"It turns out that what grandma said is true, you are not Xiong Shaoxia at all, you are just a stupid bear..."

Hu Qi'er looked at the sleeping bear, and couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

When she thought of having made such a big oolong, she wished she could get into the cracks in the ground.

"How can there be such a stupid fox like me in the world, oh, it's so annoying, I'm so stupid..."

The more she thought about it, the more embarrassing Hu Qi'er held her hot cheeks again, feeling ashamed.

She carefully recalled Xiong Ziang's demeanor and demeanor when he saved her, and it was indeed not the same person as the Xiong Ziang who could only eat and drink for half a year.

In fact, she had doubted it many times before, but when she saw Xiongzi became Lin Jichen's pet, she preconceived that Xiongzi was just enslaved by Lin Jichen.

In addition, the monster race and the human race were not in harmony, so Hu Qi'er didn't believe that Lin Jichen would save her at all, and she naturally believed in her heart that it must be Xiong Xiang, who was also a monster race, who saved her.

It was this kind of habitual thinking and gratitude for the life-saving grace that made Hu Qier refuse to believe the facts told by her grandma.

But it's useless not to believe it now, she has to admit that it wasn't a bear that saved her back then, but a human.

Hu Qi'er recalled that time in the forest, she also attacked Lin Jichen, but the other party didn't resist at all.

On the contrary, it was Xiong Ziyang who was loyal to protect the Lord and shot her mercilessly.

So it seems that all the reasons make sense.

"I should apologize to him. I almost hurt him last time and this time. I was so rude. Why don't I go to him now... But how can I be sincere..."

Just when Hu Qi'er was thinking wildly, a voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

"Fuck! Is this my bear?"

Hu Qi'er was startled, and looked back, only to see Lin Jichen standing at the gate of the courtyard, staring straight at the sleeping bear with his mouth wide open.

Seeing that Lin Jichen had come over, Hu Qi'er felt guilty all over her heart. She mustered up her courage and was about to apologize.

Lin Jichen pointed at the bear and asked her again: "Is it really a bear? My bear?"

Hu Qi'er nodded strangely, and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"How is it possible, my bear looks so slender, where is this pig?"

It's no wonder that Lin Jichen refused to believe that the bear in front of him and the bear before he was taken away by the white slave were completely different from each other!

The bear in front of me looks like a big circle of fat. Looking at it from a distance, it seems that there is a mountain of meat lying there!

Hu Qi'er was quite nervous at first, but she couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"It really looks like a bear. It's just that during the period of staying in the fox clan, it ate a little too much and didn't like to move, so it gained a little weight."

"It's called a little bit? It's obviously a hundred million dots, right?"

Lin Jichen walked into the yard, seeing this 'pig' could not bear to look directly at it.

"The food of your fox family is so good. I haven't seen it in the past few months. It must have gained a thousand catties, right?"

At this time, a maid next to her replied, "I gained 230 catties, and we weighed it every day."

Lin Jichen couldn't stop talking, good guy, let's forget about this fox family switching to raising pigs, there is definitely a future...

Hu Qi'er said shyly from the side: "I always thought that Xiong Zong was Young Hero Xiong, so I treated him as a nobleman of the fox clan, and treated him better."

Lin Jichen smiled wryly, he really doesn't need to worry about this stupid bear, he is an uncle of the fox clan.

If I'm half a year later, I guess this thing will grow to five thousand catties...

"Thank you for taking care of it, it's fine."

Lin Jichen also looked away, it's not bad if the bear is not dead, if you are fatter, you should be fatter, that will be more deterrent.

The big deal is to start losing weight for it today.

Lin Jichen walked up to Xiong Zang and yelled twice, this guy is still awake, sleeping like a dead pig.

Seeing this, Lin Jichen was so angry that he went up like a big dick.

The bear seemed to be awakened by the fan at last, it lazily opened its eyes, and the first thing it did was to reach for the food next to it and stuff it into its mouth, without noticing that its master was already in front of it.

Lin Jichen saw that the corner of his mouth twitched, okay, eat when you wake up, sleep when you are full, this guy is really living a good life.


Lin Jichen couldn't help but give it a big love bag again, and snatched the food from its hand.

The bear looked very upset, and when he got up, he was about to go crazy. After staying in this fox family for so long, it was the first time that someone dared to beat it and even rob it of food.

It wants to see who is so short-sighted!

But when Xiong Zang looked up and saw Lin Jichen, it was startled for a moment, then jumped up, opened its bear arms towards Lin Jichen, and jumped on it.

"Hey, hey, don't come here, don't come here...ah"

It was useless for Lin Jichen to shout, he was still overwhelmed by the bear's swoop, as if he was being crushed by a mountain.

He could finally understand how Monkey Sun felt when he was crushed on Wuzhi Mountain.

Xiong Zang totally ignored his master's wailing, threw him on the ground, and frantically licked Lin Jichen's face.

In fact, he also misses his master very much, although this master is extremely unreliable...

Lin Jichen's face was drooling, and finally he couldn't help laughing. He put his arms around the bear-like big stupid head, and just rubbed it.

"You guys still remember me, stop licking, you want to tickle me to death, hahaha."

Lin Jichen's laughter echoed in the yard.

Hu Qi'er looked at the picture of Lin Jichen and Xiong's appearance being so harmonious and intimate, and she was even more convinced of this fact in her heart.

Because if Xiong Zhao was really enslaved by force, it would be impossible for him to be so close to his master.

"I'm so stupid." Hu Qi'er cried because of her stupidity.

Finally, after a long-lost reunion, Xiong Zang let Lin Jichen go.

Lin Jichen was able to get up from the ground, straightened his clothes, and said to it: "Okay, I finally found you, go, let me go to the queen to say thank you, and then we should say goodbye."

Xiong Zhan nodded his head, but he couldn't bear to look back at the pile of delicacies just after he left, and couldn't help thinking of going to pack it up and take it away.

But Lin Jichen grabbed his ear and twisted it back.

"Eat, eat, eat! Do you still want to eat? How fat are you? You don't have a clue? Don't eat it! From today, lose weight for me!!!"

The bear looked like weeping, and suddenly felt that it was not a good thing to find the owner...

Seeing Lin Jichen leaving with a bear-like appearance without even looking at her again, Hu Qi'er felt inexplicably lost.

"He's leaving? No, I haven't apologized to him in person yet."

Thinking of this, Hu Qi'er hurriedly chased him out of the yard.

Lin Jichen had already approached the queen with a bear look, expressed his gratitude, and expressed his intention to leave.

The Queen didn't stop her, she just asked with a smile: "Are you leaving the Ten Thousand Monsters Territory?"

Lin Jichen shook his head and said, "No, I came to the Demon Realm mainly to find my two senior brothers, and to find Xiong just by chance."

When Xiong Zang heard the words, he raised his head in bewilderment: "???"


one more

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