Full-time sword repair

Chapter 928 The Vengeance of Killing His Father?

"and many more!"

Just when Hu Qi'er was about to make a move, Lin Jichen stopped her.

"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when you go to Huangquan!"

After Hu Qi'er finished speaking, a ball of demon fire sprang up in her hand. The seemingly insignificant flames instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, enveloping Lin Jichen.

Lin Jichen sighed, and had no choice but to use his body skills to avoid it.

However, Cai Kun didn't react so quickly, and was directly surrounded by the demon fire, which made him scream and crawl.

Hu Qi'er was still about to make a move, when an old and majestic voice sounded: "Qi'er, don't mess around."

Hu Qi'er stopped her hands and looked back, only to see a gray-haired old woman walking over unhurriedly.

"Grandma! This man is a despicable human being who looks like an enslaved bear. He must not be let go!"

The old man came to him, shook his head and laughed, and said, "I told you, there is no trace of slavery on that bear. Its soul is intact, and its memory has not been erased."

"How is it possible, why doesn't Young Master Xiong remember me?" Hu Qi'er still didn't believe it.

The old man turned his attention to Lin Jichen and said, "I'm afraid I have to ask him this question."

Lin Jichen helplessly clasped his fists at the old man and said, "Actually, this is really a misunderstanding. I came to the Ten Thousand Demon Territory to get some materials, and used a secret method to attach the soul to my pet, and mixed into the demon world. I happened to see two little foxes in the Peacock Demon Kingdom. Bullying, so help."

The old man showed a genuine look, obviously she had guessed it a long time ago.

But Hu Qi'er stood there dumbfounded, as if shocked by the truth.

"You...you mean...the one who saved me that day...was actually you?"

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, nodded and said, "Exactly."


Hu Qi'er felt that the three views had been subverted, and she never thought that the person she had always hated was the savior she was looking for so hard.

The human being in front of him is the original Xiong Shaoxia.

And the bear that she has been treating so well all this time is just a stupid bear who doesn't understand anything...

"Why didn't you say..."

Lin Jichen rolled his eyes and said, "Have you ever given me a chance?"

Hu Qi'er recalled the scene of meeting Lin Jichen, she didn't give Lin Jichen a chance to speak at all, she just hit him, and in the end she even tore up the Primordial Spirit Talisman and asked her grandma to help.

Thinking of this, Hu Qi'er blushed, she turned her head and ran away feeling ashamed, not daring to stay here any longer.

Lin Jichen heaved a sigh of relief, this matter was finally settled, Emma, ​​who had carried the blame for more than half a year, finally let go.

After Hu Qi'er left, the old man did not drive Lin Jichen away, but generously invited him to be a guest of the Fox Clan.

"Your Highness, what should I do with this murloc?" A fox clan guard asked.

The old man looked at Lin Jichen and asked his opinion.

Lin Jichen looked at Cai Kun whose hair was scorched and his skin was burnt yellow, so he could only say, "Do you have a water tank here? Throw him in the water and wait."

The old man had no objection, and nodded to signal the guards to follow suit.

Cai Kun was carried away, and Lin Jichen followed him to a temporary courtyard.

The old man invited him to sit down and made him a pot of tea kindly.

"Thank you Queen." Lin Jichen took a sip of tea after thanking him, feeling refreshed and exhausted.

The old man asked with a smile: "Looking at you, you don't look like an ordinary monk. With such a bearing, you are probably a disciple of some big sect?"

Lin Jichen didn't hide anything, and replied: "It's true, I am a disciple of Tianyan Sword Sect."

"Oh, who is your master?" the old man asked casually, thinking that the other party was just a disciple of an elder.

Lin Jichen originally wanted to keep a low profile, but seeing this, he had no choice but to answer "reluctantly": "Master, Leng Feiyan."

The old man stared at him suddenly, his original composure was gone, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground.

"You said your master... is the head of Tianyan???"

Lin Jichen smiled happily and said, "Yes."

At the same time, Lin Jichen thought that it would be fine if he didn't want to show off his master's name in the future, it's so convenient, everyone should give a little noodle

It took a long time for the old man to regain his composure, and sighed, "I never expected that you are a disciple of Sect Master Leng."

Lin Jichen asked curiously, "The queen also knows about my master?"

The old man smiled and said: "The number one powerhouse in the Eight Desolations, who would not know, besides, your master gave my Fox Clan a great favor a hundred years ago."

"Oh? And this?" Lin Jichen suddenly became interested.

The old man narrated: "More than 100 years ago, your master was not the head of the sect. When you were training outside, there happened to be a battle between the murlocs and the monsters. Our fox tribe was attacked by Tie Fengming, the leader of the murlocs at that time. You Master happened to pass by, and saw that our fox clan was difficult to fight against, and couldn't bear to see the fox clan burnt and wiped out, so he came forward to mediate."

"Who knows that Tie Fengming is so ungrateful, not only wants your master to stay out of his own business, but also covets your master's beauty, and wants to tie her back to the bottom of the sea to be Mrs. Yazhai."

Lin Jichen's eyes turned cold, and he said coldly, "And then?"

The old man didn't notice Lin Jichen's expression, and said with a smile: "Then naturally Tie Fengming was beheaded by your master with a sword."

Lin Jichen breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly remembered that the name was very familiar, surnamed Tie?

"Tie Fengming? Dare I ask the queen, who is Tie Yanhao?"

The old man replied: "Tie Fengming is Tie Yanhao's father."

Lin Jichen: "...."

hiss!Revenge for killing my father...

Isn't Tie Yanhao the current leader of the murlocs? Doesn't that mean that the Tianyan Sword Sect has a feud with the murlocs?

Lin Jichen's expression was very exciting, and at the same time he was very fortunate that he did not declare his family name in front of Tie Yanhao.

Otherwise, let alone Tie Yanhao recruiting him as a son-in-law, it would be good if he didn't kill him on the spot...

It seems that in the future, you can't report your family casually. Who knows how many enemies Master Bao provoked when he was young.

If you bump into a big boss, and the other party wants revenge, life or death will be unpredictable...

Lin Jichen thought of Tie Shengyi again, he didn't know how to face her in the future.

My precious master, and even my future wife, slaughtered Tie Shengyi's grandfather back then... This caused a lot of trouble (covering face).

Forget it, they all escaped anyway, and there should be no possibility of seeing each other again in the future.

The big deal is that I don't go to the Rakshasa Sea in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Jichen felt a little relieved.

After chatting for a few words, Lin Jichen was concerned about his pet, so he explained to the old man his intention.

The old man didn't refuse either, and was going to have someone bring Xiong Zang over.

"Don't bother, I'll go by myself, please ask Her Lady Queen to show you the way."

Lin Jichen couldn't wait to see Xiong Zang soon, so he followed a maid to look for Xiong Zang.

At this time, the bear looks like it is still sleeping soundly, with big fish and meat all around it, and there are all kinds of bamboo it likes to eat.

And Hu Qi'er was sitting next to it, resting her chin on her hands, in a daze...


Three shifts

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