of sovereignty then, let Aunt Tang know that Dad is yours, and quit!"

Qiao Xixi paused, Ruirui's stubbornness really gave her a headache.

She looked at the little girl in front of her, and after a few seconds of silence, she asked, "Ruirui, why do you want me to be with your father so much?"

Qiao Xixi intends to find the reason and solve the problem fundamentally.

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