Full-time sword repair

Chapter 927 Visiting the Fox Clan

As he continued to deepen, he encountered more and more monsters. Lin Jichen avoided as much as he could, but he could only fight if he couldn't.

Although there are many monsters inside, they can't cause any hindrance to Lin Jichen at all. In addition, Lin Jichen is also very careful and avoids fighting as much as possible.

After a day of rushing, the two successfully passed through the demon forest and truly arrived at the territory of ten thousand demons.

Because there is no news about Chu Tianhan and Li Mu for the time being, Lin Jichen decided to go to the Fox Clan first to look for the bear.

Afraid of being discovered by the monster clan, Lin Jichen had no choice but to go out at night and rely on the map to rush to the territory of the fox clan.

However, unlike the previous visit to the Fox Clan, the entrance to the Fox Clan was dilapidated, and the peach trees that had been blooming everywhere were all broken, turning into piles of dead.

There were dried bloodstains everywhere on the ground, and no one could be seen at the entrance.

Lin Jichen felt faintly uneasy, he walked out from the dark place, and boldly walked into the entrance.

Sure enough, I didn't see a fox demon inside, there were ruins everywhere, and there was no trace of monster aura.

"Go and catch a little demon nearby and ask." Lin Jichen instructed Cai Kun.

Cai Kun suddenly said in fear: "This...isn't good, my son-in-law, I can't do it..."

Lin Jichen threatened: "If you don't go, I will leave now and throw you here."

Cai Kun could only put on a bitter face and scratch Lin Jichen's tongue.

Lin Jichen continued to check around the fox demon tribe. When he came to the center, he found a large palace ruins.

Although it had also been reduced to ruins, Lin Jichen still chose to go in and check.

He looked around, and found a lot of bamboo in a backyard, and found some hairs in the corner.

Lin Jichen picked it up and checked, and was sure it belonged to an iron-eating beast.

"Eighty percent looks like a bear."

Lin Jichen could almost conclude that after Xiong Xiang was taken away by Bai Nu, he should have been brought here.

It's just that now, like the fox family, they are all missing.

Lin Jichen continued to search, trying to find more clues, and even naively imagined whether the bear would leave any signals and clues for him before he left.

But it turns out that he was thinking too much. It would be nice if Xiongzi was so smart.

Lin Jichen had no choice but to leave disappointed.

At this moment, Cai Kun grabbed a little demon and came over. As soon as he came back, Cai Kun threw the little demon aside, and then lay down on the ground and vomited wildly.

"What's going on? Pregnant?" Lin Jichen teased.

Cai Kun raised his head aggrieved, and said with a bitter face: "My son-in-law, how can a man like me get pregnant? I'm stigmatized!"

Lin Jichen looked at the little demon, understood immediately, and said with a smile, "It's not good for you to catch someone, but you have to catch a weasel spirit, if it doesn't stink, who will you stink."

Cai Kun replied awkwardly: "He is the weakest..."

Lin Jichen was speechless, but he didn't bother to mock him anymore.

After a while of questioning, Lin Jichen found out that the Fox Clan was the first target of the Peacock Clan. The Fox Clan suffered heavy losses and could only be forced to abandon their homeland and seek refuge under the banner of the big brother Tiger Demon Nation.

Now all the fox clan hid in a mountain outside the tiger demon country to recuperate temporarily.

After hearing this, Lin Jichen decided to go to Tiger Demon Country.

Cai Kun tried his best to dissuade him: "My son-in-law, you have to think twice. This tiger demon country is no better than the fox demon country. The tiger demon country is one of the best clans in the demon world. It is extremely powerful and has many masters. If we are discovered, we will be counted. Ten lives are not enough."

Lin Jichen looked at him calmly and said, "If you're afraid, just stay here."

When Cai Kun heard the words, there was only grievance and bitterness left, and he could only continue to board Lin Jichen's thief ship as if resigned to his fate...

It took another day for the two of them to rush to the outside of the Tiger Demon Kingdom.

Although Lin Jichen didn't know where the fox clan was, he had a good idea. He released the big flies and directed his younger brothers to search for them in various mountains outside the Tiger Demon's country.

The results came soon, and Lin Jichen and Cai Kun also came to this mountain smoothly.

As expected, the entrance of the ridge was guarded by a fox demon. Just at this moment, a group of fox demons rushed back from the outside. They seemed to have dissatisfaction on their faces, and they were all complaining about something.

"Oh, I really don't know what the young master thinks, it's such a time, and we need to find food for that silly bear every day."

"That's right, that silly bear is the source of the flames of war. Back then, the Peacock Clan came to our Fox Clan to find this bear, but the young master refused desperately, and even the king stood by her."

"The young master and the king belong to the same lineage, so the king will naturally speak for the young master."

"I'm so annoyed by this stupid bear, who eats as much as a pig and wants to leave every day. If it wasn't for the young master's order, I would have beaten it long ago!"

"Who says it's not? Every day I say I'm a domesticated one. Don't let me know which bastard raised it. I have to take my anger out on him!"


This team of fox demons returned to the territory of the fox clan cursing all the way, but Lin Jichen couldn't laugh or cry. Was the relationship really the chaos caused by the bear appearance?

Isn't this a bit too childish...

After thinking about it, Lin Jichen didn't intend to hide any longer, and walked out from the shadows directly.

Cai Kun was scared out of his wits, and hurried forward to hold Lin Jichen back: "My son-in-law, you are crazy, come back quickly, you will be found out."

Lin Jichen shook his head, and seemed to have noticed something: "We have been discovered long ago."

"How could it be? No one noticed us." Cai Kun looked around.

Lin Jichen smiled and didn't answer. When he arrived here, he realized that something was wrong. His sixth sense told him that he was being watched.

However, Lin Jichen wasn't too surprised. There are also strong people in the fox clan. It is normal for him to be found so close.

But he didn't choose to leave, but walked out generously and came to the entrance of the fox clan.

"Who is it!" The Fox clan guards immediately spotted him and immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

Many members of the fox clan thought that the peacock clan was coming again, so they rushed to support them. It didn't take long for Lin Jichen and Cai Kun to be surrounded.

Cai Kun wants to cry but has no tears, what crime did he do to follow such a crazy...

"It's a human race!"

"How courageous! The human race dares to run into our monster race's territory!"

"The human race killed many of our monster races, we will take revenge!"

"And the murlocs! Kill them!"


The appearance of Lin Jichen and Cai Kun immediately aroused the anger of the crowd, and everyone in the fox clan was full of hostility towards them.

This is a beautiful girl walking out of the group of fox demons. Everyone stepped aside when they saw her.

"The young master is here!"

"Young master, there are people and murlocs coming, let's kill them!"

"The young master only needs to give an order, and I will definitely screw their heads off!"


Hu Qi'er walked to the front of the crowd with doubts, and when she saw Lin Jichen, her eyes quickly turned from shock to anger.

Isn't this person in front of him the despicable human being who enslaves Young Master Xiong!

"You dare to come here, you are courting death!"

After Hu Qi'er said that in a cold voice, she actually did it directly.


two more

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