After I got married, I was entangled by a boss

Chapter 220 Exposing Qin Yihan's Kissing Qiao Xixi in Public

The voices of Qiao Xixi and Qin Jingyan were so soft that Qin Yihan and Tang Jingxue couldn't hear what they were saying at all.

This scene made them mistake it for flirting between lovers.

Jealousy surged from the bottom of Qin Yihan's heart, rushing continuously in his blood.

He clenched his back teeth and restrained himself.

Ever since Qin Jingyan revealed his feelings, everyone subconsciously regarded him and Qiao Xixi as a couple.

Tang Jingxue would even match up intentionally or unintentionally, hoping that they could be together soon.

Qin Jingyan asked casually: "Ah Han, you haven't told Xixi and me why you and this Miss Tang are together?"

Qin Yihan's mood was depressed, and he replied perfunctorily: "It's love at first sight."

Tang Jingxue's face turned red, and her heart couldn't help beating fast, thumping.

She said embarrassedly: "I met Ahan for the first time at a business banquet not long ago..."

Tang Jingxue fell in love with Qin Yihan at first sight, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him, but she didn't expect the other party's attitude to be extremely cold.

Tang Jingxue thought it was useless, so she just let it go.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yihan did not know where to get her contact information this morning, and even took the initiative to ask her out.

Thinking about it now, it's still like a dream.

Qin Jingyan smiled thoughtfully when he heard the words, and said: "Ahan's character is like this, he is reticent and indifferent, he likes to keep any thoughts and words in his heart, but in fact, after getting along with him for a long time, he will gradually understand. "

Tang Jingxue nodded, showing a sweet smile, "Okay, big brother!"

Qiao Xixi felt extremely uncomfortable, his face was a little darker than before, and he was irritable for no reason.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside, followed by a girl's crisp voice.

"Mom, I'm back!"

Qiao Xixi was slightly stunned, and before she could react, Ruirui threw herself into her arms.

With a gentle expression, Jo Xixi reached out to stroke her soft hair.

"Ruirui is back? Are you tired from kindergarten today?"

"Not tired."

Ruirui shook her head, smiled proudly, and said a little proudly, "I did well in the kindergarten today, and the teacher even gave me a little red flower!"

As he spoke, he lifted up the little red flower on the back of his hand to show her.

Qiao Xixi laughed, and praised without hesitation: "My Ruirui is awesome!"

Ruirui's mood improved, and she was about to ask for her father's praise, but when she turned her eyes, she saw Tang Jingxue beside Qin Yihan.

She was taken aback for a moment, her eyes raised her defenses, her brows were tightly frowned, and her tone was full of strong hostility.

"Who are you? Why are you at my house? Still staying by my father's side?"

Father can only belong to mother alone!

Tang Jingxue's head was in a mess, she just felt that the relationship between this family was very messy.

She knew that Qin Yihan had a daughter.

But I didn't expect this girl to call Qiao Xixi's mother.

You know, Qin Jingyan likes Qiao Xixi...

What exactly is this situation?

Tang Jingxue couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure it out on her own, so she decided to ask Qin Yihan in private when she had time.

She raised the corners of her lips, showed a friendly smile, and said slowly: "Hello little friend, I am your father's girlfriend, Tang Jingxue! We will meet often in the future, just call me Aunt Tang..."

"You are not my father's girlfriend, I don't want to see you often!"

Ruirui's face darkened, and she said angrily, "Dad, I don't like this auntie, let her go!"

Tang Jingxue froze in place, never expecting such a thing to happen, her complexion was extremely embarrassing, it turned blue and white, just like a color palette.

Qin Yihan knew that Ruirui would dislike Tang Jingxue, but he didn't expect that she would dislike it to this extent.

He immediately frowned, "Ruirui, don't be rude!"

Ruirui's eyes widened, filled with deep anger, "Dad!!!"

Qin Yihan's face darkened, but he also made up his mind, and said: "Jingxue is my girlfriend, there is no way I will drive her away."

Ruirui was so angry that her eyes were red, and tears kept rolling in her eye sockets.

Qin Yihan's heart softened, and he really wanted to go over and coax her.

But he knows he can't.

No one understands Ruirui's temperament better than him, knowing that once he compromises, she will definitely make more progress.

He had a dark face and said nothing.

Qiao Xixi couldn't help feeling distressed, and held the little girl in his arms.

She quickly coaxed and said, "Ruirui, don't cry, it won't look good if your eyes are swollen from crying."

"Uuuuu, mom..."

Ruirui's tears couldn't be held back any longer, and immediately fell down, crying in her arms, while cursing: "Daddy is a scumbag! I will never like him again!"

Qin Yihan's mood became more and more depressed, and he didn't know what to say.

Did she think he was willing to do this? !

If not...

Tang Jingxue was sandwiched between them, her face was at a loss, and a look of disgust flashed in her eyes.

Sure enough, children are really the most troublesome!

But after all, Ruirui is Qin Yihan's daughter...

Even if she doesn't like it, she can only bear it.

Tang Jingxue took out a tissue and handed it over, said with a smile: "Ruirui, don't cry, I know you may not be able to accept me now, it's because we just met and haven't gotten along well, can you give Aunt Tang a chance? "

Ruirui was extremely sad and very dissatisfied, "No! I don't want you! My father belongs to my mother!"

Tang Jingxue was stunned for a while, and couldn't understand the relationship between them more and more.

Qin Yihan's brow bone twitched violently, and a trace of anger floated in his eyes, "Qin Ruirui, don't talk nonsense!"

"I didn't talk nonsense, isn't what I said the truth?"

Ruirui was not afraid of him at all, and continued to insist.

"Dad, you kissed mom, why didn't you stay with mom, and found another woman to be your girlfriend, dad, you are irresponsible, you are a scumbag!!!"

Don't think that she is young and doesn't understand anything. That night she saw that her mother's lips were swollen, and her father's mouth also had wounds.

Only a fool would believe that nothing happened between them.

Tang Jingxue was dumbfounded, her face was full of shock.

Qin Yihan kissed Qiao Xixi?

Isn't Qiao Xixi Qin Jingyan's woman?

Wait, the relationship in this family is so chaotic, why is she a little confused...

The living room was quiet, and the atmosphere became extremely strange.

Qin Jingyan's eyes were gloomy, and he couldn't help but clenched the armrest of the wheelchair.

Jo Xixi's pupils trembled fiercely, and a line of surprise flashed across.

She didn't expect Ruirui to know about it, and she actually said it in public.

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