After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 222 Only Qiao Xixi Is In My Heart

Ruirui froze for a moment, she really didn't think about this question seriously, and after thinking for a few seconds, she said, "I just think you are a good match, and mom, you are the most favorite woman I have ever met, so I just want you and me My favorite dad is together."

She didn't know why, but the thought in her heart was very strong.

Ruirui raised her eyes, full of innocence, "Isn't it only natural for father and mother to be together?"

Qiao Xixi choked, and patiently corrected, "Ruirui, it's only natural for a father and mother who have a marriage certificate to be together, but your father and I are not!" Even, they are not even friends now.

Ruirui frowned, "I understand."

Qiao Xixi's eyes lit up, and before she had time to be happy, Ruirui continued to say, "Father and mother must obtain a marriage certificate. If you look like this, no one can bother you."

She suddenly seemed to have found a new purpose! ! !

Jo Xixi, "..."

For a moment, she was speechless.

She helplessly raised her forehead.

Seeing her like this, Ruirui couldn't help laughing out loud.

She knew that Qiao Xixi said this to make her give up, but she really couldn't accept Qin Yihan being with other women.

In her eyes, only Jo Xixi is worthy of him!

Ruirui couldn't bear Qiao Xixi's distress, she rolled her beautiful big eyes, and simply told a white lie.

"Mom, don't worry, don't worry, I know what you mean, and I won't mess with you and dad again."

She will think of a way to match them up in such a way that they won't even notice.

Hearing this, Qiao Xixi raised his eyes, and a ray of hope rose in them.


Ruirui nodded seriously, threw herself into her arms, and said, "Of course, I keep my word. I don't want to see my mother suffer."

Qiao Xixi's eyes were moved, and his heart was filled with deep emotion. He couldn't help but reached out and rubbed her soft hair twice.

Ruirui is still very sensible...

She asked, "Is Ruirui hungry? Do you want mommy to take you down for dinner?"

Ruirui nodded seriously, "Okay~"


another side.

After Qin Yihan took Tang Jingxue out of the villa, he planned to send her home.

His mood was gloomy, his face was full of sternness, and his whole body exuded the aura that strangers should not enter.

The atmosphere in the carriage was silent, so quiet that it was a little weird.

Tang Jingxue was sitting in the co-pilot, and she didn't even dare to take a breath.

How does she feel, getting along with Qin Yihan alone now is more difficult than in the villa back then...

Tang Jingxue swallowed her saliva twice, and asked boldly, "Ahan, are you still troubled by what happened just now?"

Qin Yihan held the steering wheel with one hand and didn't bother to answer.

He just wanted to send this woman home as soon as possible!

Tang Jingxue didn't feel embarrassed, and continued to say coquettishly from behind, "Ruirui is really too ignorant, and it's outrageous to even associate your future sister-in-law with you, and she should be disciplined One click!"

Qin Yihan's face darkened suddenly, and he braked suddenly, stopping the car on the side of the road.

Tang Jingxue was caught off guard. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she might have hit the windshield right now.

Her face turned pale and she was taken aback.


Qin Yihan's brows were full of coldness, and his face was even more chilly, his eyes were like sharp swords, staying straight on her body.

His thin lips opened and closed, and he paused every word, "Tang Jingxue, it's not your turn to criticize my daughter!!!"

Tang Jingxue was slightly stunned, and realized that she had said the wrong thing, and her face was a little uneasy.

She cautiously flattered her and said, "I'm sorry... Ahan, I didn't mean it, so don't be angry, okay?"

She thought she was his girlfriend, half of his family, so she lost her sense of proportion.

Qin Yihan's expression turned extremely ugly.

Tang Jingxue was honest and did not dare to say more.

Qin Yihan restarted the car and sent her back to the Tang family.

"Ah Han, I..." Tang Jingxue got out of the car and wanted to say something to Qin Yihan.

at this time……

Qin Yihan's face was gloomy, and he suddenly said in a cold tone, "You are not my girlfriend, and I don't need any girlfriend, so don't contact me anymore!"

After speaking, he drove directly and walked away.

"Ah... Ahan..." Tang Jingxue froze in place immediately, not understanding what was going on.

She watched Qin Yihan's car disappear at the end of the road.

Tang Jingxue's face was ugly, her heart was filled with deep resentment, she couldn't help but clenched the corners of her clothes, her joints were slightly white.

She will never give up!

This man Qin Yihan... sooner or later will be hers! ! !


The next day.

After breakfast, the housekeeper sent Ruirui to the kindergarten as usual.

Maybe it was because of the chat last night, she was really more honest and peaceful today, and she didn't say anything nonsense anymore.

Qin Jingyan's medical team has arrived in China.

He planned to take Qiao Xixi over there today to see the situation.

Unexpectedly, before the two of them went out, a man's clear voice suddenly sounded outside.

"Xixi, Xixi, I'm here to look for you. I miss you these days. Do you miss me?"

The two of them were taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously raised their eyes and saw Qin Xingchen walking in.

He was wearing simple casual clothes, and when he smiled, there were shallow pear dimples on his lips, and the sun was shining brightly.

After Qin Xingchen walked in, he automatically ignored Qin Jingyan next to him, and cast all his eyes on Qiao Xixi.

Qin Jingyan, "..."

Qin Xingchen's eyes were lost, like a little milk dog who had been abandoned all the time, so pitiful.

"Xixi, why are you ignoring me?"


Qiao Xixi was still a little uncomfortable with his enthusiasm, so he smiled awkwardly.

Qin Xingchen took an inch and continued to ask, "Then do you miss me?"

Jo Xixi was taken aback for a moment, and replied honestly, "No."

If he hadn't come over suddenly today, she would have almost forgotten about him.

Qin Xingchen's smile froze, and he felt that his fragile boyish heart seemed to be broken to the ground.

He said quietly, "It's okay Xixi, I think you can do it."

Jo Xixi, "..."

Her face was covered with black lines, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

This man is really good at comforting himself.

Qin Xingchen was full of energy, and smiled from behind, "Xixi, idle time is idle, why don't we go out on a date together, my friend has opened a new private movie theater with a 3D screen, it's very interesting!"

A place like a private movie theater is the most suitable place for couples to flirt...

Qin Jingyan's face was dark, and his eyebrows twitched violently twice.

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